ATLAS Transformation Language

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ATL is a QVT model tranformation language developed at INRIA. It can be used to do Syntactic or Semantic translation. It is build on top of a model transformation Virtual Machine. An ATL program (T1.atl here) will take model Ma.xmi as input and will produce model Mb.xmi as output. Both models may be expressed in the OMG XMI standard. The model Ma conforms to metamodel MMa.km3. Model Mb conforms to metamodel MMb.km3. The KM3 notation is a simple and neutral metamodel specification language. The ATL program itself (T1.atl here) is also a model, so it conforms to a metamodel (the ATL metamodel) not presented here. An ATL program is composed of a header, of a set of side-free functions called helpers and of a set of rules.
ATL is a QVT model tranformation language developed at INRIA. It can be used to do Syntactic or Semantic translation. It is build on top of a model transformation Virtual Machine. An ATL program (T1.atl here) will take model Ma.xmi as input and will produce model Mb.xmi as output. Both models may be expressed in the OMG XMI standard. The model Ma conforms to metamodel MMa.km3. Model Mb conforms to metamodel MMb.km3. The KM3 notation is a simple and neutral metamodel specification language. The ATL program itself (T1.atl here) is also a model, so it conforms to a metamodel (the ATL metamodel) not presented here. An ATL program is composed of a header, of a set of side-free functions called helpers and of a set of rules.


[edit] Abstract

ATL is a QVT language developed at INRIA. QVT is an Object Management Group standard for performing 'Model Transformations'. There is an associated ATL Development Toolkit available in open source from the GMT Eclipse Modeling Project (EMP). See the documentation at: [1]. A large library of transformations is available from: [2].

[edit] Description

ATL is a Transformation language. ATL is also an open-source Eclipse plugin that implements the MOF Query/View/Transformation language QVT. MOF QVT is a Domain Specific Language for Model Transformation. It supports models conforming to Ecore, EMOF, KM3 (a specific Domain Specific Language for metamodel specification), etc. ATL is also running on MDR/NetBeans.

[edit] Articles

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • Object Management Group: Model-Driven Architecture - Vision, Standards And Emerging Technologies. Webpublished .pdf
  • Object Management Group: MDA Guide Version 1.0.1. Webpublished .pdf
  • Brown, A: An Introduction to Model Driven Architecture. In: The Rational Edge, Feb. 2004 (IBM developerWorks eZine). Webpublished .html (first article in a series of three)
  • Bézivin, J: From Object Composition to Model Transformation with the MDA. In: TOOLS-USA'01. Webpublished .pdf
  • Bohlen, M: QVT and multi metamodel transformation in MDA. Webpublished .pdf (en), (ger)
  • Wagelaar, D: MDE Case Study: Using Model Transformations for UML and DSLs. Webpublished .pdf
  • Czarnecki, K, and Helsen, S : Classification of Model Transformation Approaches. In: Proceedings of the OOPSLA'03 Workshop on the Generative Techniques in the Context Of Model-Driven Architecture. Anaheim (CA, USA). Webpublished .pdf
  • MDA Tools. Website
  • MDA Tools. Webpublished .html

[edit] ATL: Atlas model transformation language

  • Yahoo Groups: ATL discussion list. Website
  • Jouault, F and Kurtev, I :On the Architectural Alignment of ATL and QVT. In: Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 06), Model Transformation Track. Dijon (Bourgogne, FRA), April 2006. Webpublished .pdf
  • Eclipse : GMT/ATL is part of the new Top Level Modeling Project [3]

[edit] UMT: UML model transformation tool

  • Gronmo, R, and Oldevik, J : An Empirical Study of the UML Model Transformation Tool (UMT). In: INTEROP-ESA'05, Feb. 2005. Webpublished .pdf

[edit] Related model-driven development approaches

  • Voelter, M: Model Driven Software Development. Webpublished .pdf
  • Portal site MDA and Model Transformation: site access

[edit] Other references

  • The MDA Manifesto available from the MDA Journal
  • Model Driven Architecture: Applying MDA to Enterprise Computing, David S. Frankel, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-31920-1, book
  • On the Architectural Alignment of ATL and QVT. Frederic Jouault, Ivan Kurtev in: Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 06), Model Transformation Track, Dijon, Bourgogne, France, (April 2006), pdf paper.
  • Using ATL for Checking Models Frederic Jouault, Jean Bezivin, International Workshop on Graph and Model Transformation (GraMoT), Tallinn, Estonia, September 28 , 2005 pdf paper
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