Astrological transit
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Astrological transits
When looking for transits, it very important to consider the house involved (meaning the arena in life which will receive influence), sign (describing the means by which influence will occur, either in a fiery, emotional, mental or practical) and aspects involved (the ones one transiting planet makes to a natal planet position)
Usually one will feel more importantly the transits of planets more important in their horoscope (for example, if one is Pisces rising neptune transits will be more important while for an Aquarius rising uranus transits are more important; for a Sagittarius, jupiter transits are also important and for an Aries mars is important). Transits of moon are usually notorious for everyone, in which during two and a half days a specific arena of life (house) is highlighted. The cyles of new moon to new moon are also very important to note. During new moon, conjunction of moon to sun in a natal house will highlight the issues represented by that house. The cycle will last the entire month and issues will increase until full moon (where outwards expression is highlighted).
Transit of each planet:
A Sun transit only lasts for a week, at the most, as the Sun moves about one degree a day. Sun transits have an effect on health, energy and willpower. You will be more creative and active. You may express yourself more openly according to the natal planet, sign and house being transited.
A Moon transit lasts only for three or four hours at the most. It effects mainly moods and feelings, not always consciously and these emotional changes should be judged according to the planet, sign and house being transited.
A Mercury transit only lasts a day or two. Mercury transits affect the mind and movement. So often, you want to travel, write letters, e-mail, make phone calls and generally communicate with others. A Mercury transit may also stimulate you to make many local errands.
A Venus transit can last for a few days at the most and can indicate enjoyment in your social life and feelings of love. You may want to beautify your home or self, and you may desire more entertainment than usual. You may attract people and things to you so this is the time to find new friends and lovers, or look for a better job or home. Venus can also bring out your pleasant side and you may feel more attractive than usual, and this Venus transit would be a superb time to schedule beauty regimens and appointments. Sometimes the energy plays out by receiving gifts or money.
A Mars transit can last about a week. Mars transits energize the areas of life related to the natal planet being effected. One can be more energetic and be able to work harder than usual. But Mars can also promote tension and anger. So plan to keep busy during a Mars transit so you can have an outlet for this excessive energy. One should also watch their temper during a Mars transit as well as take extra precautions against rushing and accidents.
A Jupiter transit last some months are present opportunity in the are of life involved or planet related issues. Expansion is key. Travelling, knowledge and new experiences are possible. The only word of advise is not to overexpand.
A Saturn transit will slow down the rhythm of life in the house or planet involved showing which lessons of discipline and structure must be learn. Karmic issues are possible. Transit of saturn are slow to acknowledge and to learn. Saturn transits last some months.
A Uranus transit will speed up the rhythm of life in the house or planet involved. Many changes are predicted to occur as well as a desire to individuality, invention, expression and freedom. These are keys to Uranus transits. New relationships are possible. Uranus transits last one year and a half.
A Neptune transit dissolves ideas and emotions in the house or planet in which occurs. Diffusion and idealization tends of occurs and tendence to fall into illusions or dreams. Spiritualization of the arena of life involved occurs. Involvement with alcohol, drugs, artistic practices, theater, spiritual or religious practices are possible at this time. Victimization of saviour roles are possible tendences at this time. The key is to let go but one should be careful not to fall into illusion at this time. Neptune transits last two years.
A Pluto transit will last about two years. Pluto will transform, renew and revolutionize the ideas or emotions in the house or the planet which is aspecting. Deep psychological changes occur, cycles of either symbolic or real death and rebirth, obsessions, fateful encounters, power urges and conflits and sexual issues. Old issues from past come to surface. Pluto exposes. The key is to acknowledge deep inside ourselves the changes to occur or be implemented. Be determined.
Please write here your experiences with transits:
Uranus transiting first house: many changes, radical change of ideas, speed up life, new relationships, interest in astrology, involvement with humanitarian groups, desire towards freedom and expression of ideas.
Uranus transiting fourth house: changes and innovations in home life, unusual living situations, erratic moves, unorthodox domestic set-ups, unpredictable neighbors, a general feeling of unpredictability in the home and its surroundings and key players--a home life "wild card."