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Asterionella formosa
Asterionella formosa
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked) Chromista
Phylum: Heterokontophyta
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Order: Pennales
Suborder: Araphidineae
Family: Fragilariaceae
Genus: Asterionella
Hassall (1850)

A. bleakeleyi
A. formosa
A. gracillima
A. glacialis
A. japonica
A. kariana

Asterionella is a genera of freshwater diatoms found worldwide.

The cells are joined at the apex by mucilage pads to form stellate or spiral colonies. Some populations are particularly susceptible to chytrid infestations.

[edit] References

Ngā Tipu o Aotearoa

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