Asociación Nacional de Muchachas Guías de Honduras

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Emblem of the association
Emblem of the association

The Asociación Nacional de Muchachas Guías de Honduras (ANMGH; National Girl Guide Association of Honduras) is the national Guiding organization of Honduras. It serves 2,482 members (as of 2003). Founded in 1953, the coeducational organization became a a associate member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1981 and a full member in 2002.


[edit] Program

The association is divided in three sections according to age:

  • Abeja (Bee) - ages 7 to 10
  • Guia Intermedia (Intermediate Guide) - ages 11 to 14
  • Guia Mayor (Senior Guide) - ages 15 to 18

[edit] Guide Promise

I promise on my honour, to do my best:
To do my duty to God and my country,
To help other people at all times, and
To obey the Guide Law.

[edit] Guide Law

  1. A Guide is a person whose honour is trusted.
  2. A Guide is loyal.
  3. A Guide‘s duty is to be useful and to help others.
  4. A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to all Guides.
  5. A Guide is courteous.
  6. A Guide sees in nature the work of God; she protects animals and plants.
  7. A Guide obeys orders.
  8. A Guide faces difficulties with fortitude and optimism.
  9. A Guide is thrifty.
  10. A Guide is pure in thoughts, work and deed.

[edit] See also

Members of the Western Hemisphere Region of WAGGGS

Full members: Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Bahamas | Barbados | Belize | Bolivia | Brazil | Canada | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | El Salvador | Guatemala | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Jamaica | Mexico | Netherlands Antilles | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Saint Lucia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Trinidad and Tobago | United States of America | Venezuela
Associate members: Aruba | Dominica | Grenada | Nicaragua | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Suriname | Uruguay