Talk:Asian Cultural Council

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[edit] October

Dear groupmates,

how are we going to start doing this page? I have browsed through a few webpages and am wondering how we should allocate our work. 0101ian06 04:40, 23 October 2006 (UTC)


I have just added some more information, but I have realized that there isn't much information on the ACC (especially from its website). Right now, I think we should all just input all the data we can gather under the different headings. I will email the ACC to see if they have any additional information and whether we can use any of their pictures. 0101kikz06 16:24, 23 October 2006 (UTC)

hi. sounds like a good idea. we can gather up most of the info we can find. Ill have some info by tomorrow. Im trying to contact anyone who has contacts with the ACC. hopefully ill find someone we can get first hand information from. 0101jaygon06 13:49, 23 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi all, I have also sent an email to the council to ask for some more information. I will do the sorting and put the information up as soon as I get them. But I have a question. Can all the programs mentioned in the Programs page of the official website be named as ACC's grant programs? Or is ACC's grant program is an individual program? 0101ian06 19:04, 23 October 2006 (UTC)


Yes i think that we can put the programs under ACC grant programs. They should be under the grant programs. :) 0101kikz06 03:17, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi group

Why dont we divide the programs bit amongst ourselves, so that each of us will have something to write about (since there isn't much information available?) there are 12 programs, and there are 6 of us, so lets say we each do 2?? how does that sound? reply quick! 0101kikz06 03:20, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

Hello I think it's a good idea to divide the programs among us. But I'm wondering if there is similar amount of information that we can write about for each program? I mean, will the council put most focus on some of the grant programs? Then it would be unfair to the groupmates being assigned the programs which there is only a little to write about. 0101ian06 04:32, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi, I dont think it would matter about the quantity of information we put it as long as we edit the page... doesnt matter if it's editing, writing a sentence, adding a picture, etc. We really need some pics to spice up this page!!! but the ACC hasnt replied to my email yet! how about you guys? 0101kikz06 11:16, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi again, I think we should write a few points under each program so that our page doesnt look so empty! I will take the first two programs... ian you can do the third and fourth.. and jay do the fifth (which u've already done) and sixth.. Momo do the seventh and eighth and the rest of our grpmates do the others..!! Another thing... i started this infobox on the right side of the page.. but it looks kinda odd.. what other information can we put in?? cuz i did try to put the name of the chairman n vice-chairman.. but for some reason, it didnt show up!!! 0101kikz06 11:43, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

Hello. I am Bessie, the 'other group mate'. May I please do the last 2 prgrams then? The Taiwan Fellowship and Starr Foundation. I agree that we need some pictures to make our page look less full... it is very informative.. but too dull! Bessie 24 Oct 06

Hi all, kikz, I also still do not receive the email reply from the council. I agree that we need to put some pictures on the page. Therefore I also asked in the email whether there's an official logo for the council since I cannot find one in the official website. Regarding the "program", I'll do the third an fourth. I have added some more information under the subheading AIMS to clarify what kind of grants the council will consider according to their aim. 18:02, 24 October 2006 (UTC) Sorry this is me. I didn't know I was automatically logged out by the website. 0101ian06 18:04, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi all it's me again. I have a question. I spent a long time working on the later part of AIMS and I didn't know when I uploaded the passage I had already been kicked out by the site. And now appearing in the history page that piece editing and the other one in the annual donors were done by my IP address instead of my login id. Should I just leave it this way or should I change anything?? Coz it seems that I can do nothing about it. Once the information was added using the IP address i cannot add my id back......... 0101ian06 18:20, 24 October 2006 (UTC)

Okiez Bessie u do the last 2.. but we still need someone to do the Mekong Region Fellowship Program & Philippines Fellowship Program.. whoz our last member?? or do we only have 5?? wow ian why does it log u out like that!! i think u shud let hannah know abt that first thing. orrr can u like copy paste all the info onto word and then delete everything on the page (under the IP address) and then try it again when ur logged on?? like copy paste it back?? but then hannah will still see the IP address in history etc... so i guess itz just best u let her know wat happened :P

n i still havent gotten a reply by the ACC... i am afraid they wun respond.. :( but letz just wait n see.. worst thing is that we wun have any picz to spice our page up! 0101kikz06 02:43, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

Thanks kikz I will send Hannah an email to tell her about this. I don't know whether my account has some problems... the information I added in the article last night was uploaded when I was kicked out. but I do have signed my name in the discussion everytime I post a message here. But what I see in "My talk" is only the very first message on the very first day of our project... help...... By the way I'm also suspecting that they won't reply our email!! 0101ian06 05:32, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

hi ian.. i dont get what u mean by "what I see in "My talk" is only the very first message on the very first day of our project"?? 0101kikz06 07:51, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

When you have logged in, you'll see on the top right hand corner of your browser your id, my talk, my preferences, my watchlist, etc. When you click "my talk", what do you see inside? 0101ian06 10:06, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

it tells me

No messages have been posted for this user yet. Post a message to 0101kikz06

= therez nth there! 0101kikz06 10:09, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

hey guys. umm i see that a number of information has already been added. what concerns me is the fact that this page might look almost rather similar to the ACC's. any suggestions on how to change that similarization?

the division between programs sounds good to me. 0101jaygon06 14:19, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

hey... the thing is we've only got the info on the ACC's website to put into our page... they arent replying to any of our emails... so we cant add anything else... dont know how to change it though...!! by the way, did anyone see the note at the bottom of our page about categorizing our article under a section?? i am not sure how to do this, but i think we should put it under Non-governmental organizations. We can also just write catneeded at the bottom of the page and other wikipedians can help us categorize the article!! what do you think??

Another problem: under the Endowment Donors section, there are a few external links, such as the The Starr Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, that are unable to like to their webpages outside of Wikipedia. Does anyone know how to link them to their webpages, I've tried various methods, but they dont work!!! Also, under the Fund Placements & Donors in Asia: Hong Kong section, there is an extra space after the Lee Hysan Foundation, does anyone know how to remove that space?? There's one also in the Fund Placements & Donors in Asia:Japan section, where there's a space in [The Japan Foundation ].

0101kikz06 01:53, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

kikz, I have fixed all the external links under the sections endowment donors, annual donors, Hong Kong, Japan and Taipei. You can try them out. Some of them were in blue colour before but when you click them they cannot direct you to that link. They are also fixed now. But I cannot find a website for Lee Hysan Foundation so I just link the name "Lee Hysan" to an internal link.

By the way, I also have no idea about the space after the link. I used the same method to make all those external links. But some of them bear a sapce after instead of bearing that logo (other external links have a logo following). Luckily, those with a space following still works.

The third thing is, I think it's ok to categorize the page under NGO. 0101ian06 03:55, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi there, I was the one who created the endowment articles and donors in asia. i would like to know what the problem is with the article, because I thought linking the foundations to another related wikipedia page was more helpful than their original webpage (since there would be a link from the wikipedia page to the company website anyway). Furthermore, I found that the article has some editing.. which i think made the article less smooth and also some grammatical mistakes.. i will correct that. Bessie

Hi again, also I want to clarify a point as I don't understand just by reading the page, the Bolded subheading reading "Unrestricted Grant Funds" and "Restricted Grant Funds", does this mean that only ACC fellowships and projects have access to unrestricted support whereas others are all subject to restricted funds? 0101bessie06 07:17, 26 October 06

hi guys, thx ian for making the links work again :) bessie, you wrote the links in before and they linked to the organizations websites outside wikipedia, like the The Starr Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. did you want them linked internally to wikipedia articles?? i think it is gud if u link them to articles within wikipedia if they have such pages, otherwise link them to their websites outside. also, restricted grant funds are those funds that have been set to be used for the programs listed in that section, and thus the other funds the ACC recieves that have not been set are used for the ACC's fellowhips and projects. does that answer ur question bessie?? oh yea one more thing.. are there any other categories we can put this article under?

Another thing i gotta add.. i just found this website mentioning some of the programs. [1].. do u guyz think we should add the focus pts under the mentioned programs?? cause the focuses are quite detailed. 0101kikz06 12:52, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

hey kiki. yea. i found a number of websites that have details on the programs as well, most of them from ucla and other university websites. i think that should be a good idea. more information tomorrow. looks like the page is coming to life =) 0101jaygon06 14:28, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

Yup got it. Coolies. yup the page is finally coming to life haha. um.. but I was just wondering if it would be better that we add the definitions of 'grant funds' and 'unrestricted' underneth the subheading just in case there are people as slow as me :p. Also, I think it would be a great idea to add the details underneth the specific program rather than reating a new topic, that will make our page more cohesive. I am guna add information in the last 2 programs tomr.. or asap.. cuz i have been essaying these past days.. sorry. BUtttttt.. we still need pics.. perhaps we can make 'news' a topic instead of just giving a link. Thanks for working hard everyone :D

0101bessie06 11:07, 26 October 2006 (UTC)0101bessie06 15:11, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

Evening people, it's Bessie again, I just added a whole lot of pictures of our page and I think it looks awsome. and I since the only pictures I got from the ACC website were black and white.. i thought some colours from the flags would be a good idea, *it makes our page more interactive and fun* i guess haha. 0101bessie06 18:49, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi guys, Today (thursday) I went to the ACC office and took some photos of the office. I've uploaded them onto the page already. I also got some newsletters and leaflets. As soon as I have done the sorting and made sense of the stuff I will upload more information onto the article. The information would be mostly about ACC HK.

Bessie, I fixed the links because I saw many of them were not linking to anywhere. Some were internal links but when I clicked on them I was linked to a page with "Bad Link" written on it. That's why I fix them and change some to external links. I agree with you that lilnking to an internal link in wikipedia (if there is such a page in wiki about that organization or foundation) is better than to use an external link. So if there exists some valid links in wiki about any of the foundations on which we have put a link, we can change it to an internal link.

Are you guys talking about more detailed information about the programs from websites of some universities? I have also thought of this when I did the two programs I am responsible for. But what I see in the website of some universities is the same passage with that I see in ACC's official website. I don't know if for other programs we can get more detailed information from other webpages.

Besides, honestly, I think it's not a very good idea to put the black n white photos from ACC Website and the big national flags to our page. The reason is that they are not really significant and do not contribute a lot since they are not very related to the information we give in our page. I understand the need of putting some pics. I will try to put some more pics from what I got from ACC Office today.

Happy to see that our page is getting more and more substantial now. Thanks everyone! ^_^ 0101ian06 19:42, 26 October 2006 (UTC)

hiya all.. WOW the pics reallie make it look better.. although i think we gotta organize them a bit more! :) why dont u think we should put the black n white pics up ian?? i think they look great!! n the pics u took were nice too, but i think we shouldnt put all of them beneath the contact section, they just look too crowded there, maybe just put up a pic or two?? as for the black n white pics.. do we have permission to put them on the website??? cuz i havent gotten any reply from the ACC regarding the pics! also, there are two more programs which i believe our sixth grp member is supposed to finish by tmr, though i dun think there is a sixth one now... what do u guyz think?? i guess i'll do one of the programs then since i am running out of things to do! as for the definitions under the restricted n unrestricted grants... they look gud.. thx bessie :) oh yea.. can someone write the chinese name of the Council in the very first paragraph.. cause i dont know chinese :P thx so i guess our page just needs a bit of rearranging of the pics and a bit more info! gud job u guyz! :) hope we get gud grades for this assign.. as we all worked so hard on it! :) 0101kikz06 05:10, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Hello everyone, ian, I don't understand why you said that the black and white pics are not relevant, since the specific pictures I put under the speific programs and headings are related to the program *if you look closely*, secondly, I do not think the flags are again entirely not related to the page, and it's just a reference and making it more clear the locations of the allocated awards and programs, because that area is very dry. and if I were the reader I would not pay any attention to that space unless there is something clearer to take my attention.. no harm at all i don't think. Furthermore, I appreciate the effort of you going to the ACC office and taking pics. However.. I found quite a lot of the same pictures showing the door.. and the space underneth the contacts is also very crowded as kiki said.. so i think it would be a good idea to restructure it. thankyou very much. 0101bessie06 05:33, 27 October 2006 (UTC) Finally, I haven't done my last 2 programs yet, and maybe there isn't a 6th group member so I can help kikz do the remianing one program. again. thanks for all the hard work Bessie

Also i called the ACC about the pictures, and they were alright, so no worries. 0101bessie06 05:56, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

ahhhh i thot this thing was due this friday (meaning today!) but itz not... itz next friday... stupid meee... alrite loads of time for us to work on this page! letz work hard n make it look goood! 0101kikz06 06:53, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Heyaz guys, I spent a lot of time formatting the space so that the paragraphs fit in with the picture and that the collumns are seperated as they are so well as headings. When you edit, just becareful with the space, because I didn't purposely leave whole chuncks of space in the editing page for no reason :p haha, the whole chunks of space are mainly because some pictures are quite big and the next parts need to be seperated from the spaces the big pictures create. okay.. i am not really doing any good explaining here.. its hard to describe 'virtually' XD :D. anyway, i moved one of the pictures i personally love haha the closeup door sign on the contacts area because I thot it fitted with the whole scenario and looks more professional. I hope you like it. 0101bessie06 10:49, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi everyone Thanks Bessie! I don't know what to do with the space... is it the same with what you are talking about? For example, now that I added a section about a current ACC exhibition in Hong Kong, the "external links" appears on the right. It seems very strange and I don't know how to make it start in a new line. Do you guys know? And I have deleted repeating images of the office. I think it would look better now. 0101ian06 15:13, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Hey I got it now! hahaha..... ( I mean for the external links) 0101ian06 15:37, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

hi ian.. can we have captions for the other pics as well .. for the pics you took?? that will look better i think.. what do u think? alrite m off to bed.. work on it tmr :P gud nite guyz! 0101kikz06 15:41, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Yes of course! just as you like. ^_^ 0101ian06 16:09, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Hey guys, yes that is the "space" i have been on about.. trust me.. it is so annoying haha. like for every new thing you put in you need to reformat the space again. i have formatted everything and I think our page looks awsome. I have typed up myself from my understanding of the ACC the first 3 big paragraphs at teh preview section giving an overall pictures of the ACC and pretty much summarizing the below content, I think it is quite helpful for readers. Furthermore, I put the exhibition as part of the 'news' section because it is quite relevant and great job ian for all the research done! But yea, captions for the pictures would be even better. 0101bessie06 17:38, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

One mroe question before I go to bed, I was wondering if it would be better that the ACC headquarter pictures were smaller like px260 or px310 because the readers would find it easier to skim... also it wouldnt look like we are trying to use pictures to make our page seem longer :p. 0101bessie06 17:43, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

Hey kiki, The reason why I didn't split up the 3 chunks of intro under overview was because I wanted the intro to come before the contents that it would be a preview, or it's it'll be part of the book rather than the summary of the book. oOo hey, I also want to ask if you went to delia school before.. i think i sat next to you once in jmsc lecture haha.0101bessie06 02:25, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

GREAT PAGE GUYS! Keep it up! Amazing groupwork! thanks kikz for the support but haha. still no response. i've given up. there's nothing i can do to make them talk. 0101vivian06 02:58, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

lol.. yes bessie itz meeee KIKI!!! i kinda thought u were the Bessie i sat wid too.. lol.. but wasnt sure sure.. and hey jay.. ur jay frm dsc too right?? :P hehehehee

vivz... yea as i keep tellin u.. leave it.. ur grpmates dun wanna reply itz their loss.. u do ur best!!! :) 0101kikz06 12:04, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

Dear all, Thanks Bessie for resizing the pictures. I used a quite big size just because I want the pics to occupy the row so that the next subtitle would not appear at the very right hand side of that row, hahahhaaa... coz I was discouraged by the spacing problem... they look nice now!

And I have been struggling about where to place the stuff. Before I put the exhibition and the pics of ACC office in HK under the subheading "ACCHK" because I think they are only related to ACCHK but not ACC in other places. Also it was because I intended to put information of the individuals who have been awarded the grants by ACCHK this year and it would be more appropriate to be placed under the section "ACCHK" very obviously. In other words, the intention of me was to put the information I got from the council office all under the section ACCHK. So what do you guys think? Or just like now that the pics are put in the section "gallery"? 0101ian06 19:57, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

i got ppl replying at last!! 0101vivian06 01:27, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

hi guyz.. i was just wondering... the exhibition info under the news section... we gotta keep on updating it everytime, since new exhibitions will be showing... do u think it's a good idea to have it there?? i know it looks nice n makes the page look gud.. but itz gonna be outdated once we stop working on the page unless someone keeps updating it every now and then! what do u guyz think?? 0101kikz06 10:19, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Hihi, I have considered this before, coz originally I wanted to name the section "current exhibition", haha... and then I thought after 31/10 it will not be current already so I changed to "recent exhibition". So what else can we name the section? Just "exhibitions organized by ACCHK"? If we call it "recent", then a few months later we got to change it. 0101ian06 12:14, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

and one more question, do we use the same caption of all the pictures of ACCHK office? 0101ian06 12:17, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

yeap. jay from dsc. thats me. sorry i havent contributed much the past few days. i was with family the past few days. sort of a family emergency. umm, ill try to see if theres some editing i could do. so far it looks great! 0101jaygon06 13:33, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

GUYS. RATHER IMPORTANT. DO YOU THINK WE COULD LIST A NUMBER OF SCHOOLS WHO ACTUALLY USE THIS PROGRAM?? say, UCLA for example does exchange programs through the ACC with De Lasalle University in the Philippines? given that this page is an information page, we might as well show which schools have the ACC programs? at least list a few for each program or country. get back at me asap. 0101jaygon06 13:41, 29 October 2006 (UTC)

Hey Guys, I think thats a great idea to list the schools. and I will keep the news section packed from today until the deadline and until we get marked and maybe we can name it "past events" or sumthing XD. quite a cheat really haha. anyway, i think its also a great idea ian to name the people who got the grants or awards before :D keep it up guys a few more days to go!

hiya guyz! yeap letz have the heading as past events. n itz gud to list the names of the schoools as well and the ppl who got the grants/awards! as for the captions of the pics... i think it would be better to have different ones for each, but what to write then?? the office at ACCHK? the door of... sounds weird! or shud we just delete the captions?? and i hope everything is alrite at home jay!! 0101kikz06 12:14, 30 October 2006 (UTC)

Hi everyone, I think it's a very good idea to include a list of the schools!! And for the captions, it appears to me that it's really hard to think of some meaningful captions for the pics of the office. So maybe we just add a subheading with something like "ACCHK Office" and forget about the captions? 0101ian06 15:29, 30 October 2006 (UTC)

hi ian. do u mean we shud write "ACCHK Office" for all the pics?? 0101kikz06 00:58, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

hi kikz, I mean we give up the captions and write something like " ACCHK office" for one time, as the subtitle for the "gallery" section. 0101ian06 04:12, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Dear groupmates, I have just attended the tutorial this morning. Hannah mentioned the neccesity for us to be selective in deciding what content from the official website to be put in our page. She reminded us to focus on quality instead of quantity and emphasized that we should not just replicate the official website. Do you guys think that all the information we have now in our page is necessary? Or is it okay at the moment? I'm thinking about this matter because what Hannah said in the tutorial made me aware of this. What do you guys think? 0101ian06 04:19, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Dear Guys, Yea the question was raised in my tutorial this morning too. I think the information on our page (and she actually used ours as an example) is okay, its inforamtive and not repetitive. However, do becareful of repeutions and try to simplify things as much as possible. It depends on facts and figures and if its informative rather than just considering the length. Anyway, I thot i was responsible for the Starr Foundation and the Taiwan Fellowship.. and someone added info on.. there are not enough programs already between us :P, i hope its okay for me to erase that paragraph for I have yesturday drafted and polished a more detailed version of the article on my PC. 0101bessie06 11:47, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Hiya guys.. ok okiez i know wat u mean ian.. and i think that sounds fine.. better than writing the same caption for every pic! well i think our article is fine for now.. itz not too much.. as compared with some of the others... they have paragraph after paragraph of info and it just gets too boring.. i think our headings really help divide the paragraphs and helps the reader look for wat they want n are interested in reading. i think for now we shud leave it as it is.. but the one thing i think we shud be careful of is the news section or the events section... as we wun be updating them regularly.. unless someone is up for the job??? as for your parts bessie.. i dunno whoz done it.. but yea we did say those were ur parts n u shud do it.. so i guess itz okay for u to put ur info there... whoever did bessie's part.. sorry abt it.. but we've discussed it at the very beginning on whoz doing what.. plz read all our discussions!! :) 0101kikz06 13:42, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

OMGOMG GUYZ!!! Someone's deleted some of our pics!! the ones that weren't properly cited!!! we need those pics to make our page look attractive!! bessie is it possible to put those pics back in with proper references frm where u got them frm??? like how u did wid da other pics that are still there.... thx! 0101kikz06 13:45, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Yep, i am working on them now , no worries :D.. ooo Hannah did say that she was impressed by our discussion page :D happy group work :D 0101bessie06 14:43, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Dear groupmates,I really need your opinions!!! I'm now working on the fellowship awards of ACCHK and the winners this year. But there are altogether 15 awards and a total of 22 artists getting them! What I've got in my hands now are their names, a brief introduction about them and how will they spend the money. I found that even if I just give an artist's name, one or two sentence about him/her and mention how they will spend the money, it is already very very long for 22 artists! But I think giving the name and how the money is going to be spent are quite important! But this will make our page toooooo long I'm afraid... what can I do? Just give the name of the award and the artist's name? Or not mentioning all the 15 awards?? Please give me your opinions coz I'm very cofused now. Only for typing the English and Chinese names of the awards I've spent a lot of time! I'm afraid the effort will not worth it if others think we are just giving any information we've got! 0101ian06 15:21, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

hey ian! great job, i think this information is worthy and should be posted up on our site. wht about create a grid like format: for each award

Award Name:

Name of Applicant Really brief intro How they will spend money

                        (most important info)

um try to summarise a lot of things depending on their relative importance, my msn is if u need any help 0101bessie06 15:54, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Also, I want to ask if for some of the programs like HK arts, more information about the program can be added.. not neccessarily about what the program does but the history of the program, the schools that use the program, etc etc. 0101bessie06 17:05, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

Thanks Bessie. But are we supposed to discuss only here? I've upload the information about the fellowship awards 2006 and the winners. and again, before I finished I don't know why I was kicked out by wiki again... making several paragraphs only showing the IP instead of my login ID now...... I'm sooooo frustrated by wikipedia...... And I'm also very confused about uploading photos... I uploaded a new photo but it cannot be shown!! I want to know the reasons! I just feel like I can never manage to really get used to wiki...... 0101ian06 18:44, 31 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] November

Hiya guyz!! well today Jay and I had our tutorial and we got more info... first thing.. we CANT let our page be the exact copy of the Council's webpage.. and actually i think that's exactly what we have done.. so yea putting in info about the winners of the awards and how they spend the money is reallie important (as we cant find that on the website). We need to give info that cant be found on the website!! also i think we can use the news section to help us figure out how the ACC uses itz funds and who wins and what they get out of gettin the awards. also, if there are any numbers abt how many ppl apply for the grants etc, we shud include that as well! that will show other ppl how popular/imp. this council is. also, make sure we dun use the website's language. Like if they say they are "dedicated, compassionate, etc... " that is not what we want!! ok right now the page has a few probs.. there are pics in the wrong places and the spacings have all gone BLAH... also i think the part ian did shud be put in another section... and it looks too crowded.. how shud we make it look more attractive?? i'll try organizing the pics now... 0101kikz06 10:38, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

hiya again.. just wanna ask... can we remove the section on recent exhibitions?? cuz itz no pt if we dun update it regularly. also wud like to know whether someone is gonna add in more universities under the Asian Art and Religion Fellowship Program.. cuz right now there is only one.. so it's not appropriate to say Universities (pl.)... plz change grammar if therez only one university. also abt the pic, i am not familiar wid putting in pics as well.. but i am sure bessie can help u as she was the one who put the other pics as well :) 0101kikz06 11:23, 1 November 2006 (UTC)


Hi HKU students - if you want this page to be accepted in Wikipedia and prevent deletion you need to ensure several things: -It should not read like an advertisement. It has to be written from a neutral point of view. -It should not read like a brochure. Don't put all the contact info, phone numbers, details into the article when you could easily link to the web site and the more up-to-date info is there. -It should not be a "dump" of the web site. Do not simply copy all the details into the encyclopedia page. The value of an encyclopedia is brevity and being concise. Put in your own words what is interesting and notable. Do not simply "shovel" content onto the page. You will likely have to delete a lot of stuff you have here already. -It should assert notability. Why is this organization notable, and why should it deserve a place in Wikipedia when there are other nonprofits/NGOs that don't have one. Is it the best, first, most outstanding in some way? Make sure that is plainly obvious in the first paragraph of the article. It should be like other articles. See how other articles in Wikipedia are written about organizations that are similar - Red Cross, Amnesty International, etc. -One of the challenging things of your assignment is to keep your writing neutral, and put the most interesting, relevant and notable things at the TOP of the article, and also not to exhaustively list everything you know. Be selective and put in only what is important. -- Fuzheado | Talk 16:32, 30 October 2006 (UTC)

Just got this off The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong discussion page!! i think we shud delete the contact info then.. cuz they can just look it up in the Council's website.. what do u guyz think? 0101kikz06 11:37, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi there, yes I worry about what Hannah said because I see that the information we have in our page is more or less the same with those in the official site. And we use the images from the site.

Regarding the exhibition part, it's okay if you guys think we should not have it. I just put it there to try to provide some more information other than those from the council website.

For the section of the winners of the prizes, at where do you think we should place? Yesterday I placed the section under ACCHK since I thought they are only the fellowship awards from ACCHK but not other branches of ACC. Do you agree? I'm not quite sure about this. If every branch has different awards to give or different people to grant then I think we should put the ones we have now under the branch Hong Kong.

And what can we do if it's too crowded? The font size used is the same with those in other sections. Maybe insert some more blank lines in between?

I still don't know what to do with the image. I uploaded it again. I followed the instructions to upload the image. I chose a license. I gave a discription and the source in the summary. I copied the tags to put the picture onto our page. And I just can't make it. I duuno what to do!!

And lastly having read the suggestions from Fuzheado I think it's a good idea to have the contacts removed. 0101ian06 12:33, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Yes, please do not include contact information in an article. WP:ISNOT the yellowpages. Thanks. --Geniac 16:32, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

Dear all, I am really sorry but again someone has covered Taiwan Fellowships Program which again from previous dialogues in the discussion I was responsible for.. so i have replaced the article with the article I covered with research information. Also, yea since our page is getting a bit tooo informative it might be a good idea to take the contacts out.. but leave the website. And also, I think more can be written about the HK arts program and some other programs that only have five lines about the project. :D last two days guys, keep it up! 0101bessie06 17:05, 1 November 2006 (UTC)

hi guyz i deleted the exhibition page, i hope it's okay. i wud've left it if one of us was gonna keep updating it.. but i guess none of us will! as for the pic, ian, i think if u still cant upload it by tmr... just delete it. but i really cant help as i cant even access the pic! sorry! 0101kikz06 08:07, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Dear all, I am sorry that I started my work so late. I am really sorry. I tried to find some new information, but it seems impossible. So till the deadline of the project, I will try my very best to summarize the article, but of course, I won't delete your hard work!!!0101kristi06 16:13, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

For the mission statement part, I wanna delete this: "The Asian Cultural Council clearly indicates the council's purpose, aim, and objective in a wider picture hoping to create a common ground in form of art to join together nations from around the world:" I think it's good enough to state the quotation only. Is it okay?0101kristi06 16:33, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi all, in response to Hannah's email saying that we have to delete stuff and make the article more concise, I've done some editing on some grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes, and deleted some lines which I personally think is not important to mention in our page or clumsy. I hope you guys don't mind. And let's continue do some more deleting if some information is repetitive, clumsy or unnecessary, in less than 24 hours. Add oil everyone!! Hi and welcome, kristi. I think it's ok to delete that sentence. 0101ian06 17:30, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

I have done proof-reading on some parts. I deleted some sentences. Since I'm afraid they are actually useful, I have saved them up. So if u find that something mustn't be missed, please let me know, i will add them back. ^^ I made the word "program" consistently appear in the article, so no more "programme" please.^^ For the fund placement and donors in Asia part, could someboby please work on the format. "Japan" apeears in the middle, and the Phillippines part also appears untidily. Thx! ADd oil!0101kristi06 18:21, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

hiya guyz.. and welcome krisit!! yea i know the page looks a mess sometimes.. wid the pics in the wrong places.. but actually it looks fine on some computers and bad on others... wid my home pc it looks bad.. but wid my laptop it looks fine!! i dunno wat to do!! i keep trynna fix the page but it appears diff on diff computers... :( what to do?! 0101kikz06 02:11, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

The formatting looks fine on my computer. Please as I said in my email select what is most interesting, summarise and condense the existign information. 0101hannah06 05:31, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

hi everyone... i just deleted this sentence on the uni that takes part in the philippine program cuz like i am sure there are loads more, but since hannah is saying to shorten n condense the info we have now.. i cant add. so jay.. i just deleted it. sorry.. plus it the pic looks better widout that sentence.. cuz it somehow distorted that section as well !! 0101kikz06 14:45, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

Hi everyone, I have spaced out the pictures.. and I am so sorry kristi that you started working so late, however, some programs like mekong program and hk arts program couldve had more inputs as I have mentioned earlier on the discussion page. hehe but overall the cutting down was good makes our page more concise, again quality not quantity is the main focus. Good job everyone 0101bessie06 15:24, 3 November 2006 (UTC)