
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Birds

[edit] Laggar Falcon (Falco jugger)

  • AB011 Laggar Falcon.JPG
  • AB012 Laggar Falcon.JPG
  • AB013 Laggar Falcon.JPG

[edit] White-browed Fantail (Rhipidura aureola)

  • AB014 Whitebrowed Fantail Flycatcher.jpg
  • AB015 Whitebrowed Fantail Flycatcher.jpg

[edit] White-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis)

  • AB013 White eared Bulbul.jpg

[edit] Butterflies

[edit] Dark Grass Blue (Zizeeria lysimon)

  • AB012 Dark Grass Blue.jpg

[edit] Whiteline Bushbrown (Mycalesis malsara)

  • AB036_whiteline_ Bushbrown_UP.JPG
  • AB037_whiteline_ Bushbrown_UN.JPG

[edit] Lizards

[edit] Spiny-tailed Lizard (Uromastyx hardwickii)

  • AB014 Juvenile Uromastyx.JPG
  • AB015 Dead Uromastyx.JPG
  • AB016 Uromastyx tail below tawny eagle perch.JPG
  • AB017 Pellet of Tawny Eagle.JPG

[edit] Mammals

[edit] Hedgehog

  • AB001 Hedgehog from Rajasthan.jpg
  • AB002 Hedgehog from Rajasthan.jpg
  • AB003 Hedgehog from Rajasthan.jpg

[edit] Indian Desert Jird (Merionis hurrianae)

  • AB004 Merionis hurrianae.jpg
  • AB005 Merionis hurrianae.jpg

[edit] Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus)

  • AB008 Boselaphus tragocamelus.jpg

[edit] Other Invertebrates

[edit] Camel Spiders

  • AB009 Camel Spider.jpg
  • AB010 Camel Spider.jpg

[edit] Dragonflies

  • AB038_Fulvous_Forest_Skimmer.JPG
  • AB046_Ground Skimmer female (Diplacodes trivialis).jpg