Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
Religious origins: Hinduism
Regional origins: Mysore, India
Founding Guru: Sri Krishnamacharya, Satguru of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
Mainstream popularity: Growing from the late 20th century
Practice emphases: Vinyasa - coordinating of breathe and movement, very physically active, ujjayi breath
Derivative forms:
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Iyengar Yoga

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Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is the style of yoga taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India, and originally established by Sri Krishnamacharya at the Mysore Palace. The asana sequences in Ashtanga Yoga' are largely based on Krishnamacharya's book Yoga Makaranda. It is an energetic, aerobic style and was originally intended for teenage boys, but is now practiced by students of all ages.

The term ashtanga, meaning eight limbs, refers to the eight limbs of yoga. In Raja Yoga, a classical Indian system of Hindu philosophy, these were expounded by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.

Ashtanga seeks to embody the traditional eight limbs of yoga (referred to as ashtanga or Raja Yoga) as expounded by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras. Ashtanga Yoga is said to have its origin in the ancient text Yoga Korunta by Vamana Rishi, which Krishnamacharya received from his Guru Rama Mohan Brahmachari at Mount Kailash, and later passed on to Pattabhi Jois. Having taught many of the major yoga teachers of the 20th century, such as B.K.S. Iyengar and Indra Devi, Krishnamacharya has a huge influence on many of the modern forms of yoga taught today and played a crucial part in their development. Today, Ashtanga remains the most faithful to his original teachings. Krishnamacharya was well-known for tailoring his teachings to address specific concerns of the person or group he was teaching, and Ashtanga Vinyasa is a result of this. When working under the convalescing Maharaja of Mysore, Krishnamacharya set up a shala, or yoga school, in the palace grounds and adapted Ashtanga practice for the young boys of about twelve years of age who lived there. Ashtanga, therefore, is a very physically demanding practice targeted at focusing the mind and body.

The asana or practice (Hatha) aspects of this style of yoga is practiced and popularized by Madonna and Sting.


[edit] Method

The main difference of this style of Yoga to other styles is the focus on vinyasa, literally the intelligent putting together of things but taken in this style of asana practice as a variant of suryanamaskara practised between asana. The student moves into and out of each asana in a well-defined set of movements, called Suryanamaskara or Sun-Salutation, which are combined with specific breathing patterns (ujjayi breathing). The purpose of vinyasa is to create heat in the body, which leads to purification of the body through increased circulation and sweating. It also improves flexibility, which allows the student to practice advanced asanas with reduced risk of injury.

Other components of Ashtanga Yoga include bandhas (internal locks) and drishti (gaze).

There are six series altogether. Practice begins with a set number of Sun-Salutations and standing poses, then the student moves to either the Primary, Intermediate, Advanced A, B, C, or D, depending on his or her skill level, and closes the practice with a group of finishing poses. Ashtanga Yoga is traditionally taught in Mysore style (supervised self practice). Each student moves through the practice at his or her own pace and level.

[edit] Bandhas

There are three bandhas, or internal body locks, prescribed in the different postures. The banda is a sustained contraction of a group of muscles that assists the practitioner not only in retaining a pose but also in moving in and out of it. The mula bandha, or root lock, is performed by tightening the muscles around the pelvic and perineum area. The udiyana bandha, often described as bringing the navel to the base of the spine, is a contraction of the muscles of the lower abdominal area. Jalandhara bandha, throat lock, is achieved by lowering the chin slightly while raising the sternum and the palate bringing the gaze to the tip of the nose.

[edit] Drishtis

There are nine drishtis that instruct the yoga student in directing his or her gaze. Each pose is associated with a particular drishti. They are:

  • Angusta ma dyai: to the thumb
  • Broomadhya: to the third eye, or between the eyebrows
  • Nasagrai: at a point six inches from the tip of the nose
  • Hastagrai: to the palm, usually the extended hand
  • Parsva: to the left side
  • Parsva: to the right side
  • Urdhva: to the sky, or inwards
  • Nabichakra: to the navel
  • Padayoragrai: to the toes

[edit] Mantras

The Ashtanga practice is traditionally started with the following Sanskrit mantra:

vande gurunam charanaravinde sandarshita svatma sukhava bodhe
nih shreyase jangalikayamane samsara halahala mohasantyai
abahu purusharakam sankhachakrasi dharinam
sahasra shirsam svetam pranamami patanjalim

and closes with the mangala mantra:

svasti prajabyah paripalayantam nyayena margena mahim mahishah
gobrahmanebyah shubamashtu nityam lokasamasta sukhinobavantu

The mantra was made famous in Western culture by Madonna's use of it in her song "Shanti/Ashtangi".

[edit] Further reading

  • S. K. Pattabhi Jois (2000). Yoga Mala. Patanjali Yoga Shala, New York.
  • David Swenson (1999). Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual Ashtanga Yoga Productions, Austin, Texas

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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