Asha Zero
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Asha Zero is a multidisciplinary artist and member of the art and design collective known as " roadkillvisiontoiletries ".Zero works in a diverse range of media which include painting,drawing,self published booklets and pamphlets ,t-shirts,stickers and audio work as part of the roadkillvisiontoiletries group known as the " Tinfoil shadow " . Most of the roadkillvisiontoiletries projects such as : " The sound of one cabbage "," The adventures of Palinki and Broop Nook "," Hold love inverted in the constructed sky ","Hey Whatsnibble?" and several other are all works in progress and based on themes,characters and narratives from Zero`s main projects which have so far culminated in the exhibitions and events :"CAMP ZERO -the great indoors"(Outlet Art Space,TUT arts campus,Pretoria,South Africa,June 2004), "Winner in hawaii"(Outlet Art Space,TUT, November 2004),"Pet names in reverse"(26A Gallery,New Muckleneuk,Pretoria,South Africa,May 2005) and "Venture into the tinfoil shadow"(Brooklyn,Pretoria,South Africa,November 2005).Asha Zero also contributed to the South African street zine "Cybervaseline"