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Aruanã is a small town and municipality in north-western Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 5,095 (census 2000) in a total area of 3,180 km². Aruanã is a much sought-after tourist spot on the Araguaia River and is a major producer of cattle.
- Elevation: 250 meters
- Became a city: 1958
- Postal code: 76710-000
Aruanã is located 324 km. from the state capital, Goiânia, 59 km. northwest of Araguapaz. It is part of the Rio Vermelho Microregion. Highway connections with Goiânia are made by GO-070 / Goianira / Itaberaí / Goiás / GO-164 / Faina / Araguapaz / GO-530 / BR-2. [1]
Municipal boundaries:
- North: the state of Mato Grosso and Nova Crixás
- South: Matrinchã and Itapirapuã
- East: Mozarlândia, Araguapaz and Matrinchã
- West: Britânia and Mato Grosso
Demographic and Political Data
- Population density: 1.69 hab/km² (2003)
- Population growth rate 1991/2000: 0,41.%
- Population in 1980: 7,193
- Population in 1991: 4,909
- Urban population: 3,728 (2003)
- Rural population: 1,424 (2003)
- Eligible voters: 5,115 (09/2004)
- City government in 2005: mayor (Hermano de Carvalho), vice-mayor (Antônio Claret Nogueira Martins), and 09 councilmembers
- Households in 2000: 1,384
- Household income: In 2000 861, out of 1,424 households, reported less than two minimum salaries (The minimum salary in April 2000 was R$151.00. The minimum salary of April 2006 was R$350.00, which was $167.40 US dollars on April 30, 2006)
Climate and Tourism
The climate is moist tropical with an average temperature of 27ºC, with two well defined seasons: dry and rainy, with regular rainfall in the period of October to March. This type of climate favors the formation of vegetation made up of savanna, broken by farmland and pastureland. There are still stands of tropical forest, especially near the rivers.
The town is located on the Araguaia River and attracts thousands of tourists, especially in the dry season, from May to August, when extensive sandbanks are formed providing beaches for sunbathers and swimmers. There is also extensive sport fishing in the region.
In addition to tourism, the economy is based on cattle raising and agriculture. The cattle herd had 205,000 head (1,800 milk cows) in 2003. There is also large hardwood extraction and small lumbermills. Main crops (2003)in planted area:
- corn: 300 hectares
- rice: 100 hectares
The main economic activities were agriculture (including lumber extraction and processing), commerce, hotels and restaurants, and public administration. There is a large informal economy.
- Gross Domestic Product: 39.6 million Reais in 2002, which was 0.13% of the state GDP of 31.298 billion Reais in the same year.
- Gross Domestic Product per capita: 7,700 Reais in 2002, which was above the state average of 5,921 Reais in the same year.
There were 292 automobiles and pickup trucks, 15 trucks, and 115 motorcycles in 2004.
- Financial Institution: Banco Itaú S.A.
Health and Education
- Health establishments: 02 (2002)
- Hospitals: 0
- Doctors and nurses: 02, 02
- Infant mortality (in 1,000 live births) in 2000: 26.34
- Infant mortality in 1990: 31.02
- Pre-primary school enrollment, teachers, and schools: 182, 09, 03 (2004)
- Primary school enrollment, teachers, and schools: 1,596, 63, 05
- Middle school enrollment, teachers, and schools: 287, 12, 01
- Higher education enrollment, teachers, and schools: Campus of the UEG (Universidade Estadual de Goiás), established in September 2004. No data on enrollment or teachers.
- Literacy rate in 2000: 83.5
- Literacy rate in 1990: 71.1
Ranking on the 2000 Municipal Human Development Index
- Life expectancy: 68.06
- Adult literacy rate: 0.819
- School attendance rate: 0.803
- MHDI: 0.721
- State ranking: 172 (out of 242 municipalities)
- National ranking: 2,611 (out of 5,507 municipalities)
For the complete list see
Sources for Data