Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-12-10
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[edit] Piarun
In this article I will try to apply to the image of Piarun - an ancient God of thunderstorm and war. Choosing of this exactly God for resolute examination can be argued in following way. Yes, paganism includes in itself a big number of cults, and different aspects of our ancestors' belief are quite suitable for various life and historical situations. But in this very moment the historical epoch demands the revival of a rather certain cult. In the decisive battle against judeo-christian domination and demo-liberalism we must to be headed only by God of war, hate and courage - Piarun. No way to any snotty rituals of love and brotherhood in the modern communities of pseudo-pagans! Only destruction (personification of which is Piarun) is able to become a creative power! War till the victorious end! Death to deceitful christian dogs! That's what this God carries in himself and we must praise him! Not in vain the symbol of national-socialistic Germany was Wotan; the same must be happen in Belarus as well as in neighboring countries.
Perhaps none of Baltic/Slavonic pagan Gods cause such a great number of debates and wide-ranging opinions as Piarun. This God is thunderspewer, whom the natural elements of thunderstorm, thunder and lightning obeyed. Piarun was also a God of war, and that is an Indo-European tradition, where the thunder god most frequently carries out the war function as well. Thunder god is one of the most stable images of Aryan mythology - just draw parallels with such well-known Gods as Thor, Donar and Zeus. But the largest quantity of common features can be found when we apply to the images of Perkunas from Lithuanian mythology and Perkons from Latvian heritage. Also there can be traced the ethimological connection between Piarun and Parjania - one of the names of God Indra (the master of rain, thunder and lightning).
This information lets us date the origin of Piarun back to the common Indo-European epoch. V.V. Ivanov and V.N. Toporov believe that the epoch of Thunderspewer can be identified on the grounds of such specific features as the attributes of this hero of the myth (horse, chariot and bronze weapon together with outdated signs of stone arrows of the Thunderspewer). The appearance of these elements and their Indo-European names can be dated back to the beginning of the heroic epoch of settlement of Indo-Europeans seemingly from the end of the III millenium BC.
The name of Piarun is more frequently mentioned in chronicles, preachings against paganism and other mediaeval written records than the name of any other heathen God. The basic role in this phenomenon belongs to the reform of the pagan cult held in 980 by the knyaz Vladimir Sviatoslavich, the essence of which was in establishment of a strict pantheon of Gods headed by Piarun. No doubt, that Thundergod, the God of war at the same time the guardian of a social layer which lived on thanks to war, i.e. of prince's host, and consequently of prince's power. So, the universal pantheon was headed by Piarun, and that undoubtedly was to reflect in the social relations, where the full power became to concentrate in the hands of the great knyaz. This is how the chronicle describes it: "And there began to rule Vladimir in Kiev all by himself. And [he] put the idols outside the royal yard: wooden Piarun with silver head and golden whiskers, and Khors, and Dazhbog, and Stribog, and Simargl, and Mokash…"
The attempt of reform, in view of the fact of its obvious artificiality (the regional peculiarities of Kryvija and Novgorod weren't taken into consideration) failed. And then, to strengthen his personal dominion Vladimir betrayed the ancient sacred traditions (upon which he had already mocked enough) in favor of the jewish monotheism. And thus the christian plague came on to Slavonic and Baltic lands and thus the sacred knowledge became to fade, spilled with the blood of killed volhvs (pagan priests). All pagan idols which already became useless had to be destroyed. Also, unkindly was treated Piarun: "… There was an order to eradicate the idols and to burn them… But Piarun was ordered to be tied to horses' tails and pulled down from the hill, down Borichev to the Stream; and 12 men were assigned to carry that out."
Quite possible, that it was Piarun, whom Procopy Cesarean kept in mind, when he wrote about the supreme God of the ancient Slavs in his book "The war with Gotes": "…These tribes, Slavs and Ants… believe, that only one God, the creator of lightning is the emperor to everyone, and to him they sacrifice axes and perform other sacred rituals".
The short-lived supremacy of Piarun in the sacred place in Kiev and the statement of the Byzantine historian mentioned above (remember he was a christian!) gave grounds for a number of historians to put this God in the head of the ancient Slavonic pantheon. Recently this hypothesis was completely refuted, and then another extreme became dominant in researches, so that the cult of Piarun turned into just host and prince's cult of the Igoreviches. L. Gumilev even wrote, that the cult of Piarun was alien to Slavonic paganism and had been borrowed from Balts by the princes of Kiev. All these attempts to belittle the importance of the Thundergod not have any real grounds, otherwise how can we explain the fact that worshipping of Piarun turned out to be the most devoted to and remained right up till the 20th century (especially among the Belarusians), whereas Svarog, Simargl and other gods were long ago forgotten?
Here is how this God was imagined by the Belarusian peasants in the beginning of the 20th century: "Piarun is imperial, burly-figured, tall with black hair and long golden board. Sitting in the fiery chariot he moves through the Heaven with a bow and arrows. His thunderous bow is a stone hammer, sometimes a rainbow. His arrows are lightnings. By them Piarun destroys the enemy hordes of Charnabog (The Black God), which pile up huge rain clouds to obscure the Sun, to pick the Moon from the sky, to gather the life-giving water from the rain cloud. By one blow from the stone hammer Piarun crushes the rain cloud and fertilizing water at once pours down to the ground. The devils run away to the ground, but here Piarun's arrows get them. Devils know that Piarun loves people and takes care of them, that is why they rush to people's dwellings to be saved there. But in these cases Piarun destroys human dwelling too, and if an arrow happens to hit a man, then the Gods will reward him in his future life. That is why the Belarusians don't venture on rescuing someone who perished from lightning. The spirits serving to Piarun rush in the fields and forests as fast as an arrow; and their enemies Charnabogs, that means dark powers, in the image of birds of prey create winds and storm…" (D. Sobolevski "Belarus and the Belarusians", 1918).
Here we'll quote one more folk description of the formidable God: "Piarun, the God of the heavenly fire, kills sending his stone arrows all in a fire cloud, the arrows kill, and the fire burns. Piarun directs his blows most often down to the mountains. In thunderstorm devil like to shelter under trees, that's why it's dangerous to stand under a tree to hide from the rain: instead of devil Piarun can kill a man.
Piarun holds two huge millstones in his hands, rubs and hits one against another; by friction and hits he creates thunder and lightning - approximately like we get sparks hitting steel against silicon. The grains coming out from the millstones when they hit fall down on the ground like arrows. People call stone axes and knives as 'Piarun's arrows'…" (A. Bogdanovich "Relics of the ancient world-perception as Belarusians have it", 1895).
From these relics of the pagan belief, which have survived till nowadays, we can easily see that one of Piarun's attributes were stone axes ("thunderous" or "Piarun's" arrows). The cult of stone axe was popular through Belarus, Baltic countries, Poland, Germany and Carpathian tribes. While exploring Milagrad settlements, there were found small clay axes, which had sacred meaning. As long ago as 10-13 centuries among heathen Slavs the image of Piarun associated with a fiery axe flying in the sky. Stones also belonged to Piarun's weapons (in some places the sand smelted by lightning was called 'Piarun's stones').
Till this time a boulder near the village Raskhodna (Senno district) is called 'Piarun's stone'. In Niasvizh environs one of the ancient settlements is called 'Piarun's mountain'. Not far from the village Vierhauliany near a pagan sanctuary there's a 'Piarun's field'. A belief is connected with this field which is that in thunderstorm a clap of thunder definitely hits a man. In Igumen region so-called 'Piarun's bridge' is known.
On the bottom of Dneeper (near Kiev) in 1975 and also in the lower reaches of Dzisna in 1910 there were found trunks of oaks, which in ancient times were dedicated to the cult of Piarun. Into the trunks of the oaks there had been rammed accordingly nine and four jaws of wild boars all in the right order and edges out. The researchers suppose that these oaks are sacred trees, which had been used in magic rituals. According to the opinion of V. Timashchuk the semantics of the number "9" gives the evidence about connection with the Baltic mythological system. As he believes, the oak floated down the Dneeper from more northern regions, where Baltic population still remained (i.e. from Belarus). In Lithuanian texts on an equal footing with the four and seven hypostasis of Perkunas his nine hypostasis are mentioned. There are grounds to believe that one of the hypostasis, peculiar epithet of Piarun (and perhaps his son) was Jaryla.
In the time of christianity Piarun was replaced by the prophet Ilea riding through the Heaven in the fiery chariot. The day of Piarun was celebrated on the 20th of July and with supremacy of christianity this day became the day of Ilea who adopted the functions of ancient God connected with thunder and lightning. Even now among Belarusian peasants there exists a proverb (I heard it from my father): "Ilea will make some rotten stuff". It was believed that in this day there definitely must be at least a small rain, but must often it had been a thunderstorm with heavy downpour. Numerous old churches of Ilea were built on ancient places of worshipping Piarun - and that must serve us a note for the future.
Among a large number of Piarun's epithets in the tribal epoch on separate territories some local names could arise. Examining the legend about the Holy Mercury of Smolensk V. Lastowski signed out that in the basis of the Smolensk legend a very ancient folk myth had survived. The myth is about a young spring Sun, which in the image of furious Thunderspewer crushes a disgusting giant, the spirit of darkness and cold. The near stems of the names of Ilea Muromets and Mercury let us believe that both of them camouflage the pagan name with a similar stem, or an epithet of the God of Thunder.
Quite early representations of Piarun appear in the ancient art, then in religious symbolism and after that in military and state symbolism. On a Slavonic dish of 7-9 centuries from Wyszegrad-Drwalow (the territory of Poland) there's a picture of a rider with three zigzag-like outlines of lightning above him. Polish researcher V. Szafranski believes this picture to be an image of Piarun. Also this researcher connects an ancient Slavonic figurine of a horse and a slanting cross on it (Opol, Poland) with an uranic-athmospheric-astral God like Piarun-Svarog-Dazhbog in one image.
Mythology researchers V.V. Ivanov and V.N. Toporov in their book "Researches in the Field of Slavonic Antiquities" proposed their interpretation of the myth about Piarun, which has a subheading of "Reconstruction of Fragments of the Myth about the God of Thunderstorm and his Opponent". They came to the conclusion that christian saint Georgi-Yuri correlates with both heroes of main myth - i.e. with Piarun and Veles. In the system of binary oppositions Piarun is connected with the right top poles of the opposition, and his opponent Zmiej Garynycz belongs to the left, bottom poles. In ancient Kiev the idol of Piarun was put on a mountain while the idol of Veles was in the bottom (in Podol).
A characteristic feature of the rituals connected with Piarun is their correlation with oaks and oak groves, and hills upon which in ancient times people put idols of Piarun and his sanctuaries. Here is how a ritual of admiring Piarun described in the chronicle of the year 944: "And in the morning summoned Igor the forces (Greek ones) and came to the hill, where Piarun had been standing, and put his arms, and shields, and gold…"
One of the sanctuaries in honor of Piarun was set near Novgorod, in the natural boundary of Piaryn
One of the sanctuaries in honor of Piarun was set near Novgorod, in the natural boundary of Piaryn. When archeological excavations took place, it was found out that the central part of the sanctuary looked like a raised above the surrounding surface horizontal ground in the form of a right circle with the diameter of 21 meter. This ground was surrounded by a ring ditch, 7 meters wide and more than 1 meter deep. In the center of the circle there stood a wooden idol. In front of the idol it was an altar in the shape of the circle, made up of cobblestones. The ditch near the religious ground was like a rim resembling a large flower with 8 petals. In each of these ledges during pagan celebrations they made a sacred fire, and in the eastern petal there burned an "eternal" one. Gustyn chronicle tells about the worshipping Piarun in the following way: "For him as for the Lord they made sacrifices and burned an inextinguishable fire of oaken wood; and if only this fire happened to go out because of the carelessness of the attendant, this attendant was at once killed without any mercy".
The memory of this pagan sanctuary kept till the 17th century and evidence of that had been chronicled in 1654 by a traveler Adam Oleary.
There also exists a description of an ancient Lithuanian place of worshipping of Perkunas: "The last sanctuary of Perkunas, which had been seen not once by the knights, was in Vilna, in the valley called Svintaroha, where the prince of this name had chosen the place for burning the bodies of princes, and where his body was burned first by his son Germund in 1270. So there Germund still before that, in 1265 had founded a temple to Perkunas, among a beautiful sacred oaken grove. The sanctuary had about 150 arshins [arshin - unit of measurement equal to 0,71 m] long and 100 arshins wide: the height of the walls was up to 15 arshins. The sanctuary didn't have any roof; it has just one entrance in the western side. Opposite to the entrance there was a stone chapel with different vessels and sacred things, and under the chapel there was a cave, where snakes and other unpleasant creatures were kept. Above this chapel a stone gallery had been arranged, something like a pavilion, which was 16 arshins high over the chapel, and inside the pavilion a wooden idol of Perkunas had been placed, brought from the holy forests of Polagen. In front of the chapel an altar of 3 arshins high and 9 arshins wide elevated on 12 steps, which signified the phases of the Moon. Each step was half an arshin high, so in the whole the height of the altar was 9 arshins. On this particular altar an inextinguishable fire burned, which was called Znich. The fire days and nights kept up by the pagan priests and priestesses (vaidelots and vaidelottesses), blazed in the interior deepening in the wall, which had been arranged so fine, that neither wind, nor rain could put the fire out".
Here I summed up the basic historical facts collected by the science about the ancient heathen God, paying special attention to the information connected with my Motherland Belarus. Of course, one can maintain that these are but the bare facts, which are needed only for special researches, but we would just refer such a skeptic to "The Book of Veles", "The Starry Book of Koliada" and other pulp literature. We fight for the full revival of the ancient traditions of our ancestors; much of the sacred knowledge is already lost in a thousand-year battle against christianity - with more respect then should we take those grains of knowledge, which has been saved thanks to the living folk tradition and the fundamental researches of the historical science. We will create a new building having totally destroyed the christian civilization, but for this building to stand firmly, we need a stable foundation. And in its basis there will be put these very bare facts.
Reject - You need to provide us with some references to we can check the facts here. A Google search for Piarun did produce some sketchy information that seems to kinda sorta fit what you're saying here - but there are LOTS of names that you use here that do not have a single mention anywhere on the Internet. This adds up to something we can't publish. You don't give us any way to confirm your facts - neither in a book nor on the Internet. So this has to be a reject. Sorry. SteveBaker 04:23, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
[edit] Homer Bailey
David "Homer" Dewitt Bailey Jr. was born on May 3, 1986 in LaGrange, Texas. He was drafted by the Cincinnati Reds in the First Round and Seventh overall. He headed the USAToday 2004 All-USA High School baseball team. His high school stats were staggaring. He was 15-0 with a 0.68 ERA and 201 strikeouts in 92 2/3 innings his senior season and was 41-4 with 536 strikeouts, 0.98 ERA in 298 innings in his High School career. He has progressed as a minor league player and has recently proclaimed the third best prospect in the minor leagues and the best minor league pitcher. His pitching repertoire includes a mid to upper nineties fastball with good movement, a low eighties curve ball with 12-to-6 break.
He struggled for the first few years in the minor leagues, posting ERAs above 4.00. Part of this can be attributed to the "piggy-back" system that was put in place by Reds General Manager Dan O'Brien. He was also told to use his weakest pitch, the change-up, and learn to develop it so that he could use it in the more advanced levels. However, under new management in 2006, the Reds ditched the piggy-back system, allowing Bailey to pitch every fifth day on a regular basis, instead of cutting his work load and forcing him to pitch twice a week. 2006 became a breakout year for Bailey as he was named the top prospect for the Florida State League (Advanced A) where he played for the Sarasota Reds and the Southern League (AA)where he played for the Chattanooga Lookouts.
Most scouts agree that the biggest problem with Homer Bailey is his occational control problems. However, in the 2006 season, he showed much more control than in previous years, allowing him to have a breakout year for himself.
[edit] Sources 00:43, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Accept - Your article has been created at Homer Bailey. SteveBaker 19:10, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Erwin S. Strauss
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Redirect to Erwin Strauss. His name is actually usually written with the middle initial.
[edit] Sources 00:56, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Created. the redirect was created.¤~Persian Poet Gal (talk) 03:23, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Kledging
Kledging, is the phrase used, when talking about a kite and sledge used in combination to create a fun an additional form of power kiting. The sport was discovered in 2006 by Sebastian Barnes. He was experimenting, by skidding with the pull of a kite, and had the idea to incorparate a sledge into the method. Thus creating Kledging. The way in which it works is, the person sits in there sledge, and begins the flight of the kite. They then recieve a pulling force from the kite, which propells the rider forward in the sledge. It a excitable sport, and very controlble to do, needing next to no skill levels, only the basic power kite flying skills.
[edit] Sources
Kiting The Complete Guide
Venomxsz\f 01:21, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject -- This appears to be a Neologism - I did a google search for 'Kledging' and got only 7 hits - and not one of them talks about kite/sledge combos. So - sorry, no can do. SteveBaker 04:14, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] JimberJanmers
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JimberJanmers like chicken and waffle eating contests. JimberJanmers dose not have AIDZ. JimberJanmers Is a good guy.
JimberJanmers - Autobiography, published 2006 by Raincoast.
- Declined. Wikipedia does not allow creation of patent nonsense articles, plus this request for creation cites no sources and is signed by neither an IP or username.¤~Persian Poet Gal (talk) 02:18, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Spy vs. Spy (British band)
Spy vs. Spy is a british indie band. Established in the 1980s Spy vs. Spy went to play until the early 1990s. Some of their successes includes the album Little Lights in which includes nine songs. The band Spy vs. Spy is often confused with the Australian band, vSpy v Spy.
Little Lights
1. Waiting for Centralia to Sink
2. Best Man Nomination
3. Little Lights
4. A Machine for Living In
5. Red Cars go Faster
6. Kittyhawk
7. Petit Lumiere
8. The Captain is Sleeping
9. Twenty Year Old Boys Wiith Ten Year Olds Haircuts
[edit] Sources 02:07, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject -- This band has evidently produced four albums - which if they were from a major label would warrant inclusion under the WP:MUSIC guidelines - but there really isn't enough information here to start an article. Write something more substantial (who are they - where did they get started - what were their influences, etc). Add a complete discography. Then I would certainly create the article. But what we have here is just too thin. SteveBaker 19:00, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] David W. O'Brien
(removed copyright violation)
[edit] Sources 03:23, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined. This article appears to be taken from We can not accept copyrighted content taken from web sites or printed sources. Note that copyright protection is granted to all works automatically, whether it is asserted or not. Unless stated otherwise, assume that most content on the internet is copyrighted and not suitable for Wikipedia. Please write in your own words, and in continuous prose. Patstuarttalk|edits 05:03, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] ZEALE32
-- 03:53, 9 December 2006 (UTC) Zeale32 is an Austin born and raised hip-hop phenomenon. Since 2003 he has made his rounds in the MC battle world, and has been crowned the champion of over 30. He has been sighted in Eastern Europe battling MC's around the world.
[edit] Sources 03:53, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - We need more info. References. But even so, this guy probably isn't notable (by Wikipedia standards at least). Sorry. SteveBaker 04:28, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Efren Espinosa
Efren Espinosa Villarreal was born on September 19th in Los Angeles, California. He is the second of four sons born to Baudel and Guadalupe Espinosa and is a first generation Mexican-American. Efren began his musical career in the early 60's when the first of the British invasion began. He chose drums and percussion as his instrument of choice. Efren came from a very musical family as both his mother and father sang. Efren was very involved in the music industry during both the punk and disco eras. He played drums/vocals for Edwin Starr, who sang the anti-war theme, War...What is it good for?? for Motown records. During the punk rock era, Efren played drums and sang vocals with Billy Thermal, a punk band led by Billy Steinberg, who remains one of the nation's sought after composers. Other members of the group included Bob Carlisle (Butterfly Kisses), and Craig Hull who recorded with the group America and members of the Eagles. Efren returned to school in the late 80's and received a Master of Arts degree in Psychology from the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology. He is currently employed with a local government agency. As a avocation, he continues performing under the name Vince Michaels as a tribute to his adult son, and is currently recording a CD that is set to be released in 2007. He has also sung demo version material for Luis Miguel and other latin artists. He is kin related to Eddie Espinosa (brother)(Change My Heart Oh God) and Eden Espinosa(niece)(Elphaba-Wicked). He has been married to Jacki Espinosa nee Polito for 27 years. He is very proud of his family that includes his younger brothers, Arnold and Roland Espinosa.
[edit] Sources
Efrenespinosa 05:59, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Patstuarttalk|edits 06:33, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Paul Yu
Paul Yu was the President of State University of New York College at Brockport (SUNY Brockport) between 1997-2004. During his presidency, SUNY Brockport rose to Tier 2 within the SUNY system. He also the author of the Presidential Scholarship program which attracted several top international students to the SUNY Brockport campus.
[edit] Sources 06:09, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Krondon
Krondon (real name: Marvin Jones) is an up-and-coming rapper from Los Angeles, California. He is likely the most recognizable member of the West Coast ensemble Strong Arm Steady, due to his condition of albinism. Krondon's lyrics are marked by their ferocity and grit, usually ranging on themes of street life in impoverished neighbourhoods of Los Angeles. He has gained notable recognition throughout the West Coast for his innumerable mixtapes and collaborations with other West Coast heavyweights such as Planet Asia, Self Scientific, and Xzibit, as well as Brooklyn's well-known Talib Kweli. His celebrity is likely to increase with Strong Arm Steady's recent signing to Talib Kweli's Blacksmith Records.
[edit] Sources
Hugh.pouliot 06:23, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on musical artists. Please provide more information on why this musical artist is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you. Patstuarttalk|edits 09:06, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Around the World in One Camera
Imagine a camera, with film enough for 36 shots, making its way to 36 cities around the globe -- and at every stop, one person takes just one photograph.
This traveling camera, a photographic ambassador of sorts, is the brainchild of Los Angeles-photographer, Wojtek Gil, whose belief that a moment of life captured in Sao Paulo might not look all that different from one captured in Osaka, comes to life in this innovative project.
“I wanted to do something to erase borders, to show just how much alike everyone is on a basic level,” Gil says. “How many people in the world saw a baby cry or a man riding a bicycle today? I would love to know! If 10,000 people saw a man riding a bicycle, then 10,000 people had the same experience.” For Gil, capturing everyday life is at the heart of this worldwide photographic endeavor.
The camera for his project, a 35mm Lomo Action Sampler, which Gil describes as “the hero of the journey”, produces four sequential pictures. Currently in Norway, the camera will spend several days with Jorn Stoylen, who will photograph an image that strikes him, adding a note about the shot before forwarding the Lomo Action Sampler to its next destination.
Combining technical ingenuity with an astute and instinctive eye, Gil has built an impressive portfolio that chronicles the sometimes gritty, always exquisite, human condition. "Around The World in One Camera" is his contribution to today's global experience - a literal and figurative snapshot from the unique and collective perspectives of the participants who have chosen to take this journey with him.
“People are grouped by how much money they make, by which disease they suffer from, the religion they practice, the color of their skin ¬ I could go on and on ¬ but at the end of the day, we all still see a man riding a bicycle.”
Please visit the “Around the World in One Camera” website at for daily updates on the journey or to join the Forum with your thoughts and comments.
[edit] Sources Author- 08:32, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined. We're sorry, but your article appears to read more like an advertisement than an entry in an encyclopedia. If you still feel that this subject is appropriate for Wikipedia, please rewrite your proposed article in the form of an encyclopedia entry, not an advertisement. Encyclopedia entries should be written from a neutral point of view, and should refer to a range of published, verifiable sources, not just to materials produced by the creator of the item being discussed. Patstuarttalk|edits 09:02, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Syed Ameen Mian Qaudri
The propounder of more traditional Islam in India, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelwi who is also Known as Ala Hazrat has his roots
in Khankah-e-Marehra Sharif of Etah distt,U.P.It was the Hazrat Noori Mian and Hazrat Shah Barkatullah (R.A)who teaches Imam ahmed Raza Khan of Bareilly.Both were the Spiritual guide of him. This notable Khankah has Produced many Sufi Personality .The Present caretaker of this notable dargah is Prof Syed Shah Ameen Mian Qaudri .He is a Professor in the Urdu department of Aligarh Muslim University. Hazrat Ameen Mian is among the most revered and respected person alive of the Indian Barelwis. He has Presided many Large gatherings in India and Abroad. His Silsila is Known as Barkati silsila which has Lineage from Qaudri Silasila of Baghdad .It is said that his silsila has atleast two million People as his Mureeds in India and abroad. Recently the English daily of India Hindustan Times ,Uttar Pradesh Edition on 6th august'06 in its Special article about Indian Muslims , has described Ameen Mian Qaudri as the Main Leader of Barelwis.
[edit] Sources
[edit] Books
1.Ameen Mian and Sunnism by rashid ahmed markaz Publication delhi 09:29, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined - I'm sorry, while this person may be quite notable, I was unable to find any information on him to verify your claims; the websites you gave me were not a specific enough URL. It would also help if you could write more clearly, as the English is very difficult to understand. -Patstuarttalk|edits 09:44, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Sources 09:44, 9 December 2006 (UTC) the mp of ghana!! for more info add (email removed)
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[edit] 'Mr Love and Justice'
'Mr Love and Justice' is a novel written by Colin MacInnes. It depicts the life in London during the 1950's and published by penguin books in 1957.
[edit] Sources
'Mr Love and Justice' (1957) by Colin MacInnes, published by Penguin books Penguin Books 13:31, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject -- I don't believe this book meets Wikipedia's standards for notability - and in any case, there is not enough information here to start a viable article. SteveBaker 19:15, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
- If your request was declined and you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there.
[edit] Matthew Cappelli
Standing 4-foot-4, Matt Cappelli is the shortest Division-1 Athlete. Growing up outside of Philadelphia, he went to St. Joseph’s Prep in the city where he took part in Crew (Rowing) and won a high school national championship his freshman year (1999) and placed 2nd the following two years. He later went onto to Syracuse University (2002-2006) to study engineering and be a coxswain, where he held the record for shortest Division-1 athlete in America.
Point of interest 1: Craig Forth, of the SU Men's Basketball (2001-2005) team stood 7'0. The height difference of 2'8 is the greatest between two athletes at the same school.
Point of interest 2: some people say Cappelli currently resembles Peter Dinklage of Nip/Tuck fame. The winner of Project Runaway actually mistaken Cappelli for Peter on the Subway in NYC.
Syracuse University Athletics:
Daily Orange (Syracuse Newspaper) on Matt Cappelli:
[edit] Sources
1) Daily Orange: Syracuse University School Newspaper
2) SU Athlete: Matt Cappelli (
P.Dink 14:43, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sources 15:19, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - Wikipedia has very strict and careful rules for articles on living people - and for notability of people listed for their athletic abilities. I don't think this meets those requirements - so sadly, I have to reject. SteveBaker 18:53, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
- If your request was declined and you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there.
[edit] Second Peace of Paris
The Second Peace of Paris was a treaty signed by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 after Napolean's 100 days as Emperor. It stated that France would be required to pay 700 million Francs and would loose all territory that was gained throughout the French Revolution. It was a far harsher sentence than that of the First Peace of Paris.
[edit] Sources
Legacy: The West and the World. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, 2002. 16:39, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This article already exists in Wikipedia. You can find it at Treaty of Paris (1815). However, I will create a redirect at Second Peace of Paris. Patstuarttalk|edits 16:52, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] League of Villains
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
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The League of Villains are a Evil team from Airos Adventures.The list of Villains are:
- 1-King Tyrannical
- 2-Zant
- 3-Midna
- 4-Twilight Personification
- 5-Commander Ammer
- 6-AT-AT
- 7-Dr. Drone
- 8-Thug
- 9-Tyrannical Overlord
- 10-Miko
- 11-Ecko
- 12-Vex
- 13-Mothra
- 14-Mothman
- 15-Lord Psychophone
- 16-Master
- 17-Medusa
- 18-Unknown
- 19-Argorok
- 20-Pyrus
- 21-Snot Rod
- 22-Kraken
- 23-Cyclops
- 24-666
- 25-Stheno
- 26-Euryale
- 27-Michael. Night Shocker
- 28-Death
- 29-Vyrix
- 30-Zyrus
- 31-Buer
- 32-Baal
- 33-Iot
- 35-Furfur
- 36-Bornato
- 37-Nosferatu
- 38-Rico the Carjacker
- 39-Krill Crewmen
- 40-Yutch
- 41-Dark Airos
- 42-Furgansh
- 43-Tryfus
- 44-Black Gladiator
- 45-Ram
[edit] Trivia
- When Airos is ticked of by the villains,he says "I'm tired of being treated to a bunch of Retards who wear crazy clothes"!
- Their codename is V.I.O.L.E.N.C.E.In which stands for "Vandalizing,Idiots,Or,Losers Even Never Cause Evil.
[edit] Links
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[edit] Allen D. Nease High School
Allen D. Nease High School is a high school located in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. It is located at 10550 Ray Road and can be contacted at (904) 819-8300
Nease offers an International Baccalaureate program, Advance Placement Courses, and a Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps program.
They are currently the 4A state champions in football, and on December 9, 2006 will play in the state championship game. They are the 2A District Champions in wrestling and two time defending state champions in girls soccer.
Notable Personalities
Tim Tebow - quaterback at the University of Florida
James Wilson - offensive linemen for USC in 2007
Matt Koch - state record holder in clean and jerk and football player at Princeton University
Mario Butler - corner back and Georgia Tech signee
Justin Grant - corner back and University of Florida signee
Manny Wellington - football player at Florida International University
Chet Stachitas - basketball player at St. Joes University
[edit] Sources 17:51, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject -- Sorry, Wikipedia hase very exact rules about the inclusion of articles about schools. See WP:SCHOOL. If you think this school meets those criteria then please give details and we can reconsider creating this article. SteveBaker 18:46, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
- If your request was declined and you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there.
[edit] University of Nevada School of Medicine
The University of Nevada School of Medicine is a member of the Association of American Medical Colleges and a fully accredited medical college. The average class size is 52 students, however, there will be an increase to 62 students in 2007. You must live in Nevada, or have close ties to family who does, in order to be considered for admission to the University of Nevada School of Medicine.
Degree Programs: M.D. M.D./PhD Graduate
Tuition Facts: Nevada Resident = $10,000/yr Good Neighbor = $16,500/yr Out of State = $33,600/yr
Facts: 92% of Students who attend earn their M.D., 100% of Graduating Students move to a Residency of their choice
[edit] Sources 19:13, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject -- Sorry, Wikipedia hase very exact rules about the inclusion of articles about schools. See WP:SCHOOL. If you think this school meets those criteria then please give details and we can reconsider creating this article. SteveBaker 18:46, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
- If your request was declined and you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there.
[edit] White Screen of Impatience
When a Windows application stops responding, it will stop redrawing itself and the contents of its window will remain white until either the program resumes communication with the operating system ( usually after a long blocking operation on the main thread ) or the user forcibly terminates the application, eg through Task Manager.
[edit] Sources 19:25, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - Fails the Google test. That phrase occurs only three times on the whole of the Internet - and one of those is on the Blue screen of death page here on Wikipedia. Not only should this not be and article - it shouldn't even be on the Blue Screen of Death page. SteveBaker 23:03, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Stacy's Music Row Report
Stacy's Music Row Report is the official Web site of the internationally-known, veteran country-music journalist, historian, author and broadcaster Stacy Harris. Not to be confused with the character actor of the same name, Stacy Harris is the doyenne of Music Row, and thanks to her column's blend of facts and informed opinion, would be the often sordid country-music industry's conscience- if it had one- as her scrutiny strives to hold the gatekeepers accoountable. 19:43, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sources
Feisty Journalist Stacy Harris Sure Knows How to Pack a Punch! published in The Nashville Musician (AFM Local 257), Article Date: 11/8/2004. Written by: Sylvia Averett Media Quotes Music Industry Kudos
Carl Perkins entry from the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture
Brenda Lee entry from the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture cfm?section=10&screen=news&news_id=12866 Music-City-Monday-September-06-2004.asp 04:03, 11 August 2006 (UTC)
So why wasn't this added? Stacy Harris, the American-born author, broadcaster and musicologist, has more and higher-ranked entries in Google, Yahoo, MSN,, etc. than the Canadian-born actor? 18:29, 28 October 2006 (UTC)
Beats me. Stacy's the person I go to every time I have a question about country music. 05:55, 6 November 2006 (UTC)
I'd say she's the most honest voice on Music Row. She didn't pull any punches commenting about Chris LeDoux and the people who let Chris downn, either. 19:56, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
Should the article be about this web site - or about the person? That's not clear to me. SteveBaker 21:01, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sources 19:53, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
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[edit] Rok Vogelnik
Rok Vogelnik, a reputable citizen of Ljubljana, who is constantly an object of desire to all observing women, only to prettiest ones, respectively. Therefore, his character due to outstanding success with lokal under aged girls unconditionally requires a page devoted to him :D
Rok Vogelnik is one of only two international notorious stars to have been given the title of Sexiest Man Alive twice by People Magazine, first in November 1997 and again in November 2006. The other is Brad Pitt.
[edit] Sources 20:08, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - not notable. SteveBaker 22:59, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Black Boy Inn
The Black Boy Inn (a listed building circa 1522) is situated within the historic town walls of the Royal borough of Caernarfon, a market town with an open air market every Saturday (Mondays also in Summer) and is a world heritage site with both Roman and Edwardian history. The Inn is within easy walking distance to the town centre, and the famous 13th Century Castle.
An old Inn dating back to 1522, some of its load bearing walls measure on average 1.2 to 1.5 metres thick ( four to five feet thick,) and with its wooden panelling, low ceilings, and thick wooden support beams it generates a cosy 'Olde Worlde' atmosphere. The town is ideally suited to explore the beauty of North Wales and is only seven miles from Snowdon the highest mountain in England and Wales.
[edit] Sources
Y Gwir i'r byd: sef hanes eglwys Gynulleidfaol Joppa, Caernarvon, lle rhoddir crybwylliadau am ei chychwyniad, ei herledigaethau, a'i llwyddiant yn ngwyneb yr ymosodiadau a wnaed yn ei herbyn, (Dolgellau, 1844), 16tt.
A Description of Caernarvonshire (1809 - 1811), by Edmund Hyde Hall, and published by the Caernarvonshire Historical Society in 1952.
[*] 20:33, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
[edit] Spy vs Spy
Spy vs Spy
Spy vs. Spy
Spy versus Spy (Spy vs. Spy) is a british emo band. The band members include Mark, Doog, and Ben. Established in the 1990s Spy vs. Spy went to play until the mid 1990s. They created themselves out of a garage band, played a few shows in the United Kingdom. Some of their successes includes the album Little Lights in which includes nine songs. The Album Spy Versus Spy in which six songs are on. The Album The Emo Diaries, Chapter Four: An Ocean of Doubt. In which Spy vs. Spy was able to get "Set The Spokes Alight" on. They also were voted best UK band in Fracture, which was one of the biggest help for the band's publicity. They are a very liberal band, in that they were all vegans and feel strongly about animal rights. They also feel strongly against genetically modified food. The band Spy vs. Spy is often confused with the Australian band, vSpy v Spy. As of now, none of the members of Spy vs. Spy are part of other bands.
Little Lights songs
1. Waiting for Centralia to Sink
2. Best Man Nomination
3. Little Lights
4. A Machine for Living In
5. Red Cars go Faster
6. Kittyhawk
7. Petit Lumiere
8. The Captain is Sleeping
9. Twenty Year Old Boys Wiith Ten Year Olds Haircuts
Spy Versus Spy
1. Game Ruiner
2. How the Cat was Invented
3. Helpless, Sign in Please
4, Mocking Function
5. rich Girl's Mistletoe
6. Union Station Still
Http:// 170x170.jpg
Little Lights
An Ocean of Doubt
[edit] Sources 20:33, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Accept - Your article is at Spy vs Spy (British band). SteveBaker 20:48, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Ryan Berry
Ryan is deemed the single ,most endowed member of the BCC, created by Walker Shea Stuffle (whom himself came in second
[edit] Sources 20:42, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject Not enough information. SteveBaker 20:54, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
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[edit] Thomas Neale, America's first postmaster
Central postal organization first came to the colonies in 1692 when Thomas Neale received a 21-year grant from the British Crown for a North American postal service. In February, 1692 a grant from William and Mary empowered Thomas Neale "to erect, settle and establish within the chief parts of their majesties' colonies and plantations in America, an office or offices for the receiving and dispatching letters and pacquets, and to receive, send and deliver the same under such rates and sums of money as the planters shall agree to give, and to hold and enjoy the same for the term of twenty-one years."
As Postmaster General, he appointed Governor Andrew Hamilton of New Jersey as his Deputy Postmaster General. Neale's franchise cost him only 80 cents a year but was no bargain; he died heavily in debt, in 1699.
[edit] Sources
Philatel 20:45, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reluctant Reject -- Whilst this guy seems notable enough to warrant an article - the facts you present seem a bit 'off'. For example, ...says: "1677: John Hayward appointed postmaster of Boston" - so Neale wasn't America's first postmaster by at least 15 years. However, if this can be sorted out - I would support creating this article. SteveBaker 23:13, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] ??Kaka??
What do you want to redirect to Kaka? SteveBaker 21:03, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sources 20:58, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- The proposed article previously in this section has been declined and removed from this page, since it appears to be nonsense. If this proposal was written as a test, then congratulations; your test succeeded. Please use the sandbox for further tests, or please go on and propose a real article, following the guidelines listed on the Wikipedia:Articles for creation page.
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
[edit] Bontnewydd
A small village 2 miles outside of Caernarfon in North Wales.
[edit] Sources 21:11, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sources 21:24, 9 December 2006 (UTC) Dude
Two things: 1) the instructions say not to add stub templates, and 2), Bontnewydd created, with a bit more info. Grutness...wha? 22:13, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Article created. You can find it at Bontnewydd.Thank you for your contribution to Wikipedia!
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
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[edit] Brent Quandt
Brent Quandt is a homosexual radical from Omaha, NE. He started a group for gays in the 1950's.
[edit] Sources
Growing Up Gay 22:00, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - Does not meet notability guidelines. SteveBaker 22:56, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined. This suggestion doesn't sufficiently explain the importance or significance of the subject. See the speedy deletion criteria A7 and/or guidelines on biographies. Please provide more information on why the person or group is worthy of inclusion in an encyclopedia. Thank you.
[edit] Lloyd O'Neill (Cambridge United Footballer)
Lloyd O'Neill signed for Camrbridge United in June 2006 after his release from Portsmouth FC in Febuarty 2006, he has represented Cambridge United under 16's in the FA youth cup and played many times for the reserves. Lloyd was selected for England trials back in 2002 but nothing came of this as they were called of due to frozen pitches. Lloyd has been tipped for great things and is hoping Cambridge can be a step in the right direction to greatness.
[edit] Sources 22:14, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - Sorry - does not yet meet the notability guidelines for a living person. SteveBaker 22:55, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Nice 'n' Ripe Records
A subsiduary of FX Promotions, Nice'n'Ripe was a UK record label set up in 1993 by George Powers and Grant Nelson (formerly known as Wishdokta, Kickin' Records). The label is generally accepted as one of the founding labels of UK garage and two-step and began the careers of many notable UK producers including Grant Nelson, Joey Musaphia, Warren Clarke, Dave Bichard (Aczess, Axis etc.) and Richard Purser.
It initally gained huge support on the underground and pirate radio stations of London and soon rose to be a legend in it's own right. The departure of Grant Nelson marked a decline for the label as Grant went on to establish Swing City and took his recognisable style of production with him along with most of the other producers. Nice'n'Ripe continued into the 90's but evenutally faded away but is still remembered as one of the most influential labels of the UK garage scene.
Sources... Toonz r us 22:39, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] Is Faith Justified True Belief?
22:40, 9 December 2006 (UTC)Panthers801Sign your name It is amazing to find that Plato's 2,000 year old definition of knowledge was seemingly "snuffed out" by Edmund Gettier's 3-page paper in 1963.
When coupled with the defeasibility condition, justified true belief becomes more concrete. By making a justified belief knowledge only if there is no condition to defeat justifaction, knowledge then becomes undefeated justified true belief. This is a good example of something besides or in addition to justified true belief required to become knowledge.
Is Faith Justified True Belief?
1. Eber believes the Old Testament is the word of God, to be taken literally.
2. Eber learns that the Old Testament is written by man, based on oral traditions and myths.
3. Eber's belief is threatened by finding that it is a work of man.
4. Eber must now base his belief on faith and trust in the men who compiled the Old Testament.
[edit] Sources
Gettier, Edmund. Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?1963.
Panthers801 22:40, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - Please write something coherent - this makes no sense whatever. SteveBaker 22:51, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Airos Image Gallery
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(Removed image gallery because many of the pictures were here under claimed 'fair use' that does not apply in the case of an AfC page. SteveBaker 23:28, 9 December 2006 (UTC))
- Declined. Wikipedia is not a repository of images.¤~Persian Poet Gal (talk) 23:09, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
- If your request was declined and you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there.
[edit] The TLDR
Copyright violation removed. This entire (vast) diatribe was cut/pasted from: which has a clear copyright attached to the bottom. SteveBaker 23:26, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sources
Kihunter 23:16, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Reject - Apart from the way this was written (like some kind of crappy fantasy story) - it is not encyclopeadic - it's subject matter is some forum for WoW fans so it's not notable - but worst of all, it's an egregious violation of the clearly stated copyright of the page it's ripped from. SteveBaker 23:26, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
- If your request was declined and you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there.
[edit] The Kaiser's Last Kiss
The Kaiser's Last Kiss (ISBN 0007124473) is a 2004 novel written by Alan Judd.
It is 1940 and Martin Krebbs, a young SS officer, is sent to guard the exiled Kaiser Wilhelm II as the German Army advances into Holland. While there, he falls for Akki, an undercover British agent posing as a maid, who has been sent to assess the Kaiser's feelings about the war and his possible willingness to defect to Britain.
As the story unfolds, and through conversations with both the Kaiser and Akki (who Krebbs discovers is Jewish), and a visit from Heinrich Himmler, Krebbs begins to discover some uncomfortable truths about the Nazis, forcing him to question the things he has been taught. Then, when Akki's true identity is in danger of being exposed, Krebbs must choose between his duty to the Third Reich and his feelings for the woman he loves.
[edit] Sources
- Judd, Alan: The Kaiser's Last Kiss ISBN 0007124473
- Biography of Alan Judd
- Other Books by Alan Judd 23:27, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Rejected - this submission was rejected yesterday - you have done nothing to answer the criticism from that rejection notice - so I have to reject again today. Please do not resubmit until you've addressed all of the concerns of the last reviewer. SteveBaker 23:42, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Actually, I believe the criticism about my submission yesterday was that I had not provided sufficient information about the author. If you would care to take a closer look, you will see that I have, indeed, addressed that issues. Furthermore, you should also notice that the article was actually rejected earlier this evening.
I also notice that you have rejected the article below: Falling (novel) which I also submitted yesterday. The partticular author in this case HAS got a page on Wikipedia, together with a substantial bibliography of her worls, so your rejection seems a little bizarre.
I am starting to wonder whether your decision may have been influenced by this previous reject. Consequently, I would like another editor to review them. 23:52, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
The problem is that unless you clearly explain WHY the subject meets Wikipedias article guidelines, we can't easily tell whether to include it or not. For books, you need to explain why both the author and the book are significant. 99% of book article submissions are just 'The author is called this...Here is the plot' - and that's simply not enough either to justify the existance of the article - nor to get it started. Wikipedia isn't here to store plot synopsis for all of the hundreds of millions of books that are in print - they have to be NOTABLE. Please read the associated WP: guidelines. Furthermore, you cannot expect the reviewers here to be knowledgeable about ever single author and book title - that is why it is ESSENTIAL that you spell out why the author is significant - and why the book is important enough to justify an article. I did not feel you had adequately done that - so (as with most book submissions - sadly) - the previous reviewer asked for you to expand on those areas - and you did I simply repeated their rejection. SteveBaker 00:22, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Joshua Tierney (August 8th, 1984-August 8th, 2026)
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Joshua Tierney is most remembered for his inspiring and innovative Stream Practices. He, also was a prominent writer whose most notable works include: "Stream, the story of my life", and "Paper, scissors, rock: obviously!." He also once drew a really good picture of a California raisin.
[edit] Life
Born from a coccoon from the secret depths of Stream, young Joshua was destined to lead a life of greatness as one of the many hundreds of Support Professional's (aka. homeless people) employed by Stream. His first words : "FDR" and "checkdisk" were a strong indication of his determination to stream countless unsuspecting, gullible, stupid Americans (as well as substantially smarter and comparatively more attractive Canadians.)
From the age of 5, he was deeply touched by a California Raisins special which would stay imbedded in his gigantic muscular heart (more specifically his right atrium--more affectionately referred to as a dried up fig by he of which we write of.
[edit] Sources 23:54, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined. Please do not submit content which is patent nonse as an article for creation on Wikipedia.¤~Persian Poet Gal (talk) 00:04, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
[edit] New World Rock
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This article or section contains information about a scheduled future television show or episode(s). | |
It may contain non-definitive information based on commercials, a website or interviews. The information may still change as the date of broadcast approaches. |
New World Rock is a new television show being filmed in Grand Haven, MI that follows the life adventures of Jared Rowan and Joey Corning as they make the transition into High School life and discover all the problems and suprises that go along with it.
[edit] Production and Filming
Pre-Production on the show began in June 2005, when the show was originally titled High School Survival. The titles was changed in August 2006.
Filming for Episode One; Last Day of Middle School, took place solely on June 9th 2006, and was released online on August 11th 2006. Episode Two; Long Gone, began filming September 12th 2006, and is scheduled to be released after Episode 4; Goodbye, which will begin filming in December 2006.
[edit] Editing and Filming Equipment
The show is edited mostly in Windows Movie Maker, and sometimes in Adobe Premiere. It is filmed with a single DXG 3.0 Megapixel Digital Camera.
[edit] Characters
Jared Rowan, 14, likes to hang out with friends, edit videos, write stories, and surf the Internet. He barely follows the rules, and is in constant trouble at school. He must be reminded of the consequences by his friend Joey, and know that High School is not all fun and games.
Joey Corning, 15, likes to read, hang out with friends, and build model cars. He never breaks the rules, and has missed only three days of school in his entire life. He likes to do things according to the book, but is usually dragged down by Jared.
[edit] Episodes
1. Last Day of Middle School
2. Long Gone
3. Crushed
4. Goodbye
5. The Reckoning Part 1
6. The Reckoning Part 2
7. Return of an Old Friend
8. Trip to the Movies
9. Felis
10. Century
[edit] Sources (constantly updated with filming information) 00:02, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
- Declined. The program does not meet Wikipedia's notability guidelines.¤~Persian Poet Gal (talk) 00:12, 10 December 2006 (UTC)