Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-02-04

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[edit] Longos

Write something about this magnificent village in Achaia Greece, upload some photos and links.

[edit] Sources

  • Please direct your request to WP:RA if you're not writing any content yourself. - Mgm|(talk) 09:23, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Harrison

contemporary visual Australian artist specialising in painting (oil on canvas) but equally proficient with sculpture and drawing.Graduated 15 years ago from the Canberra school of Art with a bachelor of Arts (visual) has exhibited widely in Australia and overseas (notably Paris, France, Prague and London).

[edit] Sources

  • stephen harrison203.129.40.192 00:23, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany is a charmed land, equally blessed ... Deleted cut-and-paste from [1]

    • We already have an article about Tuscany. If you edit it, please use your own words for copyright reasons, and try to be neutral rather than promotional. Kappa 00:52, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sources ( information gotten there)

[edit] Puerto Rican Espiritismo

Puerto Rican Espiritismo A common problem among minorities in the United States is that they receive inadequate and ineffective mental health treatment. There are many underlying factors that are at the cause of this problem, but this paper will mainly address the issue of a lack of cultural awareness and understanding. Many of those in the counseling field do not possess the knowledge of minorities’ cultural and spiritual beliefs are thus unable to relate to the patient. This inability results in inappropriate and ineffective treatment for those individuals. Common treatments in the United States that have their roots in Western psychological philosophy have proved to be ineffective in treating those with backgrounds outside of the west. In order to overcome this problem it is important for those in counseling who deal with such patients to become aware and knowledgeable of these differences. This will enable minorities to receive proper and effective treatment. Through this paper I hope to bring to light the culture and beliefs of Puerto Ricans and their belief system called Espiritismo, with the hope that others will become aware of these differences and adapt to provide proper treatment.

[edit] Espiritismo: Background of Beliefs

Before we are able to understand the practical use of Espiritismo, we must first become aware of the background and basics of the belief system. In the 19th century a French spiritualist named Allen Kardec wrote a series of books about “spiritisme” (Comas-Diaz, 637). Kardec defined this term as a “science that studies the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits and relations with corpeal world” (Molina, 228). After studying in Europe in the second half of the 19th century, Puerto Rican scholars brought this notion back to the island to share with others (Yanez, 1963). The concept of spiritism was first popular with the middle class intellectuals who were interested in it as a basic structure for social and moral development (Molina, 228). But soon the lower class individuals took Kardec’s ideas and combined them with their current beliefs of Catholicism, herbal medicine and other healing processes to create the Religious belief system known today as Espiritismo (Molina, 228). From then on the practice spread to become an integral part of everyday life and culture among Puerto Ricans, and is still alive and functioning today.

The foundation of Espiritismo is in the belief that two worlds exist. There is a spirit world that is surrounded by, but invisible to the human world. Spirits can communicate with the human world and vice versa. Those who have the ability to communicate with the spirit world are known as mediums or espiritistas. Mediums have the ability to communicate because they have developed facultades espirituales (spiritual faculties). They have the power to intervene with both worlds for good or for bad (Comas-Diaz, 637). Humans are spirits that have been embodied and thus live in the visible world. The “disembodied” spirits are the ones that make up the spirit world. The goal of spirits, all of whom are created ignorant by nature, is to achieve Evolucion Espiritual (spiritual evolution). Meaning they attempt to “develop toward full light and understanding until they become a pure spirit” (Comas-Diaz, 637). Spirits must work their way through three levels and ten grades of spiritual development. Based on their progress through these levels they are ranked in a hierarchal order (Comas-Diaz, 637). Those in the top tier are known as higher level and consist of pure spirits who are god-like. They have reached or almost reached full spiritual development and are considered pure in every sense. The middle level spirits are also pure spirits, but they are not quite god-like. They are more like angles or seraphim. The lowest levels of spirits are known as “ignorant spirits” and they are often influenced by evil and “misguided by material things”. In order to move up levels, both incarnated and non-incarnated spirits must undergo pruebas or trials to enhance their pureness. The incarnated spirits are lead by their “guardian spirits” through their pruebas. Mediums communicate with guardian spirits to inform incarnated spirits the path in which they should take (Comas-Diaz, 638). In Espiritismo it is believed that the lower level spirits, “ignorant spirits”, are responsible for physical and psychological problems in humans. Ignorant spirits can gain control of thoughts and actions of humans, basically possessing them. When possessed, the person is under the control of the spirit and forced to do its bidding. This can lead to serious mental and physical illnesses if not properly treated (Molina, 229).

[edit] Puerto Rican Context of Disorders

Knowing the background of espiritismo and its role in the beliefs of Puerto Ricans, we can now begin to examine how this system can be used as an effective form of mental health treatment. In order to effectively treat patients from a Puerto Rican background they must take into consideration the differences in the view of psychological disorders. It is common belief that the symptoms and effects of certain disorders vary from culture to culture and understanding these differences is necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment. In the case of Puerto Ricans who practice espiritismo, and many other Spanish speaking cultures, people do not separate physical and psychological health. When experiencing emotional and psychological problems, sufferers often describe their symptoms in terms of “somatic disorders” (Comas-Diaz, 639). So for example, instead of complaining about emotional discomfort, such as anxiety or depression, Puerto Ricans would describe symptoms of headaches and sleeplessness. The most important difference between the diagnosis and treatment of followers of espiritismo and those of most western denominations is that in espiritismo the patient is viewed as suffering at the hands of someone else. In other words they are not responsible for their psychological problems, that it is actually the work of ignorant spirits and beyond their control. Their problems are the results of external factors. In most western practices of psychotherapy the patient is seen as being sick, and their problems are the results of their own inadequate behavior. Thus it is up to the patient to reform their own behavior in order to control the problem (Comas-Diaz, 641). By knowing the nature and context of disorders among the Puerto Rican population, we can now examine the use of espiritismo as a form of therapy.

[edit] Diagnosis and Treatment using Espiritismo

It is a common belief among those who practice Espiritismo that humans are composed of spirit and matter. Because of this, illnesses can are inherently material (physical), spiritual or both. If the cause of an illness is material then a suffering patient will be referred to a modern health professional to receive treatment. If the problem is believed to be spiritual then they will be seek help from an espiritista. There are a wide range of problems that are considered spiritual. They range from “problems with significant relationships (spouses, children, etc.), psychosomatic concerns, sleeping problems, auditory and visual hallucinations, and nervous conditions such as anxiety and depression (Comas-Diaz, 637). In Espiritismo it is believed that ignorant spirits are the cause of these problems and to treat them, a person will most often visit a spiritual center to consult a medium. The patient will be brought in a room that consists of a long table furnished with a cloth cover. Seated at the head of the table is the group leader and around him sit other mediums. Usually present on the tables is a goblet of water, flowers, cigars and statues of different Catholic saints (Molina, 229). The room is often decorated with pictures of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. The first stage of a healing session will usually being with a reading from the book, El Evangelio Segun Espiritismo or The Gospel according to Spiritism, by Allen Kardec (Molina, 230). Then a prayer will be read from the book A Collection of Selected Prayers, which is designed to ask for the presence of spirit guides, the education of ignorant spirits, and support for the health of the patient. This process is called invocacion (Comas-Diaz, 638).

The second stage of healing involves finding the cause of the problem. This step is used to diagnosis the problem so that a proper method can be determined to cure the individual. There are different methods used to diagnose these types of disorders. Espiritistas can use cartomancy, which is the use of cards to reveal the past, present and future of a person. Another method of diagnosing is called spirit writing. This is a technique in which the medium makes a mark on a paper and interprets the meanings of the marks. Also the problem can be diagnosed by “spirit communication through a cup of water”, which the medium uses a cup of water to read the spirits messages (Comas-Diaz, 638). Through these processes a medium is able to identify whether the cause is spiritual, material or both. Once this is discovered then the medium prepares to be possessed by the ignorant spirit so that with the help of the other mediums, they can educate the misguided spirit and relieve the patient of their troubling symptoms (Molina, 230). There are two functions of the medium being possessed by the ignorant spirit. The first is to find the underlying feelings against the patient to better understand why they are brining harm to them. Most often a spirit is seeking revenge for harm that the patient has cause them either when they were alive or in a previous life (Molina, 230). The second and more important factor is to communicate with the spirit to enlighten them to a better way of reasoning, so that they do not continue to cause harm to the living.

While the medium is possessed the patient is told to complete certain rituals and activities to help guide and enlighten the ignorant spirit. These include lighting candles and reciting prayers. After the mediums are finished giving light to the ignorant spirit and they are satisfied that they have moved on, they work on strengthening the patient’s character so that they are no longer easily influenced by other spirits (Molina, 230). The session is complete when the group leader feels that the ignorant spirit has been effectively removed from the patient and their character has been sufficiently strengthened. Before the patient leaves the group leader leads them in one more prayer call, “At the end of the meeting” (Molina, 230).

[edit] Comparison of Espiritismo and Western Psychotherapy

The next question that arises in the discussion of providing appropriate mental health to Puerto Ricans is how to incorporate the use of espiritismo into traditional psychotherapy, to provide proper treatment for this population. The first step is to recognize the differences between the two systems. We must be aware of the cultural views of disorders and how they differ across societies. As stated earlier the main difference is the view of the patient. In espiritismo the patient is a victim of outside influence from ignorant spirits. “Sufferers are dependent on external forces, with no personal responsibility for their behavior” (Comas-Diaz, 641). In psychotherapy the patient is view as being responsible for their behavior and believed to be in control of it.

Some of the key similarities between the therapies are noticed when looking at the overall structure of their design. Espiritistas or mediums are “trained, socially accepted healers” (Comas-Diaz, 640). Psychoanalyst’s can be viewed in the same way. The patients are also similar because in both therapies they are someone who is seeking help because they are suffering from some disorder or another. Finally according to Comas-Diaz both therapies are centered on “systematic contact between the sufferer and the healer in which the healer attempts to change the sufferer’s behavior to relieve distress” (Comas-Diaz, 640). Within each therapy the main goal of the healer or analyst is to bring light to unconscious conflicts that are causing the patient psychological problems. By making the patient aware of these conflicts they are able to confront them and work them out. The similarities between these two forms of therapies are best illustrated in the works of C.G. Jung. There are many clear connections between his works and the beliefs found in espiritismo. Since Jung is one of the founding fathers of psychoanalytical therapy, and many of his terms and concepts are at the root of the practice, by understanding the connection to espiritismo, one would be better able to grasp its culture and realize its therapeutic value. Thus those who practice Jungian therapy could generalize their work to incorporate the Puerto Rican population.

From a young age C.G. Jung developed a strong interest in the unconscious and spent most of his life trying to understand it. Though his work is viewed as being rooted in western philosophies, it is easy to see the connection to such Caribbean practices as espiritismo. Many of his concepts when viewed under a cultural context can be applied to therapies like espiritismo. Jung himself can be viewed as a healer, similar to an espirita. According to Mario Molina, “Jung’s process of becoming a psychotherapist has some similarities with the way in which a Puerto Rican becomes a spiritist healer” (Molina, 231). Molina goes on to point out different instances in Jung’s life in which he encountered spirits, visions, dreams, and possessions all similar to the experience that a medium goes through while developing their faculties. Much of his work is centered on his attempt to describe these spiritual encounters scientifically. He defines spirits as “unconscious autonomous complexes which appear as projections because they have no direct association with the ego, they are pathological fantasies or new but yet unknown ideas” (Molina, 231). Later he coined the term “archetype” to describe these figures in the unconscious. Jung often referred to the collective unconscious as the “land of the dead” (Molina, 233). So one could see the connection between Jung’s collective unconscious and the “spirit world” in the belief system of Espiritismo. Jung also defines the act of possession by a spirit in psychological terms. He claims that when one is possessed, they are having “an invasion of a complex from the collective unconsciousness” (Molina, 234). These “complexes” act in a similar manner to ignorant spirits, where they gain control of a person’s thoughts and behavior, causing distress in the individual.

After knowing the connections between the two therapies in terminology, we can begin to see the similarities within the treatments. Already stated was the process in which an espirita “works the causas” of a suffering patient by identifying the cause of the problem as spiritual in nature, then contacting the ignorant spirit in order to educate it so that it can move on. The main goal is to create communication between the patient and the spirit in order to find the cause of the problem. C.G. Jung had a psychotherapy technique called “active imagination” that when viewed in context seems very similar to the medium practices (Molina, 240). The process begins with the patient suppressing their ego thoughts so that the unconscious can come forth. This is achieved by doing different relaxation exercises such as lighting candles, meditation, hypnosis etc. This is very similar to the beginning rituals of a counseling session with an espirita. In the case of active imagination, once the unconscious begins to come to light, the patient is told to give an outer form to it. This is done through poetry, artwork, music or direct dialogue. Once the unconscious has been given form, the patient is to bring back the ego and confront the unconscious. This compares to a medium being possessed and the patient confronting the ignorant spirit. Both therapies center on personifying the problem in order to communicate with it to work out a resolution. Once the ego confronts the unconscious the problems are discussed and once an understanding has been reached, the patient can be relieved of their distress. Both techniques can be summed up as “a healer (therapist) that bridges a gap between ignorant spirits (archetypes and complexes within the collective unconscious) and the patient” (Molina, 240).

Understanding the similarities between Jungian psychoanalysis and Puerto Rican Espiritismo gives us the hope that advances can be made in the treatment of minorities with mental health problems. Since Jungian psychoanalysis is a widely studied and accepted practice, by showing its similarities to Espiritismo one can hope that its practice can be better understood and accepted. Espiritismo is just one example of many different cultural therapies that aide in the area of mental health among minorities. It is important for therapists who deal with a minority population to gain a better understanding of the culture of such people so that more effective treatment can be issued. By knowing about outlets such as spirit centers and mediums, therapists can work in junction with these agencies to treat the minority population effectively. The therapeutic power of Puerto Rican Espiritismo can not be ignored and should be further researched to get a better understand of its powers so that maybe one day they can be generalized to a greater population.

[edit] Sources


  • Comas-Diaz, L. “Puerto Rican Espiritismo and Psychotherapy,” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, October 1981
  • Baruth, Leroy, Manning, M. Lee. Multicultural Counseling and Psychotherapy, Merrill, Columbus, Ohio. Pg. 289
  • Baez, Annecy, Hernandez, David. “Complementary spiritual beliefs in the Latino community: The interface with psychotherapy.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol 71(4), Oct 2001. pp. 408-415
  • Lefley, Harriet P. “Psychotherapy and cultural adaptation in the Caribbean” International Journal of Group Tension, Vol 11(1-4), 1981. pp. 3-16.
  • Molina, Mario A. Nunez. “Archetypes and spirits: A Jungian analysis of Puerto Rican Espiritismo.” Journal of Analytical Psychology, Vol 41(2), Apr 1996. pp. 227-244 01:01, 3 February 2006 (UTC)Stephen Godbout

  • I'd like to create it. The references check out. But the text is bad. Encyclopaedia articles are not written in the first person ("Through this paper I hope") are not prescriptive ("The therapeutic power of Puerto Rican Espiritismo can not be ignored and should be further researched") and do not advocate one particular medical point of view ("appropriate mental health to Puerto Ricans"). Moreover, the text wanders between two quite different subjects, the belief system of Puerto Rican Espiritismo (what an encyclopaedia article by this title should be about) and psychotherapy of Puerto Ricans. Uncle G 14:00, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Natalia Szmacinski

Natalia Szmacinski is the coolest person ever. She is Polish and lives in Maryland. She loves tea and the television show The O.C. She has a dog named Kasey and a fish named Moby Dick who has been alive for almost 18 months. Natalia is really neat. Natalia likes Psychology and chicken salad.

[edit] Criticisms

In fact, Natalia Szmacinski is so cool that she felt it neccesary to write an article about herself on wikipedia linking to her profile on Although it can be argued that in doing so, she sacrificed her "coolest person ever" status in a poorly executed attempt at plebeian and sophomoric humor.

[edit] Sources

( 01:10, 3 February 2006 (UTC))

  • I'm afraid Natalia doesn't meet WP:BIO inclusion guidelines. - Mgm|(talk) 09:26, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] [[State Of Emergency (album)

State Of Emergency is the fourth full length album from Australian Rockabilly band The Living End. It is released on the 4th of February 2006 in Australia and a later date is yet to be confirmed for overseas.

  • Please follow the instructions at the top of the page and include published sources and a signature. - Mgm|(talk) 09:26, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Duke Math Meet

The Duke Math Meet is an annual math contest at the high school level held by university students part of the Duke University Math Union. Regional schools are invited for an ARML style contest in the fall. Awards are given for top teams, individuals, jokes, and artwork. The latter two are nonformal prizes. (One example of a joke was an answer that read "ERROR: BRAIN OVERLOAD".) Calculators are not permitted

[edit] Results

[edit] Team

[edit] 2005
  1. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Team A
  2. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Team B
  3. East Chapel Hill High School Team A

[edit] Individual

[edit] 2005
  1. Arnav Tripathy

[edit] Sources

[edit] Scrapbook (extension)

Scrapbook is a Firefox extension that enables users to easily download and annotate webpages.

[edit] Sources

  • Author Homepage
  • Great idea, can you add some more info. A oneliner will run the risk of getting deleted as an advertisement. - Mgm|(talk) 09:30, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Wilson McCutchan

Wilson McCutchan is a pretty regular guy who lives in Toronto, Canada. He went to university at Mount Allison in New Brunswick, and made significant contributions to the furtherment of the media in the town of Sackville. Specifically, he popularized both "The Argosy," a weekly newspaper, and CHMA, the local radio station. Today, McCutchan resides in Toronto, doing pretty ordinary stuff, and enjoys pretty ordinary things, like gelato.

[edit] Sources

[edit] One Billion

1 000 000 000. One Thousand Million. Ten to the ninth power.

[edit] Sources

Webster's Third New International Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass. 1967 03:01, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

  • Please note that Wikipedia is not a dictionary. Besides, we already have a more extensive article at Billion which explains it can refer to 2 different numbers. - Mgm|(talk) 09:32, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla

Founded in 1904, Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla, or YMKG, is Tampa's oldest and most prestigious krewe, or social organization. Each year, YMKG sponsors a festival called Gasparilla in Tampa re-enacting a pirate invasion of the city. YMKG's members dress like pirates in honor of the Krewe's namesake, Jose Gaspar, a mythical pirate that cruised the waters in and around Tampa Bay during the Golden Age of Piracy.

[edit] Sources 03:11, 3 February 2006 (UTC)Jose Gaspar

[edit] Sources

[edit] Solon Middle School Science Olympiad

Started in the mid 90's, the Solon Science Olympiad team has been quite prosperous. The team is led by Coach Drew Kirian, and chooses approx. 30 students every year to join the team (along with a few alternates) after a multiple-choice test and a mechanical test tryout. The team competes in >20 events in various fields of science.


[edit] Sources

[edit] David Saks

David Saks, b.1952, is a native Memphian, realtor and musician that has been honored by the Memphis City Council and Memphis government for his contributions to the arts. Two of his songs, "One Last Bridge" and "In Memphis" were adopted as the Official Songs of Memphis.

[edit] Sources

Http://DavidSaks.Com 03:26, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Grim and the JC

Grim and the JC is a weekly webcomic about Jesus Christ and the Grim Reaper living as roommates. They have everyday adventures (mostly) and the comic centers around how they deal with their crazy lives.

[edit] Sources 03:43, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ron Franklin

Successful Trial Lawyer in Houston, Texas

[edit] Sources 04:59, 3 February 2006 (UTC)Student

  • THat's really not enough for an article. Could you add some more info please?

[edit] Battle of Flamborough Head

The most famous battle in the career of the American naval hero, John Paul Jones, fought during the Revolutionary War on September 23, 1779, off Flamborough Head, England.

Commodore Jones left France in the Bonhomme Richard, commanding a fleet of six ships on a cruise around the British Isles. When he reached Flamborough Head, he had four ships remaining. There he encountered a merchant convoy from the Baltic, bringing naval supplies to the British. The convoy was escorted by two British naval ships, the Serapis, commanded by Pearson, and the Countess of Scarborough, Piercey commanding.

Jones chose to engage the British warships before pursuing the Baltic convoy. His own Bonhomme Richard engaged the Serapis, while the Pallas fought off an on with the Countess of Scarborough. The Vengeance did not participate in the battle. The Alliance left conflicting accounts of her role in the affair, but present scholarship suggests that the Alliance did more to hinder Jones than help.

The Bonhomme Richard and the Serapis engaged in various naval maneuvers for an hour and a half during which Jones realized that Serapis was a nimbler ship (she was in fact newly copper-bottomed) and had the heavier guns. He thus resolved to grapple with the Serapis, to try and board her, his only chance at victory. When Serapis' bowsprit became fouled in the Bonhomme Richard's rigging, the two ships became attached to each other, stem to stern, their guns (cannons) literally face to face.

It was at this point, when Capt. Pearson called across to ask if Jones wanted to surrender, that Jones gave his infamous reply: "I have not yet begun to fight."

The two ships then fought an unprecedented and epic battle for two more hours, firing cannons, dropping grenades, and shooting muskets from the masts, before Pearson finally struck. The Pallas also captured the Countess of Scarborough.

Jones may have won the victory and enduring fame. But his ship did sink two days later, and Pearson, in defeat, was able to save the Baltic convoy which escaped.

-- This is a revisionist history. JP Jones, a known pirate, a murderer and pediophile. The fact that he inadvertantly aided a great nation during a time of war does not change these facts.

[edit] Sources

This account is re-described from Samuel Eliot Morison's John Paul Jones, A Sailor's Biography (1942). 05:47, 3 February 2006 (UTC) L. Bruce Coffey Jr.

[edit] puente13 blackwood st.

puente13 blackwood st. sgv gangland

[edit] Sources puente13 blackwood st.

[edit] Euganean Hills

The Euganean Hills are a hill system located in North-Eastern Italy, in the Veneto region, province of Padova (Padua). Their origin is mainly volcanic.

[edit] Sources

[edit] Marendole

Marendole, is a small town in the province of Padua (Padova), Italy.

[edit] Sources

[edit] Stan Veenstra aka Da Prozpek

Cofounder of Thugz Mansion, this legendary east coast rapper is known for his wild weekend exploits and superb lyrical skills that have seen him go triple platinum in every English speaking country.

[edit] Sources 07:26, 3 February 2006 (UTC)Worldwide Press

[edit] Ben Boschman aka Crazy Muthaf----er

[edit] Sources 07:31, 3 February 2006 (UTC)Associated Press

  • That sort of content is exactly why Articles for creation now exists. Removed. Uncle G 14:24, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] throttling, throttling down

This term, when applied to a laptop, refers to a technique used to reduce the consumption of resources from the hardware in order to save battery power or to protect it from getting too hot. At least it means to reduce the CPU clock speed and fan speed.

[edit] Sources,GGGL:2005-09,GGGL:es&q=throttling+laptop

[edit] Self-reconfiguring

  1. Redirect Self reconfigurable

[edit] Sources

Apparently it didn't show up, but it's supposed to be a redirect from Self-reconfiguring.

[edit] Teresa Magbanua

Teresa Magbanua y Ferraris (1868-1947) earned the distinction of being the only woman to lead combat troops in the Visayas against Spanish and American forces. Born in Pototan, Iloilo, to wealthy parents, she earned a teaching degree and taught in her hometown. Having come from a family of revolutionaries, she immediately volunteered her services to the motherland and became a topnotch horseman and marksman. Fifty years later, her heroism was once again displayed when she helped finance a guerrilla resistance movement against the Japanese in Iloilo.

MANILA - Teresa Magbanua, a native of Pototan, Iloilo...

Deleted cut-and-paste from Philippine Information Agency'

[edit] Sources 09:39, 3 February 2006 (UTC)studyante

  • [2] is a good saoruce, but please provide information in your own words. 01:05, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] delocalisation

the transfer of certain activities once produced in a given place, to other place.

[edit] Sources 09:57, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

  • Wikipedia is not a dictionary. Please write an article, instead of a mere definition. - Mgm|(talk) 10:11, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] DIRFOR

DIRFOR is a trade union of Italian Forestry Police able to operate openly and to negotiate with employers in regard to wages and working conditions.

[edit] External links

Category:Trade unions

DIRFOR is a trade union of Italian Forestry Police able to operate openly and to negotiate with employers in regard to wages and working conditions.

[edit] Ghost Squad

[edit] Sources

SEGA AM2 website 10:25, 3 February 2006 (UTC)Ghost Squad is a first-person, light gun shooting arcade game released in 2004 by sega, where the player play as a member of a fictional special force unit Ghost Squad

Like other light gun shooters by Sega like the House of the Dead and virtual cop series Ghost Squad's gameplay is pretty much the same Except the feature of saving player's data like ranking, items, level of stage using a IC Card

Ghost Squad official site

[edit] Algometer

A device used to measure tolerance to pain.

[edit] Sources

[edit] Salaam 98

The Salaam 98 is an Egyptian cruise ship that sunk in the Red Sea off Saudi Arabia on February 3, 2006 with an estimated 1,300 passengers on board.

[edit] Sources -- 10:47, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Jan De Nul

Jan De Nul was established in 1938 as a Civil Engineering and Maritime Construction Company. In 1951, expansion towards dredging started and has evolved into an important activity in which Jan De Nul has become specialized and ranks at the top.

Jan De Nul employs 3000 employees worldwide and has become a world leader in dredging, reclamation works and specialised services for offshore pipelines, rock dumping, salvage and heavy lifting. In Belgium, Jan De Nul is known for its civil engineering works, marine related civil works, buildings and water purification plants and is specialized in turnkey projects. The Jan De Nul Group also offers large-scale environmental services which include soil remediation, confined waste disposal, sludge treatment and organic waste recycling by means of its subsidiary company ‘ENVISAN’.

The Jan De Nul Group’s massive expansion policy with respect to its new dredging fleet capacity is unequalled in the dredging sector providing the most modern dredging fleet in the world. The company owns and operates :

  • 8 cutter suction dredgers with total installed diesel power ranging from 2,380 to 27,240 kW including the world’s most powerful self-propelled cutter dredgers such as the "JFJ De Nul", the "Leonardo da Vinci" and the "Marco Polo". In 2003, the world’s largest self-propelled rock cutter suction dredger, the "JFJ De Nul" was launched and commissioned. The ship has a total installed power of 27,240 kW and 36 % more power on the cutter drive than the "Leonardo da Vinci". Two medium sized stationary cutter suction dredgers have been ordered at the Tianjin Xinhe Shipyard in China and are due for delivery in 2006.
  • 17 trailing suction hopper dredgers with hopper capacities ranging from 2,339 to 33,000 m³ including the "Vasco da Gama", the world’s first mega dredger and four new trailing suction hopper dredgers launched in 2003: the "Francesco di Giorgio" and the "Taccola" with 4.400 m³ capacity and the 11.300 m³ "Francis Beaufort" and "Filippo Brunelleschi". A deep dredging facility up to a suction depth of 130 m has been installed to set a new record in deep dredging. With her 60,000 dead weight tonnage, the 33,000 m³ 'Vasco da Gama' provides a carrying capacity of some 80 percent in excess of the largest hopper dredgers available on the market at this time.
  • 11 (of which 3 under construction) sea going self-propelled split hopper barges with hopper capacity ranging from 1,800 m³ to 3,700 m³.
  • 1 side stone dumping vessel.
  • 2 backhoe dredgers, among which the Il Principe, the most modern, efficient self-propelled backhoe dredger in the world.
  • 2 floating cranes with lifting capacity of respectively 440 tonnes and 3,300 tonnes.

Various auxiliary equipment and support vessels including multi-purpose handling tugs, crane and survey vessels and one oil-spillage recovery vessel.

Its diverse fleet of dredgers provides the flexibility to execute dredging and reclamation related works of any kind, size or nature, including :

  • Capital dredging and maintenance works in ports, harbours, rivers, etc…
  • Reclamation of port and industrial areas.
  • Rock dredging in open sea conditions.
  • Dredging of shore approaches and trenches for offshore pipelines and outfalls.
  • Sand wave dredging in open sea (pre-sweeping).
  • Pipeline stabilisation and protection by rock dumping.
  • Coastal defence by means of beach replenishment.
  • Oil recovery and cleaning operations.
  • Dredging, treatment and disposal of contaminated soils.
  • Specialised alternative dredging methods to reduce or avoid environmental impact on marine related works.
  • Various auxiliary equipment and support vessels including multi-purpose handling tugs, crane and survey vessels and one oil-spillage recovery vessel.

Major projects include :

  • The so-called "dredging contract of the century" for the reclamation of the new airport platform for Hong Kong’s new international airport at Chek Lap Kok involved Jan De Nul as joint leader of an international consortium of dredging and civil engineering contractors. This massive undertaking, which was completed on time and within budget, included a total of 237 million m³ of dredging and land reclamation works. The project was the single largest land reclamation project at the time and employed the majority of the world’s largest dredging vessels.
  • The ongoing 18 year’s concession contract for the deepening and the maintenance dredging of the "Río Paraná and Río de la Plata" River in Argentina was designed to increase the navigability of the river so as to provide improved communications and trade opportunities for Argentina’s inland river conurbations. This project extends over approximately 790 kilometres from the entrance of the Port of Santa Fe on the Paraná River till Punta Indio, 240 km on the Río de la Plata.
  • The Franpipe installation project from Draupner (Norway) to Dunkirk (France). Late in 1996 all four dredging packages tendered to Statoil were awarded to Jan De Nul. The works involved pre-sweeping over a distance of approximately 300 kilometres, pre-trenching in stiff clay at the Westhinder shipping channel and dredging and backfilling together with civil engineering works related to the landfall at Dunkirk.
  • The ongoing 1,400 ha land reclamation project for housing and residential purposes at Pulau Ubin and Pulau Tekong in Singapore. Involving the filling of approx. 200 million m³ of sand, capital dredging of waterways, the construction of an offshore dumping ground for disposal of 24 million m³ of soft clays, the construction of a staging area on the mainland and bund construction works over a length of 15 km. The 5 years’ project is scheduled to be completed by November 2005.
  • Palm Island II, project in which a 4 km long peninsula in the form of a palm tree is to be created, protected by a 200m wide and 11 km long breakwater.

Shore approach trenching, backfilling and civil works on the island of Sakhalin (Russia) in remote sea state and climatic conditions.

  • The extension of the existing LNG Port at Ras Laffan in Qatar. The contract implies the dredging of 20 million m³ of limestone, the reclamation of 25 million m³ of offshore sand, the quarry and placing of 18 million ton stone and the construction and placing of 1 million m³ of concrete blocks for the construction of breakwaters that will protect the new harbor.
  • The development of Jebel Ali Container Terminal in Dubai. Deepening of the port basin, involving 23 million m³ of material, dredging of a trench for the future quay wall, construction of rubble mound breakwaters and revetments in a length of 9 km, involving a total rock quantity of 2.5 million m³, 8 million m³ of earthmoving, construction of 1.7 km of floating breakwaters to provide a safe berthing of vessels, and provision of navigation aids required for Stage I of the New Container Terminal.

[edit] Sources 10:58, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] suga t

[edit] Sources


Suga - T is a nationwide legend. Suga grew up in Vallejo, CA and spent her adult years in the East Bay area. Best known for her multi-successes, opening doors for female Hip Hop artists in the Greater Bay area. Also, under the independent label, "Sick Wid It Records"- SWI started by the group, "The Click" and members D-Shot, Mugzi, E-40 (CEO), Kaveo, Levitti & B-Legit she was the only female in the group. Suga has enjoyed working in movies, sitcoms and radio while learning the music business and touring as a group artist and as a successful rap artist all over the country for many years.

[edit] Sources

opacho hanagumi goldva

[edit] moles

a colleague in work told me that there is a plant that burns off moles, i was wondering does anyone know what this plant is called? where do you get it and does it leave a scar?

if you could contact me on my e-mail address i would appreciate it greatly.

hope to hear from someone soon

[[[User:|]] 12:26, 3 February 2006 (UTC)]

[edit] Partai Rakyat Demokratik

Partai Rakyat Demokratik or known as PRD, literally means Democratic People's Party, is an Indonesian radical left-democratic party.

The party was founded at early 1996 by Indonesian young intellectuals and activists led by young leftist activist named Budiman Sujatmiko. Its early members included college students. Since its early ages, the party had bravely criticized the authoritarian and repressive government of New Order. It quickly showed radicalism with its Manifesto 22 Juli 1996 or July 22nd 1996 Manifesto, which criticized the political condition of Indonesia by that time under the corrupt dictator Suharto.

By 1997, PRD got more active in advocating the poor peasants at Java using its sub-organization, STN or Serikat Tani Nasional, means National Peasants Union. The activity was to advocate the peasants to hold their rights and land when they are pushed by the government or government-supported giant developers in and for ambitious projects. Also by these times, PRD blatantly supported the independence of East Timor, its leader, Budiman Sujatmiko even met up with Xanana Gusmao, the East Timor leader for independence and the new nation's current President.

Mad by the critics and activites performed by the party, the government committed repressions and pressures over it by using the polices and the military if necessary. The government and the military simply stigamtized PRD as communist or subversive movement. Despite the leftist ideology of the party, PRD was never been a communist, it was more like a socialist that didn't use guns and violence in its movement. Since 1997 to first half of 1998, many members of the party and any activist related to it were arrested without proper procedure, were kidnapped, were physically abused, humiliated, and imprisoned without trial. Despite destroying, the government's repression quickly boosted the party's popularity, especially among opposition and activist community.

By 1998, the wave and demand of Reformation began to take place, which demanded the government to perform reformation in many aspects, especially in politic. The process was used by many opportunists, including the military and Islamic right-wing fundamentalists to create chaos and disorder, which in turn brought murders, abuses, pillage, plunder, and raping, especially to the minority race of Indonesian Chinese people, which were mistakenly scapegoated in this mass anger. But by middle of 1998, the struggle of the party and also other uncountable oppositions born its fruit, the dictator Suharto resigned, which marked the collapse of the New Order regime.

After the Refromation, PRD continued to criticize the more-democratic government of Indonesia and sometimes also involved in boycotting the election for protest. The party is currently led by former woman labor crusader Dita Indah Sari after its former leader Budiman Sujatmiko received scholarship and continued his study.

[edit] Sources 13:02, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

  • This text has a rather obvious political bias ("bravely criticized the authoritarian and repressive government"), and the sources cited, mainly the party's own web site, are of no use for the task of neutralizing it. A lot more, and better, sources are needed for such an obviously contentious subject to get off the ground. We do not need to start yet another article with a perennial NPOV dispute over badly sourced content. Please supply multiple sources that are independent of the party itself. We aim to enforce a strong sourcing policy for all subjects here, especially contentious ones. Uncle G 14:17, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Copied from main page

These two were added at the AfC main page after it had been blanked.
                        ==MR. RONS==

the Mr. Rons are a cambridge based band whom cannot be pigion-holed. Every day we hear of bands who supposedly have brought a new and original sound to british music. But the Mr. Rons really are indie-un-pigion-holeable music. Their lead singer is Sams Plumbs. And then the rest of the band.

_Rock City (Album)_

Rock City is a 2002 album by rap artist Royce Da 5'9". It was intended for a 2002 release, however after heavy bootlegging, the album was pulled and repackaged as Rock City 2.0.


1. It's Tuesday 2. Rock City 3. Getcha Paper 4. We Live 5. You Can't Touch Me 6. Let's Go 7. D-Elite Part 1 8. D-Elite Part 2 9. She's The One 10. Boom 10. What Would You Do 11. Who Am I 12. Life ft. Amerie 13. My Friend

[edit] Electric knife

An electric knife is a kitchen electrical device used for slicing food such as bread, chicken, pork etc. The advantage of an electric knife is less physical effort is required and it's easier to make cleaner slices. The device consists of 2 serrated blades that are clipped together and when the applianced is switched on the blades continuously move sideways to provide the sawing action.

Electric knives are either corded or cordless.

[edit] Sources

[edit] I'm Not Maggie

I'm Not Maggie were formed in a haze of talent and drunken ambition in the rainy boroughs of Fermanagh sometime in 2002. Since then they have gone from strength to strength and have a number of successful recordings under their belt.

The current line up is:

Jimi Farry - Lead Vox Stewart McKeown - Guitar/Backing Vox Ronan McGrade - Guitar Alec McKeown - Bass Guitar/Backing Vox Dwayne McGowan - Drums/Percussion/Backing Vox

[edit] Sources 15:05, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Nicolas Vanier

Nicolas Vanier, a French traveller and an author of a number of books and films about his travels. Ithe beginning of 2006, while crossing Russia in a dog-drawn sledge, he was accused by several animal protection organisations and Russian media in behaving cruelly towards his dogs.

His adventure, "l’Odyssée Sibérienne" (ٍSyberian Odyssey), was organized under the high patronage of President Jacques Chirac.

According to Russian animal protection group Vita, "the huskies are in an extremely bad condition, with legs covered in blood up to their knees. Three of the 10 animals could not continue the trip and had to be left along the way". At least one of the dogs died, Russian state agency Novosti reported.

When the dogs were offered hay to lie on during a stop in the city of Tomsk, the animals started eating it hungrily, bringing witnesses to tears, said an open letter of a number of Tomsk citizens.

Several Russian organisations of dog experts stated: "Laikas, whom Vanier is using in his adventure can keep moving on snow, but not on ice".

Still, press-secretary of Vanier refutes such allegations, pointing out that the way Vanier treats the animals is "naturally traditional", the dog which died was killed by another dog because of a quarrel. His proponents also claim, the accusations of underfeeding the dogs are irrelevant, as soon as the dogs should be underfed to keep moving the sledge.

[edit] Sources

[edit] Dahigaonkar

Please click here Blogs from an original Dahigaonkar

House DJ Eddie Getdown Ortiz was born in Chicago, but raised on the south side of the City. A street called 18th street. He began his start avid fan on W.C.Y.C 90.5 F.M.

Eddie Getdown Ortiz gained a great reputation for speed mixing and cutting up the wax. He also went on to Chicago's Radio Station W.C.R.X 88.1 F.M.

Which was a big house Radio Station back in the 1980's.

It is amazing how Eddie Getdown Ortiz could change records so quickly like if it was just only one single record.

Today Eddie Getdown Ortiz does keep house music live, such as, French house, Tribal house, Vocal house, Hard house, Progressive House and Chicago House.

Battling DJ's has made a great competition for Eddie Getdown Ortiz. He went on to spinning records throughout the world. In addition, is long-term DJ residency in Illinois.

Also, Eddie Getdown Ortiz can be heard on W.R.L.R 98.3 FM on Friday and Saturday Night from 9:00 P.M. - 2:00 A.M.

He is considered to be a "Superstar" DJ.

[edit] successful

Having accomplished something; achieving a positive outcome

[edit] Sources 15:46, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Marvin Pierce

Marvin Pierce, born June 17, 1893 in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania, is the father of first lady Barbara Bush and maternal grandfather of 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush. Pierce attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and went on to become the president of McCall Corporation, a publisher.

[edit] Sources 16:02, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Fayaz Choudhary

Copyright violation of removed. Uncle G 16:25, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] every transaction says something!!! trap the hidden cues...

INTRODUCTION The past two decades has seen a dramatic increase in the amount of information or data being stored in electronic format...

Deleted essay that's a paste-up of verbatim chunks of various sources [3] , [4], the manual for SAS Enterprise Guide software, etc.

...This is called standardized Assortment fashion.

[edit] Sources 16:34, 3 February 2006 (UTC) SATYABRATA BEHERA, ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL.

  • Please provide a clear title for your submission, and provide material in your own words. 01:19, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Merry Christmas Charlie Manson

This is an episode on the animated series South Park in which Cartman, his mom, Stan, Kyle and Kenny all go to Cartman's Grandma's house for Christmas.there they meet Cartman's family and see where he inherits his personality from.

During dinner Cartman's uncle is shown on a television set displayed at the end of the table as he is in prison. Later that night the boys are asleep in the basement and hear a noise, someone coming through the window, Cartman turns on the light and sees it just his uncle. He has broken out of prison as has brought a friend with him, Charlie Manson. The next day the boys, and Cartman's little cousin Melvin, go to the shopping mall, driven by Manson, to see Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo. Manson wathces a The Grinch and sees how evil people can turn good and his outlook on life is changed, he then becomes more cheerful. Manson then changes his Nazi tattoo for a smiley face tattoo on his forhead.

At the dissapointment of finding out that it is just a guy in a Mr. Hankey costume Kyle tears of his mask and reveals it to all the children who begin a riot.

Cops are soon all over the scene and see Charlie Manson, who then runs to the car with the boys and flees to Cartman's Grandma's house. The cops have the house surrounded and both he and Cartman's uncle decide to go out the back way and try to escape. Manson choses not to and gives up and they all sing a happy cheerful Christmas song afterwards.

At the end of the episode Cartman's family and the boys all give Manson a Merry Christmas cheer in his prison cell and then ends.

Image:\\isfs1\homeug03\ges\FXS355\My Pictures

[edit] Sources

[edit] Ethnorelativism

In comparism to ethnocentrism, ethnorelativism is where an individual see his own culture as equal to other culture. Especially when individuals become culturally competent, they moving from an avoidance of cultural differences (ethnocentrism) to a stage where culture differences are recognzed an accepted (ethnorelativism).

[edit] Cuban Flower Bat

Cuban Flower Bat

[edit] Sources


The Cuban Flower Bat is a really cool bat. This creature was first found in around the year of 1872.

[edit] Small business hosted PBX

With so many features available to your organisation ...

Deleted cut-and-paste from

[edit] Sources 17:55, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

  • Snipped advertisement for 03:05, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Powerstar - DJ & Producer of Electronica Dance Music

Powerstar Short Intro Native New Yorker, Powerstar, has been constantly pushing new music...

Deleted cut-and-paste from

[edit] Sources

B. Clara Kim Sould Out Entertainment & Untitled Entertainment, New York

Matthew Rod. Godskitchen North America 18:00, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

  • Please provide material in your own words. 01:01, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Lady (Obie Trice)

[edit] Lyrics

[Obie Trice] Can we re- can we re-enact Biggie's song? ...

Deleted cut-and-paste from cited source

[edit] External links

  • This is a track from the Obie Trice debut album Cheers. Wikipedia does not host copyrighted lyrics. 00:59, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] it lives on

[edit] Sources

days before is the best band in the world

[edit] GBPPR

Green Bay Professional Packet Radio (GBPPR) [[5]] was formed in 1999 by a small group of digital ham radio enthusiasts in Green Bay, WI. Digital amateur radio communications started in the 1980's primarily lead by TAPR [[6]] to lead the development and marketing of TNC's. By the GBPPR came together the throughput speeds of typical amateur digital communications where generally still in the 1200-9600 baud range, and by the rest of current the digital communications standards these speeds where lagging. By 1997 TAPR attempted development of a 128 Kbps 900 MHz Frequency Hopping radio, suggesting this is the future for amateur packet radio and the answer to the lagging speeds.

GBPPR's answer to the need for speed was to adopt and convert off the self Part 15 wireless Ethernet devices explicitly for ham radio. These devices already operate on amateur radio frequencies. GBPPR developed the first affordable homebrew bi-directional amplifier for use with the converted hardware and began a detailed website to encourage and help other digital ham radio enthusiasts. Other well noticed work included: 915 MHz BDA schematic, 2.4 GHz BDA schematic, Interactive Wireless Design Utilities.

Shortly after making print in ham radio publications such as CQ magazine (3/01), QST, and websites such as slashdot (3/28/02) the ARRL formed a High Speed Multimedia Working Group (HSMM) [[7]] and began encouraging widespread use of spread spectrum modes of communications such as IEEE 802.11 on amateur radio frequencies.

[edit] Sources

19:44, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Bigger Brother

Bigger Brother was a contestant on the TV show Robot Wars between Series 4-7. The robot was equipped with a gas-powered arm flipper. A fairly successful robot who finished second in Series 5.

They also entered into Series 3 as Big Brother.

Battle Summary

Series 4

Round 1 vs Hammer & Tong vs Clawed Hopper- Qualified

Round 2 vs Bulldog Breed II- Lost

Robot Wars Extreme Series 1

Tag Team Terror & Major Tom vs Spawn Again & Comengetorix- Lost

Flipper Frenzy vs Thermidor II vs Wheely Big Cheese vs Chaos 2- Lost

Vengeance vs Comengetorix- Won

Series 5

Round 1 vs Tip-Top- Won

Round 2 vs Splinter- Won

Round 3 vs 3 Stegs 2 Heaven- Won

Round 4 vs S3- Won

Round 5 vs Chaos 2- Won

Round 6 vs Hypno-Disc- Won

Grand Final vs Razor- Lost

Series 6

Round 1 vs Killer Carrot 2 vs Major Tom vs Riptilion- Qualified

Round 2 vs Behemoth- Won

Round 3 vs Disc-O-Inferno- Won

Round 4 vs Dominator II- Lost

Losers' Melee vs Spawn Again vs Hypno-Disc- Won

Round 5 vs Terrorhurtz- Lost

Robot Wars Extreme Series 2

All Stars Championship

Round 1 vs Firestorm IV vs S3- Qualified

Round 2 vs Tornado- Won

Round 3 vs Firestorm IV- Lost

Minor Meltdown Championship

Round 1 vs Lambsy vs Saw-Point- Qualified

Round 2 vs Rick- Won

Final vs Lambsy- Won

Series 7

Round 1 vs Typhoon 2 vs Colossus vs U.R.O- Qualified

Round 2 vs Iron Awe 2.1- Lost

All Stars Championship

Round 1 vs Panic Attack vs Kat III vs Firestorm V- Eliminated

[edit] Miles Li

Miles (Ming) Li is the co-founder and CEO of PhotonEdge Inc., a California-based high-tech company specicalized in next-generation display technologies. Prior to PhotonEdge, he (along with business partner Dr. Sean PENG) founded a fiber-optic intelligent module company named LambdaFlex Inc. in May 2000, and successfully sold the company 18 months later to Avanex Corporation (NASDAG: ANVX) in November 2001. At Avanex, he was the Director of Product Management in charge of PowerLeveler and PowerBlocker product lines, and later was appointed Director of Advanced Technologies. He also sits on the board of directors of Lightip Technologies. Miles Li has a Ph.D. in Engineering Science from Oxford University in UK, and a B.Sc. in Optical Engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

[edit] Sources 20:06, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sources

[edit] Kelex

A Dwarven Priest on the Detheroc Server of World of Warcraft

[edit] Sources 21:20, 3 February 2006 (UTC)Austyn163.6.254.139 21:20, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Conceptual Path Models

I would like to request the explanation and examples of conceptual path models.

[edit] Sources

Hierarchical Linear Models : Applications and Data Analysis Methods (Advanced Quantitative Techniques in the Social Sciences) 21:22, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] G. O. Clark

Gary Osgood Clark, (G. O. Clark), b. 1945- , is the author of 7 chapbooks of poetry: Letting The Eye To Wonder, 1990; 7 degrees of something, 1991, Mulberry Press; A Box Full Of Alien Skies, 2001, Dark Regions Press; The Other Side of the Lens, 2003, Dark Regions Press; Bone Sprockets, 2004, (Stoker Award nominee)Dark Regions Press; Mortician's Tea, 2006, Naked Snake Press; 25 Cent Rocket Ship to the Stars, 2007, Dark Regions Press.

Awards: Asimov's Readers Award, 2001, for poem "10 Things You Can't Do Inside A Space Helmut".

Poetry, fiction, and book reviews in Asimov's Science Fiction, Talebones, Tales of the Talesman, Space & Time, Book Of Dark Wisdom, Star*Line, Small Press Review, Bare Bone, Magazine of Speculative Poetry, Dreams & Nightmares, Wormwood Review, Pedestal (online), Strange Horizons (online), Ideomancer (online), Star Trek/The Poems (UK), Rhysling Anthology, (various years), The Sacramento Anthology: 100 Poems, ed. by Dennis Schmitz, and many other paper and electronic venues since 1979.

Science Fiction Poetry Association, Secretary, 11/2003 - 11/2005.

Member: Science Fiction Poetry Association, Horror Writers Association, Planetary Society.


[edit] Sources

I'm the author/ webpage:

G. O. Clark169.237.75.63 21:31, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Lilo & Stitch 3-D The Return Of 627

This movie is set to be relested in 2020 in Super Duper Extra Mega Ultra Disney Digital 3-D and is about when 624 & 626 get marired but Jumba give's 627 a upgrade and calling him Experiment 627.2 with bionic powers,new powers,old powers, has wings, and can distroy thing like Stitch so 627.2 exsapes form Jumba's ship and soon captures 624 so Lilo & Stitch need to resque 624 agen (See the " Snafu" ep.) and go on a wild advecher!

[edit] Autogenics

A suggestion-based system body regulation developed by Johannes H. Schultz in the early 1900's.

[edit] Sources

Autogenic Training, Micah Sadigh,Haworth Press, 2001 22:10, 3 February 2006 (UTC)P Stafford

[edit] Arif Mustafa Jatoi

Pakistani Politician

Son of Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, a former Chief Minister of Sindh & Former Prime Minuster of Pakistan.

Arif Jatoi studied at prestigious Universities in the United States and holds several Undergraduate and Post Graduate Degrees. His field of Specialization at the Doctorate level is International Developmental Finance.

He worked extensively abroad in the Finance and Banking sector before returning to Pakistan to persue a career in public service.

He contested the 1997 general elections on the platform of the NPP, losing the election by 1,600 votes. In the 2002 general elections he defeated his rival by a margin of 36,000 votes, as well as achieving the disticion of receiving the 3rd highest votes of all the 130 returned candidates in the Sindh Assembly.

He was a candidate of National Alliance for Chief Minister of Sindh, and was subsequently appointed as Minister for Food & Agriculture in 2002. He has also served as Chairman of various semi-governmental organizations such as the Sindh Seed Corporation, the Sindh Provincial Seed Council, the Sindh Investment Board, Asian Development Bank Food Restructuring Committee and the Sindh Agricultural Supplies Organization.

He is also a member of the Sindh Assembly Standing Committee on Law and Parliamentary Affairs.

[edit] Sources

Information from Internet and Sindh & Federal Government websites 23:03, 4 December 2006 (UTC) 22:18, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The Winter of Khosrow Carpet

Also called Winter of Khosrow Carpet ancient Persian carpet, possibly the most costly and magnificent of all time...

Snipped cut-and-paste from Encyclopedia Britannica

[edit] Sources 22:54, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

  • Primary name is usually Spring of Khosrow Carpet. Please provide material in your own words. 00:44, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Robert W. Field

Robert W. Field is the Haslam and Dewey Professor of Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has been a professor since 1974. His AB degree is in chemistry from Amherst College, and his PhD is in chemistry from Harvard University, where he worked with Bill Klemperer. He was a postdoc with Herbert Broida at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

He is a physical chemist, specializing in spectroscopy of small molecules in the gas phase. He performmed the first microwave-optical and optical-optical double resonance experiments on small molecules, and invented the Stimulated Emission Pumping (or "Pump and Dump") spectroscopic method. He is also particularly known for studies of the molecules acetylene (C2H2) and calcium monofluoride (CaF).

He is the recipient of the Broida Prize, the Plyler Prize, the Lippincott Award, and the Nobel Laureate Signature Award. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

His active research group at MIT includes more than ten graduate students and postdocs working on experimental, theoretical and computational physical chemistry of small molecules.

[edit] Sources

H. Lefebvre-Brion and R.W. Field, Perturbations in the Spectra of Diatomic Molecules, Academic Press, 1986. 22:54, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Urban Jazz Coalition

Urban Jazz Coalition

Comprised of drummer Jim Bridges, bassist Phil Raney, guitarist Joe Gothard, keyboardist Brandon Howard, percussionist Hector Maldonado, saxophonist Keith Newton, and trumpeter Lee Savory, these accomplished musicians have worked with a wide range of orchestras and bands.

The result is a high energy jazz/R&B/soul sound that is compared with the likes of Spyro Gyra, & The Ohio Players and called “a blend of smooth jazz textures and fiery funk” by JAZZIZ Magazine.

URBAN JAZZ COALITION’s release Into the Night and its’ chart-topping lead single “San Juan Nights” helped propel UJC into a new stage of popularity with national airplay at contemporary jazz stations across the U.S., appearances on BET on Jazz and nationally syndicated radio shows.

The buzz generated by Into the Night led to an invitation to the Mercedes Benz Silver Cup competition. Judges Russ Freeman (The Rippingtons) and Michael Fagin (CEO of JAZZIZ) selected Urban Jazz Coalition as the winners of a JAZZIZ recording contract based on their solid song-writing, and show-stopping live performance.

Urban Jazz Coalition’s release Contempo garnered critical acclaim, international airplay and further recognition for their hard work, excellent writing and performances, and the energy generated from the music.

This led to further opportunities to showcase their dynamic live performances on bills with jazz heavyweights Spyro Gyra, The Rippingtons, Larry Carlton, Rick Braun, Paul Taylor, and Jonathan Butler, as well as songs from Contempo being used on NBC’s daytime show “Starting Over”.

With their performing, song-writing, recording and radio credentials established, Urban Jazz Coalition began the recording of Long Street to much anticipation. UJC did not disappoint with one of the brightest and most exciting recordings to date, further establishing themselves as a major presence in urban jazz.

Flush with rhythmic grooves, funky bass lines, a smokin’ hot brass section, and beautifully written songs, UJC’s evolution and growth is apparent upon first listen. Horn-driven gems “Rising Park”, “Momma’s Eyes” and “Just Believe” and the funky title track make a seamless transition into the wonderful piano work on “Intimate Journey” gospel influenced “We Fall Down”, Latin jam “Luqillo Beach” and unique covers of “Pleasure Seeker” and“People Make the World Go Round”.

The success of Long Street led to a series of show-stopping concerts across the nation with Boney James, FourPlay, Norman Brown, Peter White, Pieces of a Dream, and Brian Culbertson.

Check out features in JAZZIZ, Smooth Jazz News, and other jazz publications and websites

[edit] Sources Smooth Jazz News April 2005 edition

23:28, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] dry run

Please see the description here for ideas describing the expression "dry run": Basically it means a test run-through like a "dress rehearsal".

[edit] Sources 23:37, 3 February 2006 (UTC)