Arthur Bestor

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Bestor, Arthur Eugene, Jr., (1908-1994). American historian.

Bestor was born in Chautauqua, New York on September 20, 1908, the eldest son of Arthur E. Bestor and Jeannette Lemon. (The younger Bestor dropped the use of his middle name "Eugene" and "Jr." upon the death of his father in 1944.)

Bestor was raised and educated in Chautauqua and New York City, where he attended the Horace Mann School. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Yale University (Ph.D. in History, 1936.)

His early research was on the history of 19th century American utopian and communitarian experimental settlements(especially New Harmony, Indiana founded by followers of the Welsh communitarian philosopher Robert Owen. Bestor's study of New Harmony was published as "Backwoods Utopias."