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Arinna was the major cult center of the Hittite sun goddess, whose name is obscure; she is therefore usually called the "sun goddess of Arinna". As well as the Weather God later associated with the Hurrian "Teshup", Arinna, the sun goddess and their children are all deriviations from the former Hatti Pantheon.

In the late 14th century BC, King Mursili II was particularly devoted to the sun goddess of Arinna.

[edit] Arinna in fiction

A fictionalized version of Arinna appears in the Japanese manga Red River. Japanese pronounces the R sound as an alveolar lateral flap. Its translator into English was apparently unfamiliar with Hittite geography, and transcribed this as "Alinna". Alinna is a holy city, which Yuri and Mursili must rescue from Kashuga raiders in volume 2.

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