Talk:Archimedes' use of infinitesimals

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Some pages of the Method remained unused by the author of the Palimpsest and then they are still -surely forever- lost. Between them, an annonced result was about the volume of the intersection of two cylinders, a figure that Apostol and Mnatsakian have renamed n=4 Archimedian Globe (and the half of it, n=4 Archimedian Dome), whose volume relates to the n polygonal pyramid. This is amusing because the collaboration on indivisibles between Galileo and Cavalieri -ranging between years 1626 to around 1635- has as a main argument the hull and pyramid of the n=infinity dome. So in some sense it is true that the Method is only a theorem back from the modern infinitesimal theory.

See Apostol-Mnatsakanian in American Mathematical Monthly 111, June-July 2004 aditya kalra