Archaeocydippida hunsrueckiana

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iArchaeocydippida hunsrueckiana
Conservation status
Extinct (fossil)
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Ctenophora
Class: Tentaculata
Order: Cydippida
Binomial name
Archaeocydippida hunsrueckiana
(Stanley, Stürner, 1987)

Archaeocydippida hunsrueckiana is an extinct species in phylum Ctenophora, class Tentaculata, order Cydippida. Only one individual is known and was found in Devonian slate near the German town of Buntenbach, Hunsrück. It is similar to another species from the same formation, Paleoctenophora brasseli.

Archaeocydippida hunsrueckiana is approximately 400 million years old and shows clearly recognizable comb rows with comb plates.

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