Aponogeton crispus

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iAponogeton crispus
Aponogeton crispus
Aponogeton crispus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Alismatales
Family: Aponogetonaceae
Genus: Aponogeton
Species: A. crispus
Binomial name
Aponogeton crispus
Linneaus f.

[edit] General info

This aquarium plant is native from south-east Asia. It is a submerged plant having a round rhizome which can grow up to a 3 cm diameter. The leaves have varied dimensions between 15 and 16 cm, curly edges and they are colored in light green to ferruginous brown. This plant usually has a spherical shape. It only makes one white flower. The optimal temperature is 20-30° C. The light can be very strong but half-dark is not bad either, this fact influences the color of the leaves. The ground must be full of minerals and should be formed by sand, loam and boiled peat. When the plant stops growing, the rhizome must be replaced in a new aquarium with a temperature of 15° C. It only multiplies by seeds, which have an elliptic shape, 5-6 mm length and 2 mm diameter. The have 2 prolongations which in horizontal position get curved and stuck into the ground forming the roots. It`s better to plant the seeds in a smaller aquarium first, with a water level of maximum 30 cm.

[edit] External links