Apocalypse of Ezra
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- This article discusses a work known as the Apocalypse of Ezra. Apocalypse of Ezra is also a name used to refer to the related text that is more usually known as 2 Esdras
The Apocalypse of Ezra is the name of an apocryphal work claiming to have been written by the biblical Ezra, but generally regarded as having been written vastly later. Dating the work is mildly controversial and there is a very wide range of potential dates, ranging from the 2nd century AD at the earliest to the 9th century AD at the latest. The text has a strong dependence on 2 Esdras, an earlier apocryphal work also attributed to Ezra.
Like much apocalyptic literature, the Apocalypse of Ezra portrays its author as being granted visions of heaven and of hell, where the punishments meted out to sinners are witnessed in detail. Ezra is first described as visiting heaven, where Ezra raises a question of theodicy - he asks God why humans were given the ability to sin. Unusually, although God argues that humans are to blame if they do sin, due to their having free will, the text has Ezra answer back that ultimately the fall of man must be down to God, particularly since God created both Eve and the Serpent and the forbidden tree. Ezra goes on to accuse God of having an appalling idea of justice, to which God doesn't respond, even when Ezra petitions on behalf of sinners. After his petitions and argument with God, Ezra is shown a vision of the tortures in hell, as well as the Antichrist.