Apocalypse Meow

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Apocalypse Meow
Front cover of vol. 1.
Genre Military, seinen
Authored by Motofumi Kobayashi
Publisher Japan Softbank Publishing

United States United Kingdom ADV Manga

Serialized in GameSpot (online)
Original run 1998
No. of volumes 3

Apocalypse Meow is a three volume manga series written and illustrated by Motofumi Kobayashi. It was originally published in Japan as Cat Shit One in 1998 by Softbank Publishing, but was renamed for the US release (most likely to parody the title of the film Apocalypse Now, which also took place during the Vietnam War). It was published in the UK in 2004 by ADV Manga. It was also released in Poland in 2006, also under the title Cat Shit One (it was going to be called Komando Kocia Kupa in Polish, but the idea was abandoned). It has been released in Spain too, as Cat Shit One, by Glénat in 2006.


[edit] Story

The manga follows three American soldiers in the Vietnam War, Bota, Perky and Rats. All three are all in the recon group called Cat Shit One. Each mission (or chapter) shows the daily activities of the recon group in Vietnam. There are sections of the manga which give brief history and truths behind the war, such as the types of weapons used by different countries and the activities of forces in the war. At the end of volume one there is a chapter called Dog Shit One separate from the main story, showing human characters.

[edit] Character depiction

The manga depicts the characters as different animals according to their nationality as follows:

  • American - Rabbit
  • Vietnamese - Cat
  • French - Pig
  • Chinese - Panda
  • Japanese - Monkey
  • Russian - Bear
  • Korean - Dog
  • British - Rat
  • Australian - Kangaroo and Koala

[edit] Main characters

  • Sergent Perkins (aka Perky) - An American soldier and leader of the Cat Shit One recon group.
  • Sergent White (aka Rats) - American soldier who translates between Americans and Vietnamese.
  • Botaski (aka Bota) - American soldier. In the story his character shows a strong dislike of Asian people.
  • Chico - A Montagnard (or 'yard) trained by the Americans. His character features in the story a lot, especially near the end of volume three.

[edit] External links

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