Ape and Essence

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An etching by Goya described in the beginning of the book
An etching by Goya described in the beginning of the book

Ape and Essence is a novel by Aldous Huxley, written at his beloved desert ranch in Llano, California and published in 1948. It is set in a dystopia similar to that of Brave New World. It is largely a satire of the rise of large-scale warfare and warmongering in the 20th century, and presents a pessimistic view of the politics of mutually assured destruction. The book makes extensive use of surrealist imagery, depicting humans as apes who, as a whole, will inevitably commit suicide.

[edit] Plot summary

The book starts off in Hollywood with two movie producers who rescue a script from destruction. They are intrigued, and drive to Los Angeles County's high desert to find its author. They arrive at a remote and isolated old ranch, a solitary homestead in a surreal setting. (Huxley's evocative prose is actually an exact description of his own desert home, where he sits, writing.) They interact with the home's inhabitants, learning that the script's author died suddenly, six weeks ago. The rest of the book is the rescued script "Ape and Essence," written in the first person, and presented in its entirety, without remark.

The script begins with a vignette describing the destruction of the world by nuclear and chemical warfare at the hands of intelligent apes - a critique of the human race (see more about these vignettes below). The two warring sides each have an Einstein on a leash which they force to press the button, launching the atomic weapons at each other.

The story then advances to a time 300 years after the catastrophic events of World War III, which characters in the book refer to as "the thing", when nuclear and chemical weapons eventually destroyed most of human civilization. In the script's timeframe, radiation has subsided to safer levels and the New Zealand rediscovery scientists (New Zealand being spared from the bombings because it was "of no strategic importance") are sailing to California, hoping to salvage some resources from its once-great cities.

Unfortunately, a strange society has emerged from the radiation and two of its men capture one of the scientists (Dr. Poole). Dr. Poole is introduced to an illiterate society which survives by "mining" graves for clothes, burning library books as fuel, and killing off newborns deformed by radiation to preserve genetic purity. The society has also taken to worshipping Satan, who they refer to as Belial, and limiting reproduction to an annual two-week orgy which begins on "Belial's Day Eve" after the deformed babies are "purified by blood."

The book climaxes during the purification ceremonies of Belial's Day Eve with an intellectual confrontation between Dr. Poole and the Arch Vicar, the head of the Church of Belial (much like the confrontation John savage has with Mustapha Mond in Brave New World). During the conversation the Arch Vicar reveals that there is a minority of "hots" who do not express an interest in the post-WWIII style of reproduction, but they are severely punished to keep them in line. In exchange for his life, Dr. Poole agrees to do what he can as a botanist to help increase their crops yields, but about a year later he escapes with Loola in search of the community of "hots" that is rumored to exist North of the desert.

The book ends with Dr. Poole and Loola picnicking in the desert by a tombstone which carries the name of the author who wrote the script. Dr. Poole reads a poem (see below) to Loola and crushes an eggshell and sprinkles it over the grave.

The poem he reads to Loola:

That Light whose smile kindles the Universe
That Beauty in which all things work and move
That Benediction, which the eclipsing Curse
Of birth can quench not, that sustaining Love,
Which through the web of being blindly wove
By man and beast and earth and air and sea,
Burns bright or dim, as each are mirrors of
The fire for which all thirst, now beams on me
Consuming the last coulds of cold mortality.
--Percy Bysshe Shelley, (an excerpt from Adonais)

[edit] Vignettes

The story in the script is punctuated by a series of vignettes centering around a society which is much like 20th century human society, but with baboons substituted for men. These brief scenes serve to further satirize human society and depict it as brutal, warlike, and stupid. The opening scene shows two Einsteins, tied to leashes held by baboons on either side of a pair of baboon armies, facing each other and preparing for battle. They are then directed to operate machines which launch massive and devastating weapons at the opposition. This scene shows how society's most intelligent figures are exploited by ignorant warmongers, and shows the hopelessness of a society in which every party seeks to annihilate all others.

Several of the vignettes portray a female baboon singing sensually to an all-baboon audience "Give me, give me, give me detumescence..." Other vignettes involve apes performing various human activities, ape armies assembling, and other more surreal imagery.

[edit] External links