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Gender Male
Race Human
Character class Archmage
Affiliation The Alliance
Occupation Leader of the Kirin Tor

Antonidas was the leader of the Kirin Tor in the fictional Warcraft Universe. Under his leadership a permanent alliance with Lordaeron was founded and Dalaran gained significant power.

[edit] Biography

The aged and wizened leader of the Kirin Tor, Antonidas became a powerful archmage through his seventy-one years of life. He fought to defend, and then to rebuild, the Violet Citadel during and after the Second War, and pledged an ever-faithful loyalty to Lordaeron. As time passed, failing health kept him from leaving the Violet Citadel. However, his protégé, Sorceress Jaina Proudmoore, kept him abreast of world events, and served as his eyes and ears in the Warcraft World, and mainly, Lordaeron.

Antonidas, like many prominent figures in the Alliance, was met by the mysterious Prophet Medivh before the Invasion began. The Prophet warned him that he must journey west, but Antonidas was heedless, believing the Prophet to be nothing more than a fool and a madman. Despite Jaina's instinct about the Prophet, Antonidas instead chose to focus attention on the plague sweeping across the north. He, like many of the Kirin Tor, knew that it was a great threat, and that it should be taken very seriously and dealt with quickly. However, Dalaran's plea for quarantine went unheard by the ears of most Alliance officials.

Instead, Antonidas sent Jaina to investigate the plague with the young paladin, Prince Arthas. The ensuing tragedy would ravage the mind of the young Arthas, and lead to the destruction of the town of Stratholme.

Antonidas continued to study the plague of undeath from afar until finally it came to his doorstep. The Scourge, led by Kel'Thuzad and Arthas, had come to claim the Book of Medivh. Antonidas and the Kirin Tor erected a magical aura that would inflict serious injury upon any undead creature that entered it. Antonidas believed the book to be safe from the hands of the Scourge but he couldn't have been more wrong. Despite the barrier, Arthas sacrificed many of his minions to strive deep into the city, and finally, he murdered the Archmagi and Antonidas and claimed the book in the name of the Lich King.

With Antonidas dead, the city of Dalaran was quick to fall before the might of Archimonde.

Antonidas' restless spirit remained in the ruins of Dalaran for some time, continuing to fight what he believed to be the invading undead forces. When Kael was fleeing the dungeons, he found the ghosts of Antonidas and several of his kindred, and destroyed their ghostly forms, finally granting them eternal peace.

Warcraft Universe
Aegwynn | Alleria Windrunner | Antonidas | Anub'arak | Archimonde | Azshara | Balnazzar | Cairne Bloodhoof | Cenarius | Killrogg Deadeye | Orgrim Doomhammer | Durotan | Elune | Shandris Feathermoon | Garona Halforcen | Gul'dan | Grom Hellscream | Kel'Thuzad | Khadgar | Kil'jaeden | Anduin Lothar | Mannoroth | Medivh | Arthas Menethil | King Terenas Menethil | Nefarian | Neltharion | Ner'zhul | Nozdormu | Captain Placeholder | Admiral Daelin Proudmoore | Jaina Proudmoore | Rexxar | Rhonin | Rokhan | Sargeras | Sen'jin | Maiev Shadowsong | Fandral Staghelm | Illidan Stormrage | Malfurion Stormrage | Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider | Thrall | Tichondrius | Uther the Lightbringer | Lady Vashj | Vol'jin | Sylvanas Windrunner | Tyrande Whisperwind | Zul'jin
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