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The Antarans are an incredibly advanced fictional race from the game Master of Orion. They appeared during the second installment of the game where they were a race from another dimension that would constantly raid races in the galaxy without the fear of retailiation. Eventually the races of galaxy band together and develop a dimensional gate to reach the Antaran home world where it is destroyed.

In Master of Orion 3 it is discovered that the planet was but one outpost of the Antarans who commit to a full scale invasion. The races of the galaxy - having returned to infighting and conflict amongst themselves - fell before the Antarans armada. The Antarans restricted the races to their home worlds and began years of genetic experimentations of the numerous races as they returned to a dark age. Eventually, years of Antaran rule begins to cause infighting within their own empire. The primary Antaran race dies after a biological weapon infects their species. Only two factions remain one renaming themselves the New Orions who rule from the planet Orion, and the other on Antares severing contact with the galaxy.

[edit] Antaran Ships

(Stats are variable. These are examples from captured Antaran ships on easy mode.)

Master of Orion 2

Frigate - Raider Weapons: 2 Particle Beams (F) 1 Neutronium Bomb Specials: Damper Field, Quantum Detonator

Destroyer - Marauder Weapons: 2 Particle Beams (F) 1 Heavy Particle Beam (Fx) 1 Neutronium Bomb Specials: Damper Field, Quantum Detonator

Cruiser - Intruder Weapons: 3 Particle Beams (F) 1 Heavy Particle Beam (Fx) 4 Neutronium Bombs 3 Interceptor Bays (Appears on raiding ships only) 1 Spatial Compressor Specials: Damper Field, Quantum Detonator

Battleship - Interdictor Weapons: 10 Particle Beams (F) 4 Heavy Particle Beams (F) 15 Neutronium Bombs (360) 2 Spatial Compressors (360) 10 Point Defence Particle Beams (360) 4 Death Rays (Fx) Specials: Damper Field, Quantum Detonator, Reflection Field, Sub Space Teleporter

Titan - Harbinger Weapons: 12 Particle Beams (F) 6 Heavy Particle Beams (F) 20 Neutronium Bombs (360) 4 Spatial Compressors (360) 15 Point Defence Particle Beams (360) 6 Death Rays (Fx) Specials: Damper Field, Quantum Detonator, Reflection Field, Sub Space Teleporter, Black Hole Generator

Star Fortress Weapons: 20 Particle Beams (360) 10 Heavy Particle Beams (360) 8 Spatial Compressors (360) 30 Point Defence Particle Beams (360) 12 Death Rays (360) Specials: Damper Field, Quantum Detonator, Reflection Field, Sub Space Teleporter, Antaran Leader 'Xyphys'