ANTARES (telescope)

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ANTARES is the name of a neutrino telescope currently under construction that will reside in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Toulon, France. It will observe neutrinos from the southern hemisphere to complement the northern hemisphere work of IceCube. The name comes from Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch project; the acronym also being the name of a prominent star. Other neutrino telescopes designed for use in the nearby area include the Greek NESTOR telescope and the Italian NEMO telescope , which may compete with ANTARES for speed and accuracy.

When complete, the array will contain a set of twelve different strings of photomultiplier tubes. Each one will have 75 optical modules, measure about 350 meters long, and be spaced roughly 70 meters apart. Unlike traditional telescopes, ANTARES works by facing downward, into the earth. This is because the earth is nearly transparent to neutrinos. When neutrinos enter the southern hemisphere of the earth, they usually continue traveling directly through it. Facing downward filters out many of the noisy atmospheric neutrinos. On rare occasions, a few muon neutrinos interact with the water in the Mediterranean Sea. When this happens, they produce high energy muons. As the muons pass through the water, they emit Cherenkov radiation, which ANTARES expects to detect on the photomultiplier tubes.

Since ANTARES uses water instead of the slightly less dense ice as its Cherenkov medium, ANTARES is expected to observe slightly more events relative to its volume than IceCube expects to observe. On the other hand, ANTARES will have slightly less resolving power.

[edit] Construction status

As of June 2006, ANTARES is still in its early stages of construction. Initial testing began in 2000. Equipment indirectly related to the detector such as a seismometer were deployed in 2005. The first string of photomulitplier tubes was moved into place in February 2006 and appears to be fully functional. On September 21st, the second line has been successfully connected. The third line has been deployed on November 29th, awaiting connection before the end of 2006.

[edit] Experimental goals

The ANTARES project plans to be a counterpart to IceCube. The detection principles of the two projects are very similar, and they point toward opposite hemispheres. ANTARES will detect neutrinos from high energy origin, particularly in the range from 1011 to 1021 electron-volts. Over several years of operation, it may be able to produce a map of the neutrino flux from cosmic origins in the southern hemisphere. It may also help answer some of the unsolved problems in physics including the appearance of dark matter and the unobserved prediction in string theory of a sterile neutrino, made from a closed string.

[edit] References


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