Talk:Anime Boston

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Much of this page was copied word for word off of the Anime boston web site. It despritely needs editing

Is there a site that has the AMV's shown at anime boston '06? Particularly, the judge's winner for best editing? That one was awesome. If not, that's ok, I've been looking for ages, though.

There's not a huge amount that can be said about the convention that isn't said on the site, however a reword rather than a complete rewrite would be nice.

[edit] Unofficial Events

  • I removed the sections on unofficial events. There was far more written about Duck Duck Goose than there was about official events. It was really out of place. It also contained numerous grammatical and spelling errors. Additionally, it referenced things (such as the pressure from fans making Duck Duck Goose an "official" event) that were blatantly untrue. (It is not and will never be an official event!) Please do not re-add that section. --PatrickD 05:41, 1 December 2006 (UTC)