Anime Express

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Anime Express
Location Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Daytona Beach, Florida
Years in existence 1997 to present
Official Website

Anime Express is Florida's longest running anime convention. It is held every year in Daytona Beach, FL at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Hosted by ERAU's Anything Goes Anime Club, 2007 will be the convention's 10 year. This year it will be held March 16th-18th.


[edit] History

The first Anime Express was held in March of 1997, and was solely a project of the Anything Goes Anime (AGA) club at Embry-Riddle. Since then, the AGA club has made many partnerships with other nearby Anime affiliated organizations to help run and provide content for the conventions. These groups include Orange Anime, Anime Belle, and Wasabi Anime, most of which are based out of nearby Orlando, FL. Still a small convetion even today, Anime Express prides itself on being Florida's longest running anime convention. The convention is traditionally held the weekend before the ERAU's spring break, so it usually falls on the third weekend in March.

[edit] Origin of Anime Express's Mascot

The mascot of Anime Express (pictured above) was drawn specifically for Anime Express by manga artist Steve Bennett, who has worked as an artist on several anime series, including Urusei Yatsura.

[edit] Previous Guests

[edit] Previous Dealers

  • List of previous Dealers that have attended Anime Express:
    • House of Anime
    • Anime Pavillion
    • Walden Book Store

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links