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Anicuns is a small city and municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 19,097 (2005 estimate) in a total area of 1,750 km².


[edit] Important Facts

  • Elevation: 692 meters
  • Became a city: 1911
  • Postal code: 76170-000

[edit] Location

Anicuns is located in the Anicuns Microregion englobing 13 cities with a population of 103276 inhabitants in a total area of 5483.10 km².

It forms boundaries with the following the municipalities:

The distance to Goiânia is 86 km. Highway connections are made by GO-060 / Trindade / Claudinápolis de Goiás / GO-326. See Seplan

Anicuns is situated on the right bank of the Rio dos Bois, the main river in the region and a tributary of the Paranaíba River. The important Rio Turvo also has its source in the municipality. The average elevation is 600 meters. The climate is tropical humid and the average annual temperature is 23ºC.

[edit] Demographic and Political Data

  • Population density: 19.68 inhab/km² (2003)
  • Population growth rate 1991-2000: 0.33.%
  • Population in 1980: 23,150
  • Population in 1991: 18,206
  • Urban population: 15,259 (2003)
  • Rural population: 3,364 (2003)
  • Number of households: 5,581 (2000)
  • Eligible voters: 14,992 (09/2004)
  • City government: mayor (Lourival Bueno de Souza), vice-mayor (Roberto Bastos Mendes), and 09 councilpersons in January 2005.

[edit] Economy

Economically, Anicuns has a variety of industrial activities. It produces bricks and tiles (six brickworks)and has 16 small shoe factories, specializing in leather boots. There is also cattle raising, both for meat and dairy, together with growing of sugarcane, coffee, and corn.

  • Gross Domestic Product: 114.9 million Reais in 2002, which was 0.37% of the state GDP of 31.298 billion Reais.
  • Gross Domestic Product per capita: 6,078 in 2002, which was just above the state GDP per capita of 5,291 Reais in the same year.

There were three financial institutions in 2004: Banco do Brasil, Bradesco, and Itaú S.A.

  • Distillery: Anicuns S/A Álcool e Derivados (June/2005)
  • Dairy: LEE Laticínios Ltda. (June/2005)
  • Retail establishments: 155 (June/2005)
  • Industrial units: 39 (June/2005)

Activities employing the population

  • transformation industries: 1,050 persons
  • construction: 87 persons
  • commerce: 655 persons
  • hotels and restaurants: 35 persons
  • public administration, defense, and social security: 470 persons
  • education: 105 persons
  • health and social services: 61 persons

(IBGE 2003)

===Agricultural data === (2003 IBGE)

  • cattle: 108,000 head
  • bananas: 216 hectares
  • coffee: 78 hectares
  • rice: 700 hectares
  • corn: 4,200 hectares
  • sugarcane: 6,418 hectares
  • beans: 430 hectares

==Motor Vehicles== (2004 IBGE)

  • automobiles: 1,744
  • trucks: 205
  • pickups: 89
  • motorcycles: 814

[edit] Health and Education

  • health establishments: 06
  • hospital beds: 142 (private)
  • doctors / nurses / dentists: 14 / 01 / 02
  • infant mortality rate: 1990--43.64; 2000--38.99

(IBGE 2002)

  • primary school enrollment / teachers / schools: 3,595 / 163 / 17
  • secondary school enrollment / teachers / schools: 943 / 40 / 04
  • university enrollment / teachers / schools: 1,134 / 62 / 01
  • literacy rate: 1991--78.4%; 2000--85.8%

(IBGE 2004)

[edit] History of the Name

The name of the city comes from the Guanicuns Indians, who would hunt a bird with the same name (extinct). The anicuns bird was known for its beautiful feathers and song. The Indians made adornments from the feathers and ate the bird's tongue believing that it would allow them to imitate its beautiful singing.

[edit] Tourism

Anicuns has taken advantage of the Rio dos Bois to put on a canoe championship called Copa Brasil de Canoagem, which is accompanied by parades, cultural activities and regional musical shows. The competition, lasting three days, is one of the most important in the country.

Tourist sites: · Poço do Boi de Ouro: craters wita a depth of 30 meters. · Serra do Felipe: much used in hang gliding. · Morro do Chapéu: highest point in the region. · Morro de Monte Castelo: 7 km from the center of town, still has native forest on the top of the mountain. · Serra da Canjica: only 3 km from the town, is next to the São José Jica waterfall, with a rocky wall and a free fall of more than 70 meters · Cachoeira São José: 2 km from the town, the place is made up of rapids and small waterfalls.

[edit] Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 64.00
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.841
  • School attendance rate: 0.837
  • MHDI: 0.720
  • State ranking: 173 (out of 242 municipalities)
  • National ranking: 2,616 (out of 5,507 municipalities)

All data are from 2000

[edit] See also

List of municipalities in Goiás

[edit] External links

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