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Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda
Characters: Dylan Hunt | Beka Valentine | Tyr Anasazi | Telemachus Rhade | Seamus Harper
Trance Gemini | Rev Bem | Andromeda | Rommie | Doyle | other..
Locations: Tarn-Vedra | Hephaistos | Earth | Tarazed | Arkology | Seefra | other..
Races: Vedrans | Nietzscheans | Magog | Paradine | Avatars of the Suns | other..
Ships: Andromeda Ascendant | Eureka Maru | DSX | other..
Technology: Slipstream | Weapons
Other concepts: Systems Commonwealth | High Guard | The Abyss | Wayism | Genites
Miscellaneous: Episode list | Robert Hewitt Wolfe's "Coda" | Andromeda DVD