Andrzej Majewski

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Andrzej Majewski, (born in 1966 in Wrocław), is a Polish aphorist, writer, columnist and photographer. He graduated from The Economics Academy of Wrocław. He is the author of Aphorisms and Sentences Which Shake the World, or Not... (1999) and Aphorisms That are Magnum in Parvo (2000).

[edit] His life

Winner of the H. Steinhaus Aphorist Competition (1995) and awarded in the S. J. Lec Competition (2000), his aphorisms have been published in many Polish and international anthologies and translated into many languages e.g., English, German, Romanian, Czech, Korean, and Hebrew.

His aphoristic works promote Polish culture in Germany as a part of 2005/2006 – The German-Polish Year. He is the author of the rhyme fairy tale, Adam the Tireless Wanderer (2002) and rhyme guide for children, 102 Advices For Wise, Polite and Naughty Children (2003). His poems and stories for children have been published in textbooks and children's press. He also is the author of impressionistic photographs:

  • Sundance in the Rain (2000)
  • You and me (2003)
  • The Ephemeralness of Eternity (2004).

Recent exhibitions from Majewski are: Wrocław – Municipal Museum Town Hall (2004), Warszawa – The Capital Museum of Warsaw (2005).

Majewski is President of the Sapere Aude Foundation, president of the ecological society, Our Wrocław, he is a social worker, organizer of competitions and events for young people, a member of Mensa and WKS Śląsk Wrocław, co-founder and member of Automobile Club of Wrocław, and vice-champion of the Polish Really Cup for Automobile Clubs (1998).

[edit] Some examples of his aphorisms

  • Columbus was not the first one to discover America, only the first to patent it.
  • Modern civilization is highly computerrorized.
  • Hatred is like a Hydra - the more heads one chops off, the stronger it grows.
  • A slave dreams of freedom, a free man dreams of wealth, the wealthy dream of power, and the powerful dream of freedom.
  • Women are beautiful in the light of the day, but are even more so in the shadows of the night.
  • The tragedy of a thoughtless man is not that he doesn't think, but that he thinks that he's thinking.
  • Never curse an illness; better ask for health.
  • Man invented the car to comfortably sit in jams.
  • Man invented clothing to cover the superficial and to discover the inside.
  • The first true love is always the last one.
  • If you do not want it to rain, always carry an umbrella.
  • A woman withers when she is watered only with tears.
  • Politics is a great art. It succeeds at convincing the people that they have to pay for what has been stolen from them.

[edit] See also

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