Andrej Dyńko
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Andrej Dyńko (Андрэй Дынько, born 1974 in Brest, Belarus) is a Belarusian journalist and chief editor of the oldest Belarusian weekly newspaper, Naša Niva, and one of the editors of the magazine Arche (magazine).
1997—2000 Dyńko was professor at the Minsk State Linguistic University.
Since 1998 he has been editor of the magazine, Arche.
Since 1999 Dyńko has been editor, and since 2000 the chief editor of the weekly newspapaper Naša Niva
In 2002—2004 he was vice-president of the Belarusian PEN-Centre.
In 2003 Andrej Dyńko became the first non-Czech chosen to get the Hanna Ellenbogen Civic Activity Award from Václav Havel.