Andreas (parish)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Andreas is a parish in the Sheading of Ayre and lies in the extreme north west of the Isle of Man. The parish stretches from the Lhen Moar four miles along the north-western coast to Bride; is north of Lezayre, east of Jurby and borders on the sea to the north from where the Scottish Southern Uplands and the Mull of Galloway can clearly be seen. Its area is about 15 square miles.
[edit] References
- Manxnotebook Andreas. Detail about Manx parishes and description of the parish.
- Manxnotebook - Andreas with full description of the parish and photographs
- Manxnotebook Kirk Andreas Antiquities
- Isle of Man Building Control Districts showing parish boundaries
- Glenology - Manx Glens. An ongoing study of Manx glens, their locations and meanings.