Andre Drazen

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Andre Drazen is a fictional character in the first season TV series 24.

24 character
Andre Drazen
Gender: Male
Jobs held: Attempted murder of Jack Bauer and Senator David Palmer
Affiliation: Victor Drazen
Family: Victor Drazen (Father) (Deceased)
Vesna Drazen (Mother)(Deceased)
Alexis Drazen (Brother) (Deceased)
Martina Drazen (Sister) (Deceased)
Spouse: NA
Current status: Deceased
Portrayed by: Željko Ivanek
Seasons: 1

[edit] Day One

Andre and his brother are working with their father Victor Drazen to kill Jack Bauer and Senator David Palmer for killing Andre's sister and mother on a mission in Kosovo named operation Nightfall. They are also trying to free their father because he was captured by the Department of Defense while Jack and Senator Palmer both thought Victor Drazen died in Kosovo. A mole inside CTU named Nina Myers told Andre and his brother Alexis Drazen that their father did not die but was in the hands of the Department of Defense.

Andre hired Ira Gaines to make it look like Jack Bauer killed David Palmer but the plan backfired and Andre and Alexis had to use a contingincy plan. Alexis was supposed to pay a man to shut off the power at 7:20 P.M so that they could free Victor. Victor Drazen was being transported to an underground facility. Luckily Jack Bauer stopped the plan so lights didn't go off and Andre and his men had to stand down. Andre leads his team of mercenaries into the underground facility. While Jack has Victor at gunpoint, Andre holds Mark DeSalvo, a Department of Defense agent. Jack relents to make a trade for the prisoner, but Andre shoots DeSalvo anyway. Andre reunites with his father. At Victor's lead, Andre takes Jack captive and breaks out of the detention center.

Upon their escape, Victor is about to kill Jack, but Jack provides news that Alexis is still alive and they can get him back (Alexis was captured earlier in the day). Andre confirms Jack's information, and the troops continue to hold Jack hostage as they flee. While hiding out in the basement of a Slavic restaurant, Victor kills the owner and his daughter to show Jack that he has no mercy. Andre is angry, and tries to regain control of the situation. He makes arrangements for the trade for Alexis. When Kimberly Bauer, Jack's daughter, is recaptued and brought to the basement, he straps Jack to a post at an abandoned oil field as sharpshooters keep him secure. After Alexis' trade goes off without their being traced, Andre orders the snipers to shoot off Jack's restraints. Calling Jack on a secure cell phone, Andre has him drive toward Senator Palmer's hotel. He tells Jack to obey his commands or else Kim will be murdered. He tells Jack that he wants the Senator to unfreeze the Drazen's money which was lost in Operation Nightfall. Jack, however, knows that Andre wants him to kill the candidate. Andre is so angry when his brother Alexis dies, that he wants to kill Kimberly in retribution. Victor must stop him. When Victor confirms that Palmer is on the phone, they detonate a bomb hidden inside Jack's cell phone. Andre and Victor are satisfied when they hear news reports of Palmer's death. Yet Andre takes precautions, and dials the Senator's private room. Jack gets on the phone, and begs to trade his own life for his daughter's. Andre has Jack come to the port hideout to give himself up. Although Kim escapes, Victor is sure that their plan will still go into effect.

Andre then receives a call from a woman named Yelena. Speaking in Serbian, Yelena informs Andre that Palmer is, in fact, still alive. Yelena is revealed to be Nina Myers, who has been helping Andre from inside CTU the whole time. Jack refuses to meet their demands unless he speaks to his daughter. When Kimberly doesn't turn up, Andre wonders if it will have any baring on trapping Jack. Nina tells Andre that Kimberly is being brought into CTU, and Andre wants to leave the port to ensure his father's safety. Victor, however, is convinced that Jack will come after them if he believes they killed Kim. They told Nina to tell Jack that they killed Kim and that a coast guard found the body in the river. Nina remindes them that if they don't kill Jack, then her cover will be blown. A van plows through the warehouse with Jack at the wheel. Andre and Victor escape and head for a dock to meet a waiting boat. When Jack follows, they shoot at him. Jack shoots back, and kills both Andre and Victor.

[edit] Trivia

  • Andre Drazen will appear in the upcoming 24 comic series, Nightfall.
Preceded by:
24 Middle plot lead villain
Season One
Succeeded by:
Syed Ali