Andranik Toros Ozanian

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Equestrian statue of Zoravar Andranik in Yerevan
Equestrian statue of Zoravar Andranik in Yerevan

Andranik Toros Ozanian, or Zoravar Andranik, (Armenian: Անդրանիկ Թորոս Օզանյան or Զորավար Անդրանիկ) (February 25, 1865August 31, 1927) was an Armenian general and freedom fighter, greatly admired as a national hero.


[edit] Early Age

He was born in Şebinkarahisar, Ottoman Armenia (present-day Giresun Province, Turkey). After losing his wife and son at an early age, he joined the Armenian freedom movement in the Ottoman Empire, and participated in various political parties, including Armenian Revolutionary Federation.

Zoravar Andranik
Zoravar Andranik

[edit] Balkan Wars

Andranik participated in the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, within the Bulgarian army, alongside general Garegin Njdeh as a commander of Armenian auxiliary troops of 1912-1913. After his arrest and jailed; he spent some time in Istanbul, where he took up contact again with Armenian nationalists.

[edit] World War I

During World War I, he participated in the Caucasus Campaign and was appointed as general of the Armenian volunteer units of the Russian army. He participated in 20 different offensives where he gained fame due to his courage and the tactics he came up with to defeat the opposing forces.

He was the commanding officer of the Armenian volunteer units, which helped the Van Resistance take control of the Van on May 6, 1915. He helped re-capture the city from Ottoman forces during the Battle of Van. He was also the commander of the battalion that took the city of Bitlis (see: Battle of Bitlis) from the Ottoman forces that was under control of Mustafa Kemal. Between March 1918 - April 1918, He was the governor of the Administration for Western Armenia (The Armenian provisional government (see: Western) with the progressive autonomous region [1] that initially set up around Lake Van).

With his military supremacy, he made it possible for the Armenian population of Van to escape from the Ottoman Army to Eastern Armenia that was initially controlled by Russia and later become Democratic Republic of Armenia.

[edit] Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

After decleration of Democratic Republic of Armenia (DRA), he organized volunteer units against the Ottoman army, and fought alongside those units. Decleration of Treaty of Batum was in diffuse as Andranik, was fighting against the Ottoman Empire with his army. He refused to accept the borders stated by the treaty. His activities were concentrated at the link between Ottoman Empire to Azerbaijan Democratic Republic at Karabakh, Zanghezur and Nakhichevan. Ozanian struck back at the Ottoman Fronts, Army of Islam.

[edit] Aftermath of World War I

General Andranik's memorial at the Yerablur memorial near Yerevan
General Andranik's memorial at the Yerablur memorial near Yerevan

In 1919 he left Armenia in order not to take part in the political struggles for power in the recent Republic of still those its opinions contradicting policy to carry Armenia for the last time and went oneself into exile to Fresno, California, United States.

As the DRA fell, he immigrated to Fresno, California. Andranik Ozanian lived in Fresno for 18 years until his death on August 31, 1927 at the age of 62. His remains were moved to Paris in 1928, and returned to Armenia in 1999, where he was buried at the Yerablur military cemetary.

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