Amitabha Sutra

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The Buddha's Discourse of the Amitabha Sutra, or Shorter Sukhavativyuha Sutra (Chn: 佛說阿彌陀經), is a Mahayana Buddhist text associated with Pure Land Buddhism.

It was translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by the Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva in the beginning of the 5th century. The bulk of the text consists of the written version of a talk which the Buddha Sakyamuni gave at Jeta Grove in Sravasti. The talk concerned the wondrous adornments that await the righteous in the Western Pure Land (Chinese: 西方極樂國), as well as the beings that reside there, including the buddha Amitabha. The text also describes what one must do to be reborn there.

In Pure Land and Chan Buddhism, the sutra is often part of the evening recitation (Chinese: 晚課). It is also frequently recited at Buddhist funeral services, in the hope that the merit generated by reciting the sutra may be transmitted to the departed.

A common format for the recitation of the Amitabha Sutra may include some or all of the following:

  • Praise for the Incense Offering (盧香讚)
  • Praise to the Lotus Pond (蓮池讚)
  • The Amitabha Sutra (佛說啊彌陀經)
  • Pure Land Rebirth Dharani (往生咒).
  • Amitabha Gatha (彌陀偈)
  • Recitation of Amitabha Buddha's Name (佛號)
  • Transfer of Merit (迴向)

[edit] Pure Land Rebirth Dharani

The Sanskrit version of the Dharani is pronounced:

Namo Amitābhāya tathāgatāya. Tadyathā: amrtod bhave, amrta siddham bhave, amrta vikrānte. Amrta vikrānta gāmine, gagana kīrti kare, svāhā!

In Chinese, the Pure Land Rebirth Dharani is called Wangshengzhou (往生咒). It runs thus:

  • Chinese: 南無阿彌多婆夜。哆他伽多夜。哆地夜他。阿彌利都婆毗。阿彌利哆。悉耽婆毗。阿彌唎哆。毗迦蘭帝。阿彌唎哆。毗迦蘭多。伽彌膩。伽伽那。 枳多迦利。莎婆訶。
  • Chinese Pinyin: Namo Amiduopoye. Duotaqieduoye. Duodiyeta. Amilidou popi. Amiliduo. Xidanpopi. Amiliduo. Pijialandi. Amiliduo. Pijialanduo. Qiemini. Qieqiena. Zhiduo jiali. Shapohe.
  • Translation: Namo Amitabha Buddha! Buddha! He Who Calls Out! Amitabha Who Benefits! All That Exists! Amitabha Benefits Everywhere! One Hundred Existences! Amitabha Benefits Everywhere! The Prophesied Sovereign! Amitabha Benefits Everywhere! The Prophesied Sovereign! One Who Benefits All! The Firmament and Sky Benefitting! Svaha!

An alternate version of the Dharani begins with the characters 曩莫 (Nangmo) instead of 南無 (pronounced Namo).

During recitation of the Amitabha Sutra, it is correct to recite the Dharani three times.

[edit] See also -- A short guide to the Amitabha Sutra, intended for an audience with some background in Mahayana Buddhist ideas.

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