American Indian Student Commission

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American Indian Student Commission of the University of Washington logo
American Indian Student Commission of the University of Washington logo

The ASUW American Indian Student Commission (AISC) is one of seven commissions established by the Associated Students of the University of Washington to help support the student voice of underrepresented communities.


[edit] History and Information

The AISC is a University of Washington Inter-Tribal organization which exists to promote Native culture, education and Native students' interests, needs and welfare. AISC supplements and complements the formal education of Native students at the University. We encourage the expression of Native students' opinions and interests to the University of Washington and the community at large on issues affecting Native American student life and culture. We also promote non-discriminatory actions in all forms and forums. We provide a physically supportive environment to achieve these objectives. Our members are students of a Native American heritage and non-Native Americans who believe in, are interested in and willing to promote the purposes of the commission.

Our past activities have included social dances, orientations, speakers, multi-ethnic forums, film series, arts and crafts exhibits, mini pow-wows and an annual pow-wow. These activities have served to create an environment of social interaction, as well as an educational value for Native American and non-Native American students as well as a means of attracting new Native Americans as students to the University of Washington.

[edit] Constituencies

One of the duties of AISC is to oversee various groups that are connected to the Native American Community at the University of Washington

  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society, University of Washington Chapter (AISES)
  • First Nations at the University of Washington
  • Native American Law Students Association (NALSA)
  • Native Americans Students in Advanced Academia (NASAA)
  • Social Workers in Native American Communities (SWINAC) - Inactive as of November 2006

[edit] Events

Native American Heritage Month - November 2006
AISC Winter Pow-Wow - January 27, 2007

[edit] Previous Commissioners

2006-2007 Stephen Selam
2005-2006 Mona Daniels
2004-2006 Jim LaRoche
2002-2004 Ross Braine