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I am aware that this article needs sourcing. I'm working on it. Hipocrite 16:04, 24 August 2005 (UTC)

I have not forgotten this project, and I am currently trying to find old alt.romath archives from the participants in the newsgroup. My own personal archive is on my ancient computer, and is being shipped to me now. Hipocrite 14:44, 28 August 2005 (UTC)


[edit] Archives

I now have the archives I was previously discussing. I believe I can de-stub the article by including the major actions the Romathians undertook, and the notable romathians. I will make progress this weekend. Hipocrite - «Talk» 13:21, 27 September 2005 (UTC)

While I appreciate your adding the porn and spam notation, it would be even more appeciated if you REMOVED MY REAL NAME. This is NOT an unreasonable request.

I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen. Your real name is a matter of repeated public record. This is not the first time it has been listed on the internet - prior times it was done by you. Hipocrite - «Talk» 12:38, 18 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Thr TRUTH about ALT.ROMATH

It was created in 1997, courtesy of my ISP, when approached regarding the possibility of having a group specially created in order to investigate posters of spam and pornographic trash. Because my online handle is ROMATH, the ISP who created it simply called it 'alt.romath'. Immediately, some individuals accused me of 'creating a vanity group'. The newsgroup served a good purpose, and WAS put to good use investigation useless spam and sex sleaze, resulting in many complaints being registered by numerous posters who were just as fed up with spam and porno filth as I was. The newsgroup certainly served its purpose well, and did indeed help to clear certain newsgroups up 'one BYTE at a time' as I used to post...... However, after a couple of years, the need for the newsgroup AS an investigative tool was no longer necessary, since I got specialized programs which I used to investigate such posts- therefore, I stopped using alt.romath for investigative purposes.

It has, however, continued to be used for casual talk, and I also intend to keep on using it as time permits.

The individuals calling themselves 'romathians' were merely trolls who were trying in vain to chase me off the newsgroup. When their refforts failed, they eventually washed out.

Romath Rihannsu name: (Tach'Ara Ch'Lan Romath)

Hi. I looked through the last two months of posts on the newsgroup on google news, and it certainly appears to have fallen into disuse. Your retirement from usenet post was all the rage. I'll dig it up for you shortly. Hipocrite - «Talk» 17:53, 17 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] The Joke is Actually on Wikipedia!

All this time wickedpedia thought it could do me harm by keeping the alt.romath page in, and forcing my name on it without my permission. well, kiddies, some good friends and I discussed this at great length last evening, and we all unanimously came to the conclusion that not only have you made me a Usenet Pioneer of sorts but also somewhat a hero. So go ahead and leave the alt.romath page in! But you should change the silly line 'fell into disuse' to 'fell into TEMPORARY disuse'. But if you don't no matter- I will make the needed correctoins concerning ALT.ROMATH in my own web site. Have a nice day. He who laughs last laughs best :+D Romath

I'm glad that you're happy. If it returns to use, I'd happily change the statement. Hipocrite - «Talk» 20:29, 19 October 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Why has Hipocrite left all of a sudden?

Since he has, I might as well make the necessary corrections myself then, huh ?

The other group, '' IS in disuse, and I don't even know who created it.

But ALT.ROMATH is in use.

So - does someone else wish to correct the article, or will I ?

[edit] Removing content

I'm informed "I am not to edit" MY OWN discussion page????? Bull. This is my page, and will be edited as I see fit.

This is utterly ridiculous, trying to tell a person what htey can and cannot do on their OWN PAGE.

Aw, gee!!! Pity.


Nevertheless, are you insane? There is mpore than just me posting to alt.romath, if you would care to LOOK instead of merely blindly assuming, and making a total ASS of yourself. Is this war going to start all over again?

LEave MY entries alone, and I'll leave yours alone. Agreed?

You do not own this page just because it happens to be about you. Although, I've checked Google Groups and, while you seem to comprise the majority of posts, there are others. So you're right on that issue. ~~ N (t/c) 15:58, 27 October 2005 (UTC)

Yes, I know. And despite your attmepts to claim I'm being a 'ham actor' on alt.romath, think again. Many posters there are just as repetitive as I am, and we're enjoying ourselves there.

Is anyone doing any harm? No.