Altocumulus cloud

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Altocumulus cloud
Altocumulus cloud formation
Altocumulus cloud formation
Altitude 2400-6100 m (8,000-20,000 ft)
Precipitation Cloud? No
Abbreviation Ac

An Altocumulus is a cloud belonging to a class characterized by globular masses or rolls in layers or patches, the individual elements being larger and darker than those of cirrocumulus and smaller than those of stratocumulus. These clouds are of medium altitude, about 8000-20,000 ft (2400-6100 m). A middle cloud, usually white or gray, often occurs in layers or patches with wavy, rounded masses or rolls. Altocumulus often are seen preceding a cold front, and their presence on a warm, humid, summer morning frequently signals the development of thunderstorms later in the day.

One form of altocumulus, altocumulus lenticularis, or mountain wave, is frequently reported as "UFOs".

Altocumulus lenticularis often forms in the lee of mountains.
Altocumulus lenticularis often forms in the lee of mountains.

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High Clouds (Family A): Cirrus (Ci) • Cirrus uncinus • Cirrus Kelvin-Helmholtz colombia • Cirrostratus (Cs) • Cirrocumulus (Cc) • Pileus • Contrail
Middle Clouds (Family B): Altostratus (As) • Altostratus undulatus • Altocumulus (Ac) • Altocumulus undulatus • Altocumulus mackerel sky • Altocumulus castellanus cloud • Altocumulus lenticularis
Low Clouds (Family C): Stratus (St) • Nimbostratus (Ns) • Cumulus humilis (Cu) • Cumulus mediocris (Cu) • Stratocumulus (Sc)
Vertical Clouds (Family D): Cumulonimbus (Cb) • Cumulonimbus incus • Cumulonimbus calvus • Cumulonimbus with mammatus • Cumulus congestus • Pyrocumulus  • Pyrocumulonimbus