Alsatian language

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A bilingual (French and Alsatian) sign in Alsace.
A bilingual (French and Alsatian) sign in Alsace.

Alsatian (Alsatian: Elsässerditsch, French Alsacien, German Elsässisch) is a Low Alemannic German dialect spoken in Alsace, a region in eastern France which has passed between French and German control many times.

Not readily intelligible to speakers of standard German, it is closely related to other nearby Alemannic dialects, such as Swiss German, Swabian, and Badisch with French influences. It is often confused with Lorraine Franconian, a more distantly related Franconian dialect spoken in northern Alsace and in neighboring Lorraine.

Many speakers write in standard German, although street names (formerly only in French, now bilingual in some places, especially Strasbourg) may use local spellings.


[edit] Comparative vocabulary list

English Alsatian Standard German Standard French Swabian (German dialect)
Earth harz Erde terre erd
heaven hemmel Himmel ciel hemml
water wàsser Wasser eau wasser
fire fihr Feuer feu feier
man mànn Mann homme
woman frài Frau femme frau
eat assa essen manger essa
drink trenka trinken boire trenka
big groos groß grand, grande graus
little klai klein petit, petite kloi
night nàcht Nacht nuit nàcht
day däi Tag jour dàg

[edit] Status of Alsatian in France

The constitution of the Fifth Republic states that French alone is the official language of the Republic. However Alsatian, along with other regional languages, are recognized by the French government in the official list of languages of France. A 1999 INSEE survey counted 548,000 adult speakers of Alsatian in France, making it the second most-spoken regional language in France (after Occitan). Like all regional languages in France, however, the transmission of Alsatian is on the decline. While 39% of the adult population of Alsace speaks Alsatian, only one in four children speaks it, and only one in ten children uses it regularly.

[edit] References

  • [1] François Héran, et al. (2002) "La dynamique des langues en France au fil du XXe siècle". Population et sociétés 376, Ined.
  • [2] "L'alsacien, deuxième langue régionale de France" Insee, Chiffres pour l'Alsace no. 12, December 2002

[edit] Resources

In French:

  • Brunner, Jean-Jacques. L'alsacien sans peine. ASSiMiL, 2001. ISBN 2-7005-0222-1
  • Laugel-Erny, Elsa. Cours d'alsacien. Les Editions du Quai. ISBN 2-90-354807-0
  • Matzen, Raymond, and Léon Daul. Wie Geht's ? Le dialecte à la portée de tous La Nuée Bleue, 1999. ISBN 2-7165-0464-4
  • Matzen, Raymond, and Léon Daul. Wie Steht's ? Lexiques alsacien et français, Variantes dialectales, Grammaire La Nuée Bleue, 2000. ISBN 2-7165-0525-X

[edit] External links

Alsatian language edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia