Alqama ibn Qays

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1st millennium AH
2nd millennium AH
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Alqama ibn Qays al-Nakha'i (d. 62 AH (681682 CE)[1]) was a well-known scholar from among the taba'een and pupil of Abd-Allah ibn Mas'ud, who called him the most erudite of his disciples. He also related traditions from Ali ibn Abi Talib, Sa`d ibn Abi Wagga and Uthman.[2]

Alqama is the founder of the School of Kufa in Islamic religious sciences. He followed in the footsteps of Ibn Mas‘ud in praying and conduct, in practising Islam as a whole. Amr ibn Shurahbil, who was among the scholars who narrated ahadith from Alqama, frequently suggested to those near him: ‘Come and let us go to the one who resembles Ibn Mas‘ud the most in conduct and attitudes.’[3]

Imam Abu Hanifa, who is generally accepted as one of the greatest of Muslim jurists, admired Alqama so much that he used to comment: ‘Alqama is probably more profound in (knowledge) of hadith and fiqh than some Companions.’

[edit] Notes

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  1. ^
  2. ^ Tarikh Baghdad, xII. 296; Abu Nu`aym, II. 98-102; GAS, 1. 398
  3. ^ I. Sa’d, 6.86; Abu Nu‘aym, 2.98

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