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Hello, all...
This is my lonely little user page. I think I'll fill it up with programs for the TI 83+ SE...
Notes: I use a ## for the "not equal to" symbol. I use CURT(X) for the cube root of X. I use SQRT(X) for the square root of X. Some of these programs refer to a "prgmALLPREFD". This is just a program that sets the calculator to my prefered settings. Don't worry about it.
Contents |
[edit] The Unit Conversion Programs
Author: Lucas Brown of Poway, California.
[edit] The Cubic Formula
Author: Lucas Brown of Poway, California.
PROGRAM:CUBEFORM :ClrHome :Disp "AX^3+BX^2+CX+D=0" :Prompt A :Prompt B :Prompt C :Prompt D :D/A==>D :C/A==>C :B/A==>B :1==>A :(BC/6-B^3/27-D/2)==>E :(CURT(E+SQRT(E^2+(C/3-B^2/9)^3))+CURT(E-SQRT(E^2+(C/3-B^2/81)^3))-B/3)==>F :ClrHome :Disp "ONE SOLUTION IS:",F
[edit] FACTOR
Author: Lucas Brown of Poway, California.
PROGRAM:FACTOR :ClrHome :Input A :If A>10^11:Disp "ERR: NUMBER TO O":Disp "LARGE.RTRNS WILL":Disp "BE ERRONEOUS.":Stop :Disp A :DelVar B :Lbl C :B+1==>B :If B>SQRT(A) :Then :0==>B :Disp "THAT'S ALL":Stop :End :If (A/B)=int(A/B) :Then :Disp "":Disp B,(A/B):Pause:Goto C :Else :Goto C :End
[edit] PRIMEFAC, the prime factorization program
[edit] PRIMEIDR, the test for a prime
Author: Lucas Brown of Poway, California.
:ClrHome :Input A :ClrHome :Disp A :1==>B :Lbl C :B+1==>B :If B>SQRT(A) :Then :1==>B :Disp "PRIME!':Stop :End :If (A/B)=int(A/B) :Then :1==>B :Disp "COMPOSITE.":Stop :Else :Goto C :End
[edit] The Quadratic formula
Author: Lucas Brown of Poway, California.
[edit] A version of the game "Snake"
Author: Lucas Brown of Poway, California.
You are the head of the snake. Eat the dot that appears somewhere onscreen. Avoid yourself, the score, and the walls.
PROGRAM:SNAKE :Full :RectGC :CoordOff :GridOff :AxesOff :LabelOff :ExprOff :ZDecimal :ClrDraw :Line(-4.7,3.1,4.7,3.1) :Line(4.7,3.1,4.7,-3.1) :Line(4.7,-3.1,-4.7,-3.1) :Line(-4.7,-3.1,-4.7,3.1) :26==>L :0==>S :5==>X :5==>Y :Lbl SE :randInt(5,55)==>A :randInt(5,90)==>B :If pxl-Test(A,B)=1:Goto SE :Pxl-On(A,B) :Lbl ST :Pxl-On(X,Y) :S+1==>S :0==>K :getKey==>K :If K##0:K==>L :If L=24:Y-1==>Y :If L=25:X-1==>X :If L=26:Y+1==>Y :If L=34:X+1==>X :Text(55,2,S) :If X=A and Y=B :Then :S+int(100*(S^(1/3)))==>S :Goto SE :End :If pxl-Test(X,Y)=1:Goto ED :Goto ST :Lbl ED :Disp "GAME OVER",S :Pause :prgmALLPREFD
[edit] A maze game
Author: Lucas Brown of Poway, California.
You are the blinking dot. Control with arrow keys. Avoid the walls. Avoid the score. Get to the top or the left walls.
PROGRAM:MAZE :Full :RectGC :CoordOff :GridOff :AxesOff :LabelOff :ExprOff :ZDecimal :ClrDraw :Line(-4.7,3.1,4.7,3.1) :Line(4.7,3.1,4.7,-3.1) :Line(4.7,-3.1,-4.7,-3.1) :Line(-4.7,-3.1,-4.7,3.1) :0==>S :31==>x :47==>Y :Lbl SE :S+1==>S :randInt(11,53)==>A :randInt(11,85)==>B :If A=X or B=Y:Goto SE :randInt(0,1)==>C :If C=0 :Then :Pxl-On(A-5,B):Pxl-On(A-4,B):Pxl-On(A-3,B):Pxl-On(A-2,B):Pxl-On(A-1,B):Pxl-On(A,B) :Pxl-On(A+1,B):Pxl-On(A+2,B):Pxl-On(A+3,B):Pxl-On(A+4,B):Pxl-On(A+5,B) :End :If C=1 :Then :Pxl-On(A,B-5):Pxl-On(A,B-4):Pxl-On(A,B-3):Pxl-On(A,B-2):Pxl-On(A,B-1):Pxl-On(A,B) :Pxl-On(A,B+1):Pxl-On(A,B+2):Pxl-On(A,B+3):Pxl-On(A,B+4):Pxl-On(A,B+5) :End :If S=100 :Then :0==>s :Goto ST :End :Goto SE :0==>T :Lbl ST :Pxl-On(X,Y) :S+1==>S :Repeat K :T+1==>T :If T<35:Pxl-On(X,Y) :If T>34:Pxl-Off(X,Y) :If T=40:0==>T :getKey==>K :End :K==>L:Pxl-Off(X,Y) :If L=24:Y-1==>Y :If L=25:X-1==>X :If L=26:Y+1==>Y :If L=34:X+1==>X :Text(55,2,S) :If X=(0 or 61) or Y=(0 or 93):Goto EE :If pxl-Test(X,Y)=1:Goto ED :Goto ST :Lbl ED :Disp "GAME OVER",S :Pause :prgmALLPREFD :Lbl EE :Disp "YOU WON!",S :Pause :prgmALLPREFD