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The Alombrados began activities on July 17th of 2004 to continue the mystical practices and scientific exploration of the Alumbrados in light of Thelema and the practices of the OTO. Its name was qabalistically adapted from the original. "Alombrados" was chosen for its practical connection with Miguel Molinos, a saint of the EGC, and Ignatius of Loyola, a strong presence in Catholic New Orleans, both of whom were rumored Alumbrados for their mystical theses.

Since its inception the Alombrados has gained a wide reputation in the OTO from its initiations, performance of the Gnostic Mass, and rapidly increasing local and international reputation. It originally applied for a Camp Charter during NOTOCON of 2005, but due to Hurricane Katrina had to suspend activities. The Alombrados resumed work by helping rebuild New Orleans in the Bywater in community relations and coordination and was given considerable aid largely by the United States OTO and Swedish OTO.

The Alombrados received an active camp charter with the OTO on April 16 of 2006. With increasing membership, community activities, networking in Europe and Central America, the Alombrados has become a considerably active camp.

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