Alliance of Lordaeron

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In the fictional Warcraft universe, the Alliance of Lordaeron was the union of the seven human nations, together with the Dwarves of Ironforge, the Gnomes of Gnomeregan, and the High Elves of Silvermoon.

Following the destruction of Stormwind by the Horde, its survivors fled to Lordaeron. Realizing the threat the Orcs posed, Lord Regent Anduin Lothar was able to convince the leaders of the other human nations, as well as the dwarves and gnomes, to join against the orcs. The high elves joined reluctantly, being honour-bound to come to the aid of Lothar, the last descendent of the Arathi bloodline. Later in the war, the Wildhammer dwarves of Aerie Peak joined the conflict on the side of the Alliance.

The Alliance of Lordaeron was led by King Terenas Menethil II, who accepted ambassadors from all member nations and races races in his capital. While Terenas controlled the armies of the Alliance, each nation and race retained a great deal of autonomy and self-government in internal affairs. This union led the Alliance to victory in the Second War, but was shattered during the Third War.

The Alliance of Loradaeron was the precursor to the modern Alliance between Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus, and the Gnomeregan Exiles. The new Alliance is still trying to regain its former glory, but external pressures and internal politics have fractured it.

[edit] Members