Alison Green

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Alison Green is a former campaign coordinator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and current Chief of Staff at the Marijuana Policy Project.

During her time at PETA (1995-2001), Green made headlines for stunts such as throwing a pie at fashion designer Oscar de la Renta for his use of animal fur in his clothing line and, a year later, tossing another pie at Procter & Gamble CEO John Pepper, in protest of the company's animal testing. [1] Soon after Pepper was pied, the company put a moratorium on animal testing in place. [2]

Green also penned numerous op-eds for PETA, including some defending the organization's high-profile and controversial campaigns targeting McDonalds and other corporations. [3] Green made headway bringing the animal-rights message into the conservative world, taking PETA's message to such conservative bastions as the College Republicans Convention and the pages of conservative newspapers, arguing that "there's nothing partisan about compassion for animals." [4]

[edit] References

  • "Oscar de la Renta Gets Pie in the Face Over Fur Designs," PETA news release, November 11, 1997
  • "Pepper won't press charges over pie," Randy Tucker, Cincinnati Enquirer, February 19, 1999
  • "PETA Pie-Tossers Get Their Just 'Desserts,'" PETA news release, June 8, 1999
  • "McDonald's Talks To Kids; Why Not PETA?" Alison Green, Miami Herald, July 5, 2000
  • "An Animal Rights Activist Speaks Out for Conservatism," Keep and Bear Arms, 2000