Alfred DelBello

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Alfred DelBello is a former Lieutenant Governor of New York. He served as lieutenant governor from January 1983 to February 1985 during the administration of former Gov. Mario Cuomo.

Del Bello served as the Mayor of Yonkers and Westchester County Executive prior to being elected lieutenant governor in 1982. He ran for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor as the running mate of then New York City Mayor Ed Koch. Koch endorsed him as a running mate believing he would help Koch with suburban voters. Del Bello faced Ambassador Carl McCall, the running mate of then Lt. Gov. Mario Cuomo, in the Democratic primary.

Del Bello won his primary and Cuomo defeated Koch for the governor's nomination. The Cuomo/Del Bello ticket then won the 1982 general election. Del Bello had little interaction with Cuomo during his time in office. He focused on his role as President of the State Senate during his time as lieutenant governor, along with projects of his initiation and Cuomo's assignment. These projects included emergency management, local government and economic development.

Del Bello resigned from the lieutenant governorship in 1985 saying that he was bored and that Cuomo did not give him enough to do. He went into private business after leaving state government. In 1994 he unsuccessfully sought a State Senate seat from Westchester.

Preceded by:
Mario Cuomo
Lieutenant Governor of New York
1983 – 1985
Succeeded by:
Warren M. Anderson Acting