Talk:Alberta Senate nominee election, 2004

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How did the voting work? Could someone put up an explanation of how the voting worked? That is, since 4 nominees were chosen from a list of 10 candidates, did each voter get to choose 4 of the candidates on the ballot, did they rank the candidates, or did they just select 1 candidate? -- DB

Option of up to 4 votes, no ranking.

This (up to four options, no ranking) is correct. Interestingly, it means the percentage of ballots that were spoiled, declined and rejected (about 25%) is higher then the percentage of votes for the first place finisher (Bert Brown, about 15.6%). This isn't obvious until you realize that elected-senate-supporters could get four votes, but opponents could only decline their ballots once. Quixote317 05:27, 3 December 2006 (UTC)