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County Pest
Area 461,65 km²
  • 11547
Postal code 2730
Area code 53

Albertirsa is a town in the middle of the Great Hungarian Plain. Although it has got its town status in 2003, still has its village-scent that is so common for most of the inhabitations in the region.


[edit] History

Initially Albertirsa was two separate inhabitations: Alberti and Irsa, having joined in 1950.

  • 1277: King Ladislaus IV mentions the name of Alberti tenure in one of his charters
  • 1368: The chapter of Buda mentiones Irsa as an inhabitation
  • 1597: Both villages got emptied after the 1241 Mongol invasion and the Ottoman conquest in the 16th century
  • September 29, 1711: Local landlord András Váracskay brings settlers to populate the grassland of alberti-irsa. 24 chariots of Slovak settlers arrive to Alberti
  • 1714: Royal endowment letter grants the ownership of Alberti to Márton Szeleczky
  • 1719: András Irsay has one third of Irsa of Pest shire
  • 1731: Beginning of mandatory lecturing for commons in local landlord funded school
  • 1784: Descendants of Márton Szeleczky attain the rights for Alberti to hold markets. This right also grants the mezőváros (approx. agricultural city) title.
  • September 1, 1847: First train arrives
  • 1848: Hundreds joining to the 1848 Revolution after the recruitment speech of Kossuth at Cegléd
  • 1924: Civil School of Irsa founded
  • September 6, 1950: The two villages are joined under the name of Albertirsa by an ordinance of the Ministry for Home Affairs
  • 1996: Inauguration of the new flag and symbol during the millennium festival
  • July 1, 2003: City status granted to Albertirsa, which has 11547 inhabitants this time

[edit] Twin-cities

[edit] Widely-known people born in

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 47°15′N 19°37′E

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