Al Marj

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Al-Marj (Arabic: the meadows) Administrative Division of al-Fâtîh (Arabic: الفاتح ), Latitude 32.50°N Longitude 20.83°E. Formerly Barce , or Barca, northeastern Libya, on Al-Marj plain at the western edge of the Akhdar Mountains, near the Mediterranean coast. Currently, it has an estimated population of 120,000. Site of the 6th century BCE Greek colony of Barce, it was taken by the Arabs in about 642 CE. The present town grew around a Turkish fort built in 1842 and now restored. The Italians developed the town (1913–41) as an administrative and market centre and hill resort until it was destroyed by an earthquake in 1963. There are a couple of banks on the main street and the main post office is in the centre of town, not far from the big mosque. The only place to stay is the Funduq al-Marj, where double rooms cost 15LD.

Coordinates: 32°30′N 20°50′E