Al Hoceima

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Al Hoceima
Al Hoceima

Al Hoceima (called by many locals Biya) is a Moroccan port and town on the Mediterranean Sea, and it is one of the main cities in the Rif. It is the capital of the Taza-Al Hoceima-Taounate region.

Al Hoceima is placed near Ajdir, the city that Abd al-Karim Al-Khattabi was born. It is situated in the territory of the Bucoya tribe of the Rif who speak Tamazight.

The Spanish started to develop Al Hoceima from 1925, then known as Villa Sanjurjo, named after the general that landed there during the Rif Rebellion that was led by Abd al-Karim Al-Khattabi against Spanish and French colonial rule in North Africa.

The town and surrounding villages were hit by 2 moderate sized earthquakes consequently within ten years, first Mw 6.0 on May 26, 1994 and later Mw 6.4 on February 24, 2004. More than 560 people were killed during the last one.

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Coordinates: 35°15′N 3°56′W