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Akitu is the Assyrian New Year. It begins on the vernal equinox and is known as Kha B'Nissan (First of Spring) in the Assyrian Aramaic language. It is still celebrated by Assyrians around the world. Parties, parades and many other ceremonies are held in honor of it.
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[edit] Akitu events
[edit] 1st to 3rd Day
Purifying souls: The priest of Easagila (Mardukh’s house) would recite sad prayers with the other priests and the people would answer with equally sad prayers which expressed humanity's fear of the unknown, that's why the high priest would head every day to the Eesagila asking for Mardukh's forgiveness, begging him to protect Babylon, his holy city. This prayer was called the "The Secret Of Easagila".
[edit] 4th Day
The same rituals would be followed as in the previous three days then at night the Epic of Creation "Enuma Elish" (when in the highest) would be recited, telling the story of how the universe and the four seasons were created, then how all gods united in god Mardukh following his victory over Tiamat the dragon. The recitation of this Epic was considered the beginning of preparations for the submission of the king of Babylon before Mardukh on the fifth day of Akitu.
[edit] 5th Day
The submission of the king of Babylon before Mardukh. The king would enter to the Easagila accompanied by the priests, they would approach all together the altar where the high priest of the Eesagila impersonates Mardukh then he approaches the king, begins to strip him of his jewelry, scepter and even his crown then he would slap him hard while the latter would kneel and begins to pray asking for Mardukh's forgiveness and submitting to him saying: "I have not sinned O Lord of the universe, and I haven't neglected your heavenly might at all"... Then the priest in the role of Mardukh says: "Don't be afraid of what Mardukh has to say, for he will hear your prayers, extends your power, and increases the greatness of your reign". After this the king would stand up and the priest would give him back his jewelry, scepter and crown then slaps him hard again hoping for the king to shed tears, because that would express more the submission to Mardukh and respect to his power. When the priest returns the crown to the king that means his power was renewed by Mardukh, thus April would be considered not only the revival of nature and life but also to the State as well. Thus, these ceremonies would make the greatest and most feared personalities of that time (kings of Babylon and Nineveh) submit to the greatest god , and live a humbling moment with all the population, sharing prayers to prove their faith before the might of God. Following his presence in his earthly home Babylon and renewing its king's power, god Mardukh stays in the "nether world mountain" (a tower composed of seven floors, known in the Torah as the Tower of Babylon) where was Mardukh's dwelling or the Easagila (in the Torah God would dwell on a "mountain" Psalms 74:2). During this day according to the tradition of Akitu, Mardukh would enter his dwelling and is surprised by the evil gods who will fight him, then he's taken prisoner and awaits for arrival of his son god Nabu who would save him from "Nought" and restores his glory.
[edit] 6th Day
The arrival of god Nabu in boats accompanied by his assistants of brave gods coming from Nippur, Uruk , Kish and Eridu (cities in the south of today's Iraq). [The gods accompanying Nabu would be represented by statues which would be mounted on boats made especially for the occasion]. Here the people in huge numbers would begin their walk behind their king towards the Easagila where Mardukh is held prisoner, chanting the following :"Here's he who's coming from far to restore the glory of our imprisoned father".
[edit] 7th Day
On the third day of his imprisonment Nabu frees Mardukh. The evil gods had closed a huge gate behind him when he entered his dwelling. Mardukh would be fighting till Nabu's arrival ,when he would break in the huge gate and a battle would go on between the two groups, until Nabu comes out victorious and frees Mardukh.
[edit] 8th Day
When Mardukh is set free, the statues of the gods are gathered in the Destinies Hall "Upshou Ukkina", to deliberate his destiny, there it is decided to join all the forces of the gods and bestow them upon Mardukh. Here, the king implores all the gods to support and honour Mardukh, and this tradition was an indication that Mardukh received submission from all the gods and was unique in his position.
[edit] 9th Day
The victory procession to the "House of Akitu" where Mardukh's victory in the beginning of Creation over the dragon Tiamat (goddess of the nether waters) is celebrated. The House of Akitu which the Assyrians of Nineveh called "Bet Ekribi" (“House of Prayers” in old Assyrian language), was about 200 meters outside the city's walls, where there were wonderful trees decorated and watered carefully out of respect to the god who's considered the one to grant nature its life. The victory procession was the population's way to express its joy at Mardukh's (Ashur) renewal of power and the destruction of evil forces which almost controlled life in the beginning.
[edit] 10th Day
Arriving at "Bet Akitu", god Mardukh begins to celebrate with both the upper and nether world gods (the statues of gods were arranged around a huge table such as in a feast) then Mardukh returns to the city at night celebrating his marriage to goddess "Ishtar" where earth and heaven are united, and as the gods unite so is this union arranged on earth. Thus the king personifies this union by playing the role of marrying the highest priestess of the Eesagila where they would both sit at the throne before the population and they recite special poems for the occasion. This love is going to bring forth life in spring.
[edit] 11th Day
The gods return accompanied by their Lord Mardukh (Ashur) to meet again in the Destinies Hall "Upshu Ukkina", where they met for the first time on the eight day, this time they will decide the fate of the people of Mardukh (Ashur). In ancient Assyrian philosophy Creation in general was considered as a covenant between heaven and earth as long as a human serves the gods till his death, therefore, gods' happiness isn't complete except if humans are happy as well, thus a human's destiny will be to be given happiness on the condition that he serves the gods. So Mardukh and the gods renew their covenant with Babylon then he returns to his upper house (Heaven).
[edit] 12th Day
The last day of Akitu. The gods return to Mardukh's temple (the statues are returned to the temple) and daily life resumes in Babylon, Nineveh, and the rest of the Assyrian cities.