Aith Uriaghel

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Aith Uriaghel (also called Aith Waryaghar in Tarifit; other variants include Aîth Waryaguil, Ait Ouriaghel and Ait ouriaghel is an Amazigh tribe of the region of Rif, in the North coast of Morocco.

The Ait Ouriaghel was one of the main groups which participated in the Rif wars (see Republic of the Rif) against the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco at the beginning of 20th century. The Spanish authorities considered it the nucleus of insumisión to the colonial authority in the Eastern zone of this protectorate (see Disaster of Annual).

The leadership of the Aith Uriaghel was in the family of EL KHATTABI and in the person of Mohammed Abd el-Krim. Its center was the village of Ajdir, located 7km from from Al Hoceima.

[edit] Bibliography

  • D.M. Hart: The Ayt Waryaghel of the Moroccan Rif. A History and an ethnography. Tucson University, 1975

[edit] References

Much of the content of this article comes from the equivalent Spanish-language wikipedia article, accessed May 21 2006.