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Airplants are plants (from the bromeliad family) that do not need soil and do not require a lot of water. They are easy houseplants and the risk of making a mess with them is low. They make attractive decorations and are movable. If cared for well they will grow, form plantlets, flower and even seed!
If you want to collect airplant seeds, wait until the flower dies and then dry it. When it is dry, smash the dry plant with your fingers and plant the result in shallow water. Once it starts growing remove the water and add it to where you want it!
If you see mini airplants growing around your existing plants, these are plantlets. Remove these, because they will compete with the existing plants. Once you remove them, plant them in another place, preferably aquarium bogwood.
There is another thing called the air fern. This is not a plant, it is the dead skeleton of a sea creature. It has been dyed green.
Wild airplants grow on the tops of trees, because they can easily get light and water there. Despite this, they are not parasites of trees and do not harm them. Recently other epiphytes, such as orchids, have been called airplants.