Ai Xuan
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Ai Xuan (艾軒, 1947 - ) is a Chinese painter born on November 11, 1947 in Zhejiang Jinhua.
In 1967 he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts School. Since 1980, Xuan has had six of his paintings featured in the national exhibition. He has also won several awareds including: in 1981, a second-class second National Youth Arts Award for his oil painting "wholesale"; a Sichuan outstanding works Prize; and, in 1986, a second Asian art award for his oil painting "snow" .
In 1987, Xuan spent a year in the United States, visiting academics at OCU University. While in there he was able to meeting with several famous artists, and hosted his own personal exhibition. Xuan also travelled to Great Britain to participate in the auction organised by to raise funds for renovation of the Great Wall of China.
Xuan is currently based in Beijing and is a member of the China Artists Association.